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Airplanes for sale.....

Started by Ahmad, February 20, 2012, 02:33:57 PM

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Airplanes for sale at a very reasonable price and built by, one of the oldest professional aero-modeler that we know Mr.Ajit Nagar. All keen buyer should contact Mr. Nagar on 9810394747.
1. SIG CAP231 EX ARF with MOKI 180 - Rs. 20000. (All buyers from outside Delhi will have to pay shipping as actual.)


Great Planes Giant BIG STICK with MVVS 35 Gas (Petrol) and with servos. Interested buyers may contact Mr.Nagar at the above mentioned number.
Price Rs.50000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


Chip Hyde`s tunnel Vision ARF with OS 160 (engine brand new), Glow driver and with servos. Interested buyers may contact on the above details.
Price Rs.15000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


Great Planes Dazzler.
Price Rs.5000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


SIG Astro Hog with Magnum FS120 and PERI PUMP and servos. Interested buyers may contact on the above details.
Rs.20000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


MK Arrow OS RF 60 with Hatori tune pipe with servos. Interested buyers may contact on the above details.
Price Rs.30000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


SIG Smith Miniplane with OS 46 AX (new engine) with servos. Interested buyers may contact on the above details.
Price Rs. 14000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


SIG Cobra with OS 25 and servos. Interested buyers may contact on the above details.
Price Rs.10000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


Great Planes RV4 with OS50. Interested buyers may contact on the above details.
Price Rs.10000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.


Quote from: Ahmad on February 21, 2012, 11:23:03 AM
Great Planes Dazzler.
Price Rs.5000. Additional shipping for outside Delhi, as per actual.

is this cost with the servos and engine????if yes pls do tell me which engine is it ??? which fuel??
Ashutosh Jain
ph : +919928877712


No this price is only for the airframe.


Wow nice airplanes... Hope they find good second home.


Few more airplanes to be added.



What happened such beauties being cleared by Nagar sir ? RV$ is with engine & Servos ? if yes for me
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


No its not with the servo. Only the airframe and the engine. Still if you are keen then ill request him for some discount for you.


thanks jamal , yes, please, i'd love that beauty, replacement tanks and the bung and is here, tygon is on the way
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


I spoke to him and he says this is the best price. Also wait till you get the Tygon and then you can send all the items together. How is your CARF building going on?


CARF? waiting for micro balloons, for RV4 10 g is good,
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.



Any electric high winger models in stock?


No electric, but have 1 glow, if you are keen


Have not promoted to glow yet but wats the model?
Pl post pics...Mayb i will go for it!


you fly only electric ? Well this model is from Seagull and the model is Arising star 40.


Price n specs pls....
Yup, have took off with electrics to begin with as they have their own ease- less time to assemble, no harsh landings (with foamies) n easy for a begineer


The price is Rs.5000. And the specs are mentioned below.   
Wingspan    :  160cm............................63in.
Wing area   :
Weight        :  2.3 - 2.7kg..................5 - 6lbs.
Engine        :