Ástra 14.8V 2600mah 35C Lipo--Reviews

Started by omkarnik, February 11, 2018, 09:05:09 PM

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Hello All,

Wanted to know if anyone has tried using Ástra 14.8V 2600mah 35C Lipo battteries. How is battery performance.These are available at http://www.hobbyxyz.com.

Rquesting you all let me know how it is..


I'd suggest going for a well known brand lipo, like Tattu or Turnigy. It's always safe to use those(used widely by people). The ones, those that are not famous, maybe good, but it's not something you can take a chance with.

Never meant to harm anyone's sentiments.


The discharge rate is pretty much over-rated for the given mass of the pack. I'm sure of that.


You can try these: https://rcmumbai.com/multirotors-and-parts1/batteries/4s-14-8v.html?

I don't know about rcmumbai's service quality, but those packs, if genuine, would never let you down.


Hi Aravind,

I have seen this battery https://rcmumbai.com/multirotors-and-parts1/batteries/4s-14-8v.html? which you mentioned.But i am looking for 4S 2200-2800 mah 14.8v,C rating 35c or higher than 35c.

But rcmumbai only have 3300mah 4s 35c battery.Let me know if you know any other website where i get standard lipo batttery.
