1st Rubber Power model

Started by K K Iyer, July 20, 2018, 08:03:06 PM

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K K Iyer

Hi everyone,
In these days of FPV quads, many members may never have seen a 'Chuck' glider.
Or a rubber powered model.
For 'Chuck Gliders' I've already started a thread.
Time for a new thread on 'Rubber Power'
The problem with rubber power is lack of rubber and lack of props.
With the help of veterans, we'll try to tackle that

I request Saikat sir and Glidiator sir to post a few pics, so that members get an idea of what we are talking about!

I'll start with pics of my Pilatus Porter and Druine Turbulent

Welcome to Free Flight Rubber. I think Glidiator is ready to start you off with a Bobni!



Yes KK. Is a good idea to have seperate threads for different categories. This is the age of super specialisations. One can delve very deep into each category and still be actually only scratching the surface.
It is not for nothing that the old greying guys say you need to have your basics in order to scale greater heights. If any Aeromodeller thinks a chuck glider or rubber power is kid stuff, he doesn't know his basics for sure.
In this rubber thread I can give inputs on indoor free flight as that is what I have been doing over the past five years or so when I stumbled onto ultra light rubber powered Aeromodelling.
Will give links on where to get essential tools, rubber, mylar etc.
Will scan and upload the Bobni plan. One can make  prop for this from balsa/ plastic as the nose hub and prop for this are not available I think.
Will get down to making a build log of the Bobni.
Will endeavour to generate interest in indoor free flight rubber Power.
Incidentally if all goes well we will have the Second Indoor Nationals organised by the AMAI sometime end of this year. Will be very satisfying to see large participation and keen competition.
Will post pics and links.
Link of a short flight demo of rubber power I gave at the First Indoor Nationals held in May 2017 at Sonepat Haryana.


K K Iyer

Awesome video from Glidiator!
Sir, please tell us about the site. And the event.
Also a few pics of your models...

Got a personal response from Saikat sir too. Requested him for a few of his old pics...


I think I can claim with all humility that The first indoor nationals came to be held due to my constant plugging for  indoor free flight on the AMAI discussion group. Yes the guys in charge of AMAI had the vision to see it's potential in fostering Aeromodelling as a hobby.
The venue was most suitable. It was the indoor facility of the Little Angels School at Sonepat. I was amazed that a school in a small corner had such a venue. in addition to superb facilities for other sports too.
The indoor space was actually 3 badminton courts and the stage retracted into the wall. Huge space. Height was also decent about 30 ft to the lowest obstructions.
It was mid May and scorching outside but the hall was fully AC. But the blowers had to be switched off when I was giving demos of ultra light models. Monsoons or winter is the best time for indoor events as the ambient temperature will be comfortable without AC as blowers cannot be on when flying ultra light indoor stuff.
The school management did excellent coordination and logistics.
This first indoor event was more an awareness campaign than a real competition. Had several workshops and competitions on indoor models for schools. Demos of rubber power, and even indoor RC though the RC stuff was actually outdoor models that were small and slow enough for indoor.
Have a lot of pics of several models I have made. Will have to reduce file size to attach. Will do so. Lot of other stuff to share and will do so as we go along.


Links for resources required for pursuing indoor rubber seriously.




Balsa stripper - different prices and different shipping rates.


Mylar/rubber/ other Free Flight requirements


Propellers / nose hubs/ prop shafts etc
http://www.fly-m.com/mobile%20rubber%20motor%20stock.htmlGood for beginners till you are motivated to make your own props and nose hubs


There may be an initial investment in these essentials.
Nothing compared to RC stuff.
Balsa requirement in most indoor rubber power is ridiculously low. Just thin strips. Fuselage is thickest dimension.


All this is also applicable to outdoor free flight / rubber.


Plan for the Double Whammy.
A model that is not too fragile. Has good gliding characteristics -- not difficult to trim.
Can use Ikara readymade prop or other ready made prop also. Scratch building prop is also not difficult.
Was a Indoor Science Olympiad model several years ago. So if school students can make it --should be possible by anyone.


Instead of mylar for wing and stab covering one can use the thinnest grocery bag -- less than 10 micron which though banned in many places is still used. It will add some colour to the model also.
Pic attached shows grocery bag adding color


With respect to sakaits observation that you will need more than tan rubber to get good flights.
An article by a seasoned indoor rubber power Aeromodeller concluded by saying there are
3 most important things when building indoor models
        1) Build it light
         2) Avoid adding weight
          3) Don't make it heavy
Not the exact phrases but the crux is weight, weight and weight.
Also better to have model turn out a bit nose heavy than tail heavy. Nose weight can be removed but tail heavy requires addition of weight to nose Increasing AUW.


In my post regards essential tools and jigs I forgot to add a very important piece of equipment if one is serious about rubber power --- A Torque Meter.
It is not a complicated machine.
Can be made with some scraps of wood, plastic tubing and guitar wire..
Will post plan and pics


Here is some nostalgia-- the first rubber power model for many in the days gone by
The Bobni. Pic of the kit I retrieved form the deep recesses of my Aeromodelling cupboard.
Pic shows the box, the plan, instructions, tissue, balsa bundles for wing, stan, fin, prop and nose hub, undercarriage, two fillets for wing dihedral support.
Will assemble this asap. Plan to use my acquired experience in indoor ultralights and make a modified Bobni with much lower AUW. Will use an Ikara prop and nose ring. Let's see how that works out performance wise

K K Iyer

Seems different from what I remember.
Must be a later version. Any idea which year?

What I'm certain of (about the 1960s kit)
1. There was no taper in the wing tips. The wings were rectangular.
2. No carboard box. Only a polythene pouch

I'm not sure, but I think it had a rectangular fin, not a triangular one, and the span was 12" not 13".
Perhaps Rishi could clarify...

And other old timers may search their memory...


Yes KK. This is a later version. Can't remember the date. Got it approx 15 years ago if my memory serves me right.
Yes the earlier version came in a plastic pouch.
The balsa sticks were also not cut to size-- just a bunch of 8" or so sticks that had to be cut according to plan.
Fin If I remember was triangular.


Found another BOBNI plan. Shows wings without taper.
This seems to be from an older kit (plastic pouch??)


Found another BOBNI plan. Shows wings without taper.
This seems to be from an older kit (plastic pouch??)


There was a India's Hobby Center Rubber powered kit.
That was the first ever aircraft I had.
I remember it had a truss style wing and tail construction and the wing was essentially a rectangle with some dihedral. It used to fly for approximately 20-30 seconds.
Does anyone Remember this plane?
IHC Kolkata had many of these hanging on their walls.
It would be so great and nostalgic to build it again.....


Why are there no other people posting here other than Iyer Sir and Anant sir?
These are so much better and rewarding!

K K Iyer

Possible reasons:
1. No one is interested. Maybe considered low tech, and meant for kids
2. Never seen a chuck, catapult, tip launch glider, or a rubber powered model
3. Never seen one of those actually flying, so no idea of performance potential
4. Difficultly in sourcing small amounts of balsa, near impossibility of getting rubber or props

We have tried to generate interest in entry level aeromodelling, but found
1. No response to Glidiator
2. Over 5000 views, but not a single attempt at my 1 min /30 sec challenge

Note that sanjayrai55's efforts in coro, saw more interest abroad than here

For the last 1-2 years, I tried offering cash prizes.
Glidiator doubled them.
Still no response?

Any suggestions?


@taksh must not be getting a suitable translation for 'rubber power'

... Just kidding ... !

K K Iyer


Quote from: prabal276 on July 27, 2018, 08:09:04 PM
There was a India's Hobby Center Rubber powered kit.
That was the first ever aircraft I had.
I remember it had a truss style wing and tail construction and the wing was essentially a rectangle with some dihedral. It used to fly for approximately 20-30 seconds.
Does anyone Remember this plane?
IHC Kolkata had many of these hanging on their walls.
It would be so great and nostalgic to build it again.....
Iyer Sir, Anant sir and Saikat sir;
Do you have any idea of this particular model?

K K Iyer


Quote from: K K Iyer on July 27, 2018, 09:08:05 PM
Possible reasons:
1. No one is interested. Maybe considered low tech, and meant for kids
2. Never seen a chuck, catapult, tip launch glider, or a rubber powered model
3. Never seen one of those actually flying, so no idea of performance potential
4. Difficultly in sourcing small amounts of balsa, near impossibility of getting rubber or props

We have tried to generate interest in entry level aeromodelling, but found
1. No response to Glidiator
2. Over 5000 views, but not a single attempt at my 1 min /30 sec challenge

Note that sanjayrai55's efforts in coro, saw more interest abroad than here

For the last 1-2 years, I tried offering cash prizes.
Glidiator doubled them.
Still no response?

Any suggestions?

The points you raised may be the reason for lack of interest or response.
But as for availability of rubber and props I don't see any problems nowadays. In my early days of Aeromodelling I did not even know that TAN rubber existed. Now with internet and online purchase facility that is no longer a problem. Even in small quantities.
I have posted links for sourcing  free flight essentials. And they are not actually expensive by today's standards.
The problem may also lie in the fact that HLG, CLG or rubber power are not jazzy or cool. Doesn't have the gizmo effect.
The RTF culture is also destroying the joy of construction.


@Saikat Sir
I know English but not very well  :'( and i know rubber powered plane.
I have rubber band powered plane.
I am busy in making blu baby wings so i am not online and due to rainy season in my area, I am trying to search large ground and dry ground for flying blu baby.
And K K Iyer sir & others said my posts are rude so i am trying to not to say anything.
If you want images of blu baby build then i can show you.   :)

Sorry for hijacking thread.

K K Iyer

Nice post!
I'm glad you didn't leave this forum.

Start a new thread for your Blu Baby build.
Post photos step by step.
A lot of members will be interested.

If you have a rubber powered model, please post a picture here.