Pilot ACE 40S in Corro

Started by sanjayrai55, April 12, 2015, 06:35:38 PM

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Built this in Corro

Plans on outerzone.co.uk


Engine used ASP 52


Maidened it today

Lovely flier - very smooth, no bad habits. Haven't tried any aerobatics yet... ;D but looks like it can do a fair bit  ;)

The engine axis, wing and horizontal stab are approximately in one line (Shoulder Winger)

Dr. Abhishek Agrawal

Excellent work sir waiting for video {:)} {:)}
(Sky Surfer V2 , Tiger Trainer MK III nitro , Arising Star nitro, Beetle QuadCopter ,Futaba T6 EX  Tx , Q450 Quadcopter with DJI NAZA M, JR XG 6 Tx , Techone Arrow 3D, Extra 300s 3D, Lil Ripper 3D foamy,  LH X1mini quadcopter, HJT EPO Quadcopter,Funtana 3D,FLYGUY 46" Superman, F-35 Jet, Mig-25 Foxbat Jet,    Frsky TARANIS PLUS TX , FT VERSA WING ,RC Flying Eagle,FT Spear wing, FT GUINEA PIG TWIN MOTOR, DJI Phantom 4 PRO, DJI MAVIC PRO,TBS,  5" Racer Quad, TARANIS Qx7,I )


Query received from a gent via PM

"Sir how many mm coro  u r using for fuse and wings... May I know pls"

Not being familiar with SMS type language I presume he wants to know the corro thickness used

Fuse 5 mm
Horizontal Stab 5 mm (2 layers of 2.5 glued together - gives more rigidity than a single 5 mm)
Vertical Stab 4 mm
Wing 2.5 mm
Aileron 5 mm


Thank you Doc Abhishek  :thanks:. Unfortunately I did not take a video, will do so next time


beautiful ....
what is the weight ? 

K K Iyer

You are able to convert even simple designs into exciting models.  :hatsoff:
A lot of newbies, and some of us oldtimers could learn from watching live one of your coro builds!
Could you share details of weight (as Saikat sir asked), wing span, chord, wing loading, power loading data?
That will give us targets to aim for.

As regards sms language, here is an old example that youngsters may not know:

Regards. Await P51!


Lovely Model. Once Again My salute To The Master Builder :) :salute: :hatsoff:


Length: 44"        1115 mm
Span:  56 1/4"    1430 mm
Wing Area: 573 in2  37 dm2

Actual weight 2.2 Kg (empty tank)  4.84 lbs
Engine used : 52 ASP 2 Stroke


Thanks Saikat. The adaptation in Corro worked out a little nose heavy. I added 32 gm lead fishing weights pounded flat and hot-glued in on the tail


Iyer sir....I could not figure out your SMS lingo  :rofl: :rofl:

Actually there are no real rules for my Corro builds. The build techniques are substantially outlined in many of my previous build logs. Some things you have to adapt on the spot - there is a lot of variation in the Corro Quality. The main challenge is in adapting a Balsa Plan to a Corro model. One has to look after the structural integrity with an eye always on weight.

One simple rule: get all your components first:

In this model it was main LG (3 mm alloy ready-made from HK) Tail Wheel Assembly (an Anderson 3 mm wire 40-60 size - bought from RCD about 10 years ago in anticipation of this day  >:D ;D ;D) Engine Mount (GFN) 320 ml Tank (Probir Ganguly - Lotus Hobby; I do however use a filter clunk and Aluminum tubing)) Wheels (HK) Axles (HK) 12 mm balsa (Krunal Gajjar) for spar, std servos for elevator & Rudder, 17 gram MG servos for ailerons, 10 g MG Servo for Throttle, push-rods etc.

Then build around these. I used 5 mm corro for fuse, 2.5 mm wing, 5 mm aileron, 2.5 doubled for horizontal & vertical stab. Strictly try to follow all external dimensions, thrust lines and angles. Respect the designer - Matsumoto, Joe Bridi, Hal deBolt - these are my favourites of that era.

And most importantly, have fun!!


Aman,  :thanks: :thanks: You re always kind and supportive


Wow...  Rai sir .   An Awesome build....


ashok baijal


Thank you Ashok


Nice, clean as always.
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager

Himadri Roy

Great build Sir!
Unrelated to the topic: Sir are you still in Navi Mumbai? Looking forward to meet you after my exams are over!  ;D :hatsoff:
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with eyes skywards for there you have been and there you will long to return
- Leonardo Da Vinci




Thank you Himadri. No, I left Navi Mumbai in 2013 after completing my contract, and returned to Gurgaon.

satz flying

Trust yourself


Aah, you'll have to wait some time Sathish


As always once again a marvelous build by the Master Builder. Great Job Sanjay Sir.  {:)} {:)} {:)} :hatsoff:


Thank you Colonel. Now come here and fly it :)