How to get started off with cars

Started by iamahuman, July 30, 2011, 10:21:01 PM

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Since we have many people come in asking about cars,I thought I'd start a thread with all information someone might need when entering the hobby.

First of all,read through the topics pertaining to cars in the RC India Wiki

After this,you might have some more questions.Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Whenever you want to buy a hobby grade car,you need to be clear on what you want to do. i.e. race,bash,both.

You have to decide whether you want a nitro or electric powered car.There is a thread which discusses the 'nitro vs electric' topic.In short,nitros require a significant amount of maintenance and are decently fast.They have the realism factor which you don't get with electric cars.With electric cars,on a brushless and lipo setup,you almost have instant power on hand.Electrics require comparatively less maintenance than nitros but do not offer the realism that nitros offer.

Once you get this right,the next thing to look at is the budget.We have a variety of cars for people with various budgets.Then again,entering the hobby takes a significant amount of time and money.

Once you have that sorted out,you need to take a look at the types of cars and start deciding on brands.The most important thing is that you have to do some research on what you want to buy.It helps a lot later on.You can ask some people who have the car about their experience with the car.

This is a small guide as to what you should do while buying a car.If I missed out on anything,please add it. :)

Hope this helps a beginner.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I want to buy a new RC Car and i need advises from u all..shall i start with a basic car or shall i directly buy a hpi vorza buggy..??
please advice....


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Ahh...... foresight helped ;D

Well, to answer your question, how much experience do you have with cars? The Vorza is one mean machine. On the 'I want' list of many people(including me). It can be ridiculous for a total noob on 4s itself. Since you're in Mumbai, you'll get some help for sure. I'll tell you that racing an E-buggy is gonna be hard when you see the kinda racers we have in the class. Not saying that you shouldn't or overrating the others. Just that it'll take you some time to get accustomed to a vorza. But if you can get one and think that you can handle one, power to you ;D :thumbsup:

IF you can get two cars, I suggest you go for the slightly lower end one. Gives you more experience. You can get going with a Vorza too. Do keep in mind that it comes with a 27 MHz radio out of the box. If I were you, I'd sell the stocker or just keep it and get a 2.4 GHz radio. You'll need batteries and a decent charger. It takes upto 6s but I suggest you stick to 4s.

If you go ahead and buy a Vorza, I doubt you'll regret it. (If you are patient and learn your car). It is not a totally race-bred vehicle like the Ve8 but a durable car with the genes of a racer.

So in short, if you think you can handle one, go for it ;D. Be patient and take your time to learn stuff about your car. If you do it, you'll love it.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Well i wouldnt jump into an expensive HPI initially. The 1/8s are mean machines. It all comes down to personal preference :)


i know jumping to a big car would cause problems but i won't get money from home to buy a basic car plus a advance car so was thinking why not buy a HPI Vorza directly because i have seen it race in Radico sports arena panvel and its my personal favourite..i would really dedicate my time to learn controlling it..

and i don't know what is the price of vorza in India as i saw on ebay it was less then i heard..would appreciate all your help on this...

and about the batteries i will collect money to buy a good range radio and the batterties.. :)


with all the threads and links i got to know many experiences and thinking of people...
but i prefer a e-buggy as its easy to maintain..and i have seen these cars in RCINC event i have seen them race,bash even seen the racers practising..till now i didnt knew about companies and models but doing some reasearch i got to know many things about it and thanks to u all and the forum..

i wont get that much money to buy two cars so i have to buy one and i have seen vorza,ve8 race and i personally thought vorza was better..but i still dont know the total price of a RTR Vorza in mumbai so u brothers please help me out with it..
and im looking forward to your advices...

thankyou all.... :) ;)


Last time I checked, a Vorza was going for around :Rs: 38,000 minus batteries.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Batteries are important for gaining more torque right...??

and you told that i should replace the radio...what will be the overall cost including updated batteries and 2.4Ghz radio..??


Why dont you take a look at the Nexx8?.. It comes with 2.4 radio and 1700kv motor. The ESC comes with Tunning card. It can take up to 2 2S lipo.. Very well balanced and light weight. It costs about Rs.28500. Battery & charger is not included.. Gandhar has seen in action. ESC comes with 6months replaceable warranty.. Hongnor Jammin  has 100% support in India..

Flight Max 5000 Mah battery is available with me as well..
Official distributor & dealer for Ofna Hong Nor Jammin cars, Vp-PRo Tires, Max Racing Silicone Oils & Alpha Plus Engines in India.
Authorized dealer for FG petrol powered cars - On road & Off road..


Ehh........ "batteries important for torque"....... Kind of but not really. Lipos do provide more punch compared to NiMH's. In short, batteries provide power :P.

Not sure how much the radio and lipo combo will cost you. Ask Siddharth. He should give you a better picture. If the Maxamps lipos he suggests are too expensive, go for the Tritech lipos. I've heard that they're pretty good.

PS: The Nexx8 is a pretty decent car.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


See this Video - Nexx8 vs Hpi Vorza.. Do your research on as well.. Later on if you may want to go for Tekin motor combo for extreme performance..

Official distributor & dealer for Ofna Hong Nor Jammin cars, Vp-PRo Tires, Max Racing Silicone Oils & Alpha Plus Engines in India.
Authorized dealer for FG petrol powered cars - On road & Off road..


ya i know Siddharth bhai i will talk to what about this Nexx8..??
should i buy this one or vorza would be better..??will do the research...



how about hpi Savage..??
even that is excellent machine...
can i handle this MT...???


Buggy will be the best.
Truggy Second
Monster truck is third.. In terms of handling..
Official distributor & dealer for Ofna Hong Nor Jammin cars, Vp-PRo Tires, Max Racing Silicone Oils & Alpha Plus Engines in India.
Authorized dealer for FG petrol powered cars - On road & Off road..


then i will look forward to nexx8 or vorza... :)


Murli, I think SCT's handle better than MT's.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Sorry i missed the Short Course Truck (SCT)-- I felt my Jammin SCRT handled on par with buggy when i drove it for fun.. I have not driven it on track yet, so can't really comment.. Yes, SCT is a way better handler than Monster Truck (MT)..
Official distributor & dealer for Ofna Hong Nor Jammin cars, Vp-PRo Tires, Max Racing Silicone Oils & Alpha Plus Engines in India.
Authorized dealer for FG petrol powered cars - On road & Off road..


i dont know anything about SCT's...

and i watched nexx8 is quite a awesome machine...

can you guys please help me out with batteries..??
i mean any introduction to batteries...


Go for Flightmax 5000mah, Cheap and great for entry level.. Im still using them.. Need to go for the best charger..
Official distributor & dealer for Ofna Hong Nor Jammin cars, Vp-PRo Tires, Max Racing Silicone Oils & Alpha Plus Engines in India.
Authorized dealer for FG petrol powered cars - On road & Off road..


Well, lipos are more powerful compared to NiMH's. They have a few rules. Read all of this      

You won't have many doubts after you read that ;) Read the basics and information pertaining to lithium ploymer ( Lipo, Lipoly) batteries.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


that was exactly what i wanted man...
thanks alot...
i owe u... :)


Anytime man :)

This is what the forum is all about.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


don't we have any thread were we can get to know all about batteries(4s,6s) and all..??

because begginers can find everything else by surfing but info about batteries used in RC Cars is rarely found..

one again thankyou.... :) :)z


Wow.. didnt know people were using this forum to market products.

@parth: Its a myth that e-buggies are only for advanced drivers etc. The only problem i see with them is that they are better suited for tracks. I don't really use any of them for bashing. A MT on the other hand can be used for bashing and also for track use. Monster is the most popular category in India. SCT trucks have a dedicated class for racing. They give you the best of both worlds.

There are multiple brands that offer good products, do your research and pick one.

Go with what you like and what fits in your budget. Come down to the track once it opens to try out the different cars and then take a call.
*Garage is Empty*

Madness begins in March 2012!!!!!!