good news for rc hobbyists servo ,motor and many more repairing offered

Started by kshitij saa, February 23, 2015, 04:37:21 PM

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kshitij saa

Hello everyone
As per my knowledge from 3 years electronic toys repairing I've been thru lots of servos ,brushed ,brush less motors ,and esc's .
And only an aeromodeller knows the cost  :-\and sweat he has spent on the rc stuffs .
It is a dream of each and every aeromodellor the he takes off and lands well but this doesn't happens with every one
And when crashes happen I'm their
Guys I'll take no time of urs and wanna tell u that do not get in tension :Rs: :banghead: and tell me the problem and surely I'll repair your items
Regds kshitij  :hatsoff:


i have 4 dji phantom motors ( 2 cw and 2 ccw..) problem with motors.. by mistake i screwed long screw without prop guard and winding tears off.. and don't have tool to take stator out of frame...
plz tell me if you can repair..
ill ship motors to you
ph. 9465588887

kshitij saa

Yeah sure Gunnu just call me on 7385568473 or 7040537756 and get the details


Hi Kshitij,
I have a 70 amp ESC of the Mosfet burnt can you replace it.


Shyam Hembram

Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)

kshitij saa

@shyam hembran sir
Lots of thanks to u sir
U just keep your hands on our head and bless us sir :bow: :hatsoff:
One day coz ofvur blessings we will Be the India's largest rc stuff repairer

kshitij saa

Can u show me any pic ????
Send me the pics on Whatsapp 7385568473
Or call me at same number or 7040537756or email me at


Shyam Hembram

i dont think i am much senior to you,so no need to call me sir,am doing btech 3rd,
Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)

kshitij saa

Oh sorry I thought ........
I'm only 17 sir studying in mech . Eng. 1st year

@Romano Disouza
Repairing cost depends upon what defect it has and which parts to replace/repair ....


I too have a 30 amp simonk esc burnt can u repair it already sent image on your whatsapp number


I too have a burnt esc of Turborix brand 60A,will it be repaired,I am able to change mosfet but i can't get number of mosfet.

K.s. pathak.

kshitij saa

Yeah sure kaivalya
Just call me on 7385568473 or Whatsapp the pics on same number


Hi kshitij ,
i have 4 emax & 2 dys  brushless outrunners . all of the motors have the same problems after some crashing the motors had start to stuttering and doesn't rotate. i think some of windings inside are damaged . so pls tell me if you can solve this problem .
Thank you

kshitij saa


Thank you kshitij for your response but i'm unable to contact you , your both contact no. are unreachable . so , please give me another no. to contact you or either can contact me on +917748015155.


Hello sir,
I have four burnt esc's,can you please repair it?. 


Hi kshitij saa
I am Zalman.I have a KK 2.1.5.The M1 port which I used first to configure the KK does not supply power now.This is really what happened :
1   Opened the parcel and took out KK.
2   Browsed in YouTube " How to power up KK 2.1.5 "
3   Saw connecting battery to M1 port and also saw KK LCD powering up.
4   Did same.
5   Smoke came out of M1 port.
6   Later connected all ESC.
7   Connected KK to Rx.
8   Connected Lipo.
9   KK configuration done.
10 Connected Lipo
11 Applied throttle.
12 M1 doesn't spin but it have a tendency to start spinning
13 M2,M3 and M4 spin.
14 Switched ESC's and Motors.
15 No result.
16 Same thing persisting
17 Thought about previous things and remebered smoke coming from M1 port.
18 Bought new KK 2.1.5
19 Started doing from initial setup.
20 Quad now flies good.
Now need to build another small quad with a 450 frame.Instead of buying new FC,I could repair it.So new quad with less investment.I also have a spare set of 4x Brushless Outrunner Motors and ESC's.So there also less investment.Can you please help me.For more details you can mail me or whatsapp or give a missed call at +91-9562568991.Awaiting your reply at the earliest.

gmail :