EPP do break!!!

Started by amir, July 27, 2009, 11:50:35 PM

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hi friends ,
let me share an experience with EPP.
i was trying my new piaget EPP model, first flight directly to 3d and that too indoor, it hit many times to walls and ground but i was sure nothing will happen, but when i analysed the model after flight i found a small crack in the fuselage,

do not make habbit of crashing EPP models many times, it do break on hard hitting,
but anyways its best crash resistant foam ever,
i am happy atleast i was able to do successfull hovering first time on first flight itself.
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Amir ,
It is not breaking of EPP but more of tearing like cuts which could be caused  due  to prop or sharp objects at the place where it crashes .
In my piaget I have taken off the landing gear and reinforced with local EPP the joints like where the fuse and the wing join with local EPP.
I have also stuck local EPP like a skid on the bottom of the plane instead of landing gear. With that the piaget can take any type of landing anf hits very well without tearing.

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


that may be the case!!
anyways i am very much satisfied with the plane !!
thanks rcforall for offering these type of models for the first time in India !!!
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Where is my credit for introducing the foamie mania ;D  Or was it really me ? (can't remember) !
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


was not in my knowledge ..
u also deal in rc products ?
Amir Shabeeh Ahmed


Nope Amir. I was constantly  telling Sai and others that the only type of planes I used to fly regularly are the foam ones.  I really enjoyed building from such ARF foam kits, and posted threads like :



I think Sai got the idea of bringing such planes to the Indian market from these discussions. I was just kidding about the "credit" part  ;)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Amir Shabeeh Ahmed