Confusion about batteries

Started by freeflyer, July 01, 2011, 10:38:58 PM

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            As I am slowly budding into this hobby I happen to build my first glow plane and got a futaba 7c tx + rx and was wondering what do I need to power the receiver (R617FS) and servos (S3004)...still not sure which battery pack to be used and where to buy it in India ?
Planes: Sky Surfer| Jpower Cessna182 | Seagull Boomerang
Radio : Futaba 7C


Your radio may have come with a 4.8v NiCD receiver pack.  If not, that is the standard one to get.  There are alternative, and they are better for many reasons. See the thread below for a discussion on receiver batteries.  Many stores carry different varieties of suitable packs. (see the poll also on top of this thread).

Most of the discussion is about TX packs, but there is useful information about RX packs too.

See this thread also :
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.