New RC Page - RC Modelling and Flying - India (Naren from Bangalore)

Started by NarenNanjappa, October 30, 2013, 09:02:36 PM

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Welcome to my facebook page on "RC Modelling and Flying" - Visit -

Hello All,

I believe it takes years or sometime a lifetime to understand what is our true aspiration in life? Lot of them like to "Just Be" and others like to chase their dreams and few with great spirit become great men. But I... chose to "Fly High" and that is my spirit and my dream and how I like to be!

Chasing my dream of flying aircraft wasn't very easy as I thought it would be. Nearly getting to a point where everything seemed impossible and dream of becoming a pilot and flying planes remained a dream after all.

But as time went by passion and love for flying was somewhere within me and my interest towards aeronautics was alive and waiting for an opportunity which could trigger me in doing something in the field of Electronics and Aeronautics. So here I am chasing my dream and trying to keep it alive, if not for real big planes where I need +1000 hrs of flight training experience to get a license, I felt nothing can stop me from flying my own RTF, PNP, BNF etc. Radio controlled(RC) and Free Flight planes! I scratch build planes and also work on different types of pre cut models. I love the concept of Thrust, drag, lift and gravity which is the basic principles for anything on this earth to fly above the ground surface.

About me, my name is Naren Nanjappa and I'm from Coorg/Bangalore, India. A BSc graduate in Electronics, Maths and Computer science and a flying enthusiast who loves anything and everything about flying and planes and Radio Controls(RC). This page was created with an intention not to advertise or create a business environment but to collate my ideas and work together to attain expertise in RC and aeronautics. I felt this is the right place to do it as you get ample of space and exposure to real world flyers. However I'm open to take ideas and shall give you info about my work and everything I do related to flying and modelling RC planes and all the small little piece of details that you might need about my work.

On a lighter note, I never liked rocket science I felt the amount of knowledge and accuracy one needs and to simplify those those math is way out of my league though I believe nothing is impossible , but I personally feel flying and modelling RC planes can be simplified and can be taken up as a hobby or as a profession by those individuals who are passionate about airplanes, flying and who like everything about aeronautics.

Cheers and happy flying! Keep learning! Fly High!

Naren Nanjappa