Hi everyone, I have a B-Grade 2200mah 3S 35C Lipo from Hobby-King .Sadly it's discontinued now.I bought the lipo and after charging I removed it from the charger.At that time,the JST-XH ( Balance lead ) connector broke off and I could'nt use it anymore.The lipo is not puffed or damaged in any ways.But I came to know that the balance lead could be repaired.Can anyone please help- me.Also is there any way to re-wrap the Lipo like a BIG HEAT SHRINK.
Every thing is possible friend. Ask for a 3 s dead battery and take the balance connector. For heat shrink u can order from banggood. Issue is that u will get only one mtr. It someone has extra he can share.
Well..........that's correct.But I have found a JST-XH connector on vortexrc.com.
Also I am looking for Heat Shrink in India itself.
tape it up --> alternate to heat shrink.