Spad Debonair (modified from plans) & built, flown successfully

Started by sanjayrai55, January 03, 2012, 06:43:10 PM

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Built a Spad Debonair with a lot of modifications:

No square PVC pipe so built a Corro Fuse
Used a RNAF Wing Design
Used Wire L/G

Build pics to follow once I get over this 200 KB rider


So, 4 mm corro, marked out & scored on fold lines. A firewall from 10 mm Ply with blind nuts fitted for engine mount, with 2 more 10 mm formers. All these had a 1.75 " hole made with a hole-saw. 1.6 mm Ply to reinforce the sides, and a box made from 3 mm hardwood + 10 mm Ply to house servos & mail L/G




You can see the Spadet I had built in 2007, flies well!  :thumbsup:


Bottom of wing (4 mm) glued to one edge of top (2 mm) and ailerons, single spar in place, reduced the dihedral....plans call for 5", I used 3"



Wing top folded over & glued into place. I use SR 998 from Fevicol (synthetic rubber based)  Pre-treatment is scrubbing with a kitchen green scourer & NC Thinner, let dry fro 10 min., then press firmly together & Voila! ;D

Get a fairly decent aerofoil section here


Another view of the aerofoil section


2 mm wing centre piece glued in place, servo holes cut out, & 1.6 ply bits glued for screwing servos


Servos, horns & cycle-spoke pushrods in place. Now, back to the fuse


Note 1.5" holesawed access for servo wires


1. Tail feathers glued in (both horiz & vert stabs)
2. Additional former from corro (2 X 4 mm, glued with flutes 90 deg to each other) with triangular support. This is to support the pushrods & give shape
3. Pushrods installed (elev+rudder/nose-wheel+throttle)
4. Note wood block for giving 90 deg support to vert. stab


Note nose-wheel push rod goes thru' the fluting at the end


Most useful tool - a PCB Hand-drill. Use for drill size up to 2 mm. Bought it on e-bay


LHS folded up & glued in place!


1/2" long X 2.5 mm Self Tapping screws go into the 3 10 mm Ply formers (incl. firewall)


L/G fitted, RHS closed up, OS 55 AX fitted (coz that's all I had available!  A 46 is more than enough)

Now, a mock assembly to finalise CG before fitting wing hold-down dowels, and closing off the top cover


Every lady needs some make-up! I used vinyl self-adhesive sheets


I make (as I guess many others too) stickers by getting pix from the net, & printing them on my ink-jet printer on photo paper. A layer of thin clear packing tape on top to fuel-proof. This is of our club, AAG (aeromodellers Asoc. Gurgaon) very beautifully designed by our club guys


Every SPAD needs one of these - Calvin "expressing" his views on ba&%#@sa  ;D ;D



The maiden was flown by Sandeep Jain, a very experienced flier. I goofed up - the rudder horn & the nose steering arm are on the same side relative to the servo, but out of habit I put them on opposite sides of the servo arm! No matter, Sandeep took off straight. Lovely flier, very stable, flew easily on 1/2 throttle, and with the CG well balanced made a beautiful landing. Only adjustment needed was a tad of down elev. trim

Poor Gurvinder crashed & totalled his Boomerang, so he posed for this pic with the Deb!



chk my spads.

Sandeep Bajare
Ph - 9175342600


 {:)} {:)} Good one and the build log too ! Is there a video?

Quote from: sanjayrai55 on January 03, 2012, 07:28:11 PM
Every SPAD needs one of these - Calvin "expressing" his views on ba&%#@sa  ;D ;D

:rofl:  Awesome!
Where can I get one of those? Or did you print it?