A/C LiPo charger choices in India?

Started by Divyam, June 06, 2011, 10:17:46 PM

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I am looking for an A/C charger in India..

I know, there are the iMax B6AC and the GTPower A6, but I want a charger that's really reliable..
Budget - 5-6k.. Should be A/C or AC/DC.. Should be able to charge 1-6s LiPo.. (Being Future Proof :giggle:

The other option is to go for a DC Charger, but my father is not comfortable with a transformer based PSU in the house.. How much I tried to convince him that the PSU is fine, that even his laptop uses it, and so on..

Any suggestions?
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


In India,its hard dude.You'll have to get it from abroad.I'm repeating my statement from the call,Convince your dad to go DC.IF you want to go AC,I would suggest something from the US of A.I'll do more research on this and let you know. :)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Thanks dude.. :)

Lemme try to get it from abroad. I may have some relatives coming soon, so let me try to get it through them..
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


We have gt charger and IMAX in India. Same thing as other popular ones. Unless you are looking at more fancy or high power one, get in India. Venom is got new one with dual charging, 10 amps. Possibly the charger I will buy if I decide to upgrade.

Used gt charger extensively. Works flawlessly. All including venom works the same. If you have budget, get the bantam.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


@Ajo:I'd suggest you stay away from Venom stuff.Actually,for your 4s lipos,I would suggest the iCharger 106B+.Yes,it is a DC charger but one of the best at a relatively low price.It was my first choice but since I missed it,I went with the skychargerB6AC.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: iamahuman on June 07, 2011, 08:33:10 AM
@Ajo:I'd suggest you stay away from Venom stuff..

Why?? I have been using it for a long time with no issues. The icharger is the same that amain sells as protek. Unless you are spending on the original like bantam, Hyperion, thunderpower etc, all is pretty much the same. Gets your work done. I have seen the 20$ turnigy also work very well. So all Chinese ones are the same.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


Venom is not the most reputed brand.Still,if you've had a good run,nothing like it.

BTW,Divyam,I read that AC PSU's are not as reliable as DC PSU's.Honestly dude,stay with your accucel-6.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: mail4ajo on June 07, 2011, 09:12:44 AM
So all Chinese ones are the same.

iCharger is not the same level as most of the others (iMax, Thunder, etc).  But pretty much everything else is in the same bucket, and I have used the cheapest of them (at that time, Turnigy Accucel 6) happily for quite a while. Someone else has it now, and it still works well for him.
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So I should go ahead with an AC charger from India itself?

Dude gandhar, I can use that as a backup incase my AC fails :giggle:
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Quote from: Divyam on June 07, 2011, 07:03:04 PM
So I should go ahead with an AC charger from India itself?

I don't see a problem with getting it from India.But I'm going to sound like a corrupted HDD,stick to your DC charger. ;D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings


Quote from: akky on June 07, 2011, 07:33:16 PM
get a tahmazo one

Where to get this in India?
I've read only good things about this, albeit I've read very little on these :giggle:
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Arcarious @ Akky.....
I have never crashed while flying....Its the Landing only that gets me....
Happy Landings....&.....Happy Crashings


Well,I already took the plunge with my sky charger.It basically is an iMax B6AC+.Read a few posts on RCG from 2009 where people had a few problems.I asked some guys on that thread and one guy said that he had no problem.They are being recommended along with the Thunder AC6 these days.I came to the conclusion that the problems have been solved and went ahead.

I believe Model Art carries the iMaxB6AC+.Ask Joe once.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Yeah, that's why I'm leaning towards the B6AC+.. Local availability :)
RCG was one of the reasons that I was skeptical to go for the B6AC+ and GTPower A6.. 
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Joe said his charger has been going strong since 2 years.And I think that the issue has been sorted out.I read that the B6AC+ had a problem with its display and balancing but I don't hear about it now.Instead,I hear that the balancing is quite good.But going by what I've read,the iCharger has one of the best balancing capabilities.

PS:This Joe that I speak of is one of the best racers in Bangalore.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I dont rely much on the balancing available on the charger, although I plug in the balancer each time I charge. I use a standalone balancer after the battery is fully charged.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


My lipo is on its way. Il be using a Trunigy c3 charger which outputs 650mah - its a slow charger that charges through the balance plug. This should'nt be a problem right?

I dont mind the charge time. I already have this with me so thought il use the same.


Rajat,I'd say you get the accucel though.You don't want to spend 7 hours monitoring a lipo.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.

Ajay JM

I've used the Thunder AC6. It has a known issue with the screen going blank after a while. Go a refund though.
Lots of people have reported the same issue with it. I upgraded to hyperion eos 720i net3AD. Excellent charger if you can source one from the US  :)
Awaiting the next tornado to fly my kites..


Incase the screen does go blank,can't we just open it up and replace it with a new screen?I remember someone on the forum had done something like that.I'll ask one of the RCers from Bangalore(probably Ashta sir) to do it for me :D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I have read of quite a few problems with the B6AC..
Will look up LRP chargers, and try to get it through Jayanth.. :)
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


LRP chargers are good but expensive :(
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: Divyam on June 07, 2011, 07:54:20 PM
Yeah, that's why I'm leaning towards the B6AC+.. Local availability :)
RCG was one of the reasons that I was skeptical to go for the B6AC+ and GTPower A6..  
If you plan to stay in Electric for long and would end up buying LiPo worth USD 150 in the next year or two, I would rather suggest you to buy at least an iCharger 106B . I have the 206B one and its is one of the most satisfying item after my Futaba Tx. You live so nearby, just drop in my place some time.

Quote from: iamahuman on June 08, 2011, 11:26:25 AM
Incase the screen does go blank,can't we just open it up and replace it with a new screen?I remember someone on the forum had done something like that.

All these cahrger use Hitachi HD44780 2x16 Char LCD, available in most of the Electronics shops (like SP Road in BLR, Koti in Hyd, Lamington street in Mumbai, Lajpat Rai Mrk in Del) for little as Rs 80 ( you get diff colors back light too like Green, blue and even orange!!). They are also available on ebay (but costlier), in case you live in smaller city or too lazy to hunt:
Futaba 8FG Super | HK-450v2 | FA-22 Raptor |AXN Floater-Jet | FunJet | Black Horse Edge 540 | Amp Master 015 | 2.3M Big Brother


Thanks Ujjwaana :) .I was going to the iCharger106B but things didn't work out :(
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.