How to recover an over discharged lipo??

Started by rohan123, October 29, 2014, 05:20:37 AM

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hello everyone,
i was testing my quad today and noticed the motors slowing down , i remembered that i had not checked the lipo voltage for quite a time ,i checked it ,it was 7.76 v  :banghead: :banghead: ,individual cell voltage:
1 cell~3.6v
2 cell~4.16v
3 cell~0
the multi meter showed these values 3.6v ,7.76v and again 7.76v when i tried to check each cell
i think im doomed ,can i do something with this lipo bcoz it was a new one  :'( :'( and was just using it the first time
after reading some of the results of overdischarging , i am even afraid of keeping the lipo at my house ,can it catch fire  :o :o
please help me :help: :help:


if i need to get rid of this lipo ,how can i do it ?,should i try charging it once?can it explode?
please help i cant even sleep , im afraid it will explode while im sleeping


This is unfortunate

The Lipo won't burst. It may catch fire if you try to charge/discharge it.

Such a dramatic "zero" seldom happens. Have you checked that no wire/soldering has come loose? Also, check your charger (for future)

In case you need to dispose of the Lipo, remove the top cover and leave in a solution of salt and water for a few hours. But first do check for a broken wire joint


hi rohan, if you are going to dispose can you send that to me?


i charged the battery for an hour and saw the first 2 cells are ok ,there voltage after charging
1 cell~4.2v
2 cell~4.3v
3 cell~1v
and i think only one cell is damaged ,and i read on rcindia that you can revive a singal cell my a 4.5 dc charger by charging for 1 min to get the voltage to 3v so that the charger can identify the this right?where can i get a dc 4.5charger


and akhil if the lipo wont be of any use for me i'll send it to you,and thanx for the arduino code


if you have a charger with usb port and less than 1 amps(computers usb port are not recomended) can be used to boost that single cell

heat must be observed during charging.


can i use a power bank used to charge mobiles


power banks also not recomended, because may your damaged cell's internal resistance is weak then it will become short that ll damage your power bank.


Use a Good mobile charger, Or a external mobile batterycharger.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


i have an old sony erricson charger.
5v DC~850mA
but the miniUSB pin is damaged



If the charger is of no more use what it is intended for, Just cut out the USB pin, and use it as a 5V power supply, for little glitches like this
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


i did cut the pin and can see a solid piece of wire wrapped around in plastic and the plastic is wrapped by fibres of wire
i think the solid wire is +ve and the fibres are -ve . please can somebody confirm


Normally the core should be +ve, But no one can confirm, I have experience with some Chinese chargers, where the core is -Ve , So it is always better to check with a multimeter.             To be on the safe side.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


new discovery!
i opened the solid wire and saw a red and a black wire so i assume the fibers are ground,should disregard it right??


im getting frustrated , found a green wire.
so i think im confusing myself and everybody.
finally , 3 wires red,black and green and some fibres around them(not in contact)
now ,please help and thanx sooraj and akhil


Ha HA ,That's funny, Can you post a Pic showing it all, .
Any way, The +5VDC and, GND would be usually Red and Black respectively.
BTW don't you have a multimeter or voltmeter?
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


have a class so leaving right now ,thanx sooraj for your help ,will check later using a multimeter


RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


i have my VMC(vidyamandir classes) for JEE exam ,there are often doubt classes in the weekdays


i checked the voltage of the charger ,it was 5.12v and i charged the cell for 2-3 min and saw no change,can the cell be dead?
i am now charging the battery with the B3 pro charger to see any change


2-3 minutes may not do the trick always, I had to put one of my mobile battery, for hours !!.
While doing this, you should continuously, measure charging voltage, connect your multimeter probe to battery terminals and charge, the battery, one more thing , keep checking any temperature change in the batterypack, by touching in intervals.   :thumbsup:

Rohan, did you succeed in setting up the Hobby king multirotor controller V3 ?. mine sucks  :(.
Tried everything but the LED on FC board never come on, no ESC beeps..., Can you help ?
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..


the voltage of the cell went from 0.01v to 0.03v in 2-3 min but that can be the error too


charge it for more time see the above post.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..