Will it Work ?

Started by bruh.... : /, September 29, 2019, 01:34:11 PM

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bruh.... : /

Will this setup work?   ???

bruh.... : /

I think charging the battery will be a problem cause the first 3 cells are connected in series and the last cell is connected parallelly so it will register as a 4s 8600mah battery but the cells will be :

so while charging the cells will be unbalanced .....  :/
Will they be unbalanced ? or is it Okk to have different capacity cells in the same pack ??
any help is welcomed ....

Balakrishna Reddy

First your calculations are incorrect.
When you connect batteries in series mah doesn't add up but voltage will add up.
When batteries are connected in parallel mah/capacity will add up.
5200mah 3S battery means it is made of 3 of 5200mah cells connected in series.
If you want to make a single cell of 5200mah you csn connect 3 1733mah in parallel or 2 of 2600mah in parallel.

I highly recommend you to watch tutorials on them but not to repair any damage batteries.

bruh.... : /

thanks for the reply .... I have realy tried to recover the cell...i had recovered it twice to 4.2v but it discharges too fast compared to the other cells. After that, it worked well for a flight but now its back to 3.8v and its not charging. I have tried it using NiCD cell charging , as normally charging to the lipo balance charging. And the charging the cell as 1s lipo charging. :/


In principle, there is no problem, but this is equivalent to connecting four batteries into a 1700mah 4s lipo  battery, and then paralleling with the 1700mah 1s battery. In this case, the overall voltage of the battery will less than 3v.
In addition, it is very important that different cells should not be connected  to use together. There will be some voltage difference between them. If use together, it will reduce the life of some batteries.