Converting a low cost chinese r/c car into an r/c plane

Started by ankur, September 07, 2009, 09:34:16 PM

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1) Can a low cost chinese r/c car converted into an r/c plane?

2) Well,i have a car from which i have extracted its rx type of system with inbuilt esc
also a simple 2ch tx
from the rx system there are many wires:-two for each-ch 1[throttle],ch.2[steer in the car-rudder in plane],led[very thin wires] and power input

Well i plan to put a brushed motor for a plane in ch 1 and 1 servo in ch 2

Will this wrk?

Please ans the ABOVE TWO questions and please give ur ideas also

Thanks in advance,
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


Can you post some pictures ?

One possibility (hard to say without more information) is to take all electronics out of the car, including motor, and try to build a plane that controls the ascent/descent using motor power, and use the second channel for steering using rudder.  A scratch built light weight foamie might do it, but you are still faced with issues like finding/fitting a prop on the motor, can the servo used for turning the car be used in the rudder etc.

The biggest challenge is coming up with an airfoil that can pretty much float (since you have no elevator).

All told, it might just be easier to buy one of the Rs500 planes posted earlier here !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
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i have 4 pic-2 of rx and 2 of tx-but they are very large in size
how to post them?
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


ok i resized using my inbuit resizer powertoy from autopatcher
anyways,here are the pics

well for the 1st 1,the [y and w]wires anr ch 1,the central[r and b]are ch.2,the right[r and w]are power and the yellow one on bottom right is the antenna

same for 2nd

3rd and 4th are tx with antenna collapsed and open
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


another question

can we make a tx and/or rx by our selves
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


You need to start searching the forum  ;)  There is at least one attempt for create a scratch built transmitter posted here.  Use the Search option from the main menu on top.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


I don't see how you can use standard RC components with this. For example, standard servos need 3 wires, and your reciever only has 2 per channel ?  That is why I suggested, try using the entire electronics of the car.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.



Great to see such enthu... reminds me of days not so long ago, when I used to have dreams of making my own TX and RX system.
Well, as to your problem...

1. The range of the system that you are using will not be much... may be used on an indoor flier
2. This is what is known as bang-bang control. The controls move either to one end or to the other. If the response of the 'servo' is slow you may be able to get it anywhere in between, provided the load does not push it back. This is acceptable in the case of the steering because you need self correction tendencies of the wheel. But to hold it steady in any in-between position will be pure luck. i.e. The actuations are not proportional to the position of the joystick and therefore does not mimic the movee dment of the joystick.
3. The transmitter has 2 switches for each joy stick. One for each extreme end of control
4. You have said that there is only two wires for each actuator. In the case of the servo, there are three wires... two to give it the supply rail and the third (white or yellow), the 'PPM' signal for control of position proportionally. When you reverse position in your Chinese system, the polarity of the wires reverses. It would be much better to discard the idea of using the servo. Instead use the actuating system in the car itself for adjustment of the rudder.
5. Weight... The systems if transported from the car could turn out to be very heavy.
6. The motor that is to provide the thrust will have to be looked up in detail. We wouldnt need reversal here which is not the case for the car. That means of the two switches in the transmitter for forward/reverse movement, you will have to disconnect the reverse switch. It also means that either motor is on at full speed or will not be powered.
7. The prop. which fits the shaft can be decided only after you have worked out other details.

Next question that you asked... Can we make a Tx and Rx by ourselves... By all means if you are a little savy on electronics ... but ofcourse it will not be as cheap as buying one. There are difficulties like frequency restrictions etc. which have to be considered... Also availability of specific components... building your own pcbs, weight of the system... Its a big project by itself ... if you know what I mean.

Hope I have been a little helpful... But keep up the enthu...

Happy Flying



Interesting thought about using the RC car for plane... however, a boat may be a good option. considering the movements are basically in 2 dimensions.
Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


reply to saju-

1)no prob about range- i will fly indoors and improve the range by adding a longer antenna and increasing the power of the batteries-it wrks and already chked
2)let it be-i will control it
3)same as 2
4)now thats a prob
but i thn i will tell something soon if any thoughts come
5)the rx extracted is even lighter than a esc of a plane
6)actually i thnk when flying i willl give bursts of signals if i need low speed or continuous thrust for good speed
7)well i plan to put a brushed motor system from sai and it will be sufficient
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


just leave abt the tx rx part i don't thnk its better than a Chinese or the futaba one just introduced by sai uncle[of ~ rs2800]
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


well is there any pre planned way of building tx/rx[i am tlking of a downloadble plan]
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


any way to convert A SIMPLE MOTOR TO A SERVO
any constructive or destructive one and may involve anything availble commonly
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


well in the car there was at the back ch.1 with a gearbox to accel and in the front a complex system in which the grooved motor was place on a grooved connector connecting to the wheel and used to steer the car with the motion;it is a sort of one side pulling and other side pushing system

this is similar to servo
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


well how can we make a boat out of it????

also i wanted to know about sirboat-how to make it???
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th



Yes a boat is a very good alternative. It requires a forward or reverse operation and a left or right steering. It can also be small and has no great hang-ups with weight. Here, one has to be careful about the leak of water into the boat thru the hole for the propeller shaft, alternatively you have to have an outboard motor arrangement. The only other problem is of course the path the bost will take .... it will be wiggling either left or right all over the tank.... But definitely doable.

Keep up the enthu.... and the good work

Happy Flying



Hey Guys,Here is a boat that I made with the basic low cost RC toy. The same one that ankur is mentioning.Following are the components that I used from the RC truck that I owned.
1) I removed the RX board from the Truck by detaching the wires from the motor end in the toy.
2) I removed the motor from another Toy, and removed the gear attached at the end of the motor shaft, thereby just keeping the bare shaft.
3) Used the same Toy 6V Alkaline battery to power the boat.
4) Transmitter no change.
5) Used a high density thermacole to make the boat. This was the packaging used for the new Electric chimney installed in  kitchen.This boat is completely scratch built and with just some photographs as reference.used sandpaper to shape the boat.
6) Bought a new shaft with stuffing tube and prop from India Hobby- Mumbai. Got it for Rs.200/-
Connected the motor to the shaft with a cut piece of a pen refill. Used this as a joint between the motor shaft and the prop shaft.
Connected the forward backward function of the toy to this motor.
For the rudder I have tried various mechanisms.. But found the one used here very simple and effective. I cut a piece from a expired credit card and glued at right angle on another 6V motor. Connected this motor to the turning function of the Receiver.This motor was mounted at the tail of the boat such that the end of the strip is below the boat hull and behave like a rudder when turned.Used some ear buds to limit the throw of the rudder on either side. Posting photos shortly.

Tested the Boat and moved well.. The rudder needs a little adjustment so as to centre the boat while moving. While I think the alkaline battery is definitly overweight for this boat. Will be changing it to ni-mh pack .
Was fun to make it... Will shortly post video of this.





Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


well thats a good boat-nice work
well i asked some other ques on he previous page-please go through them also
Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th


I Agree with Saju...2 Ch is too little to control a plane. Especially with these Rc toy controls. These are merely 0 or 1 controls. Whereas plane requires more adjustable throws to the controls. This is not possible with the RC toy controls. I think the next step to using these controls is a boat. And you can do a lots with these. you can also make an Airboat with these controls. It is great fun.All you need is some thermacole and a good prop.Let me know if you need help with this.



u need analog control,
these tx rx are digital
i told u abt it if u remember, so u cannot use these
u may find analog controls in a much expensive car but it will exceed the cost of new rx. so no use
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Ankur Singh,
Aged 14-Studing in Class 10th