Is my lipo damaged???

Started by Shyam Hembram, September 18, 2015, 06:14:33 PM

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Shyam Hembram

Am using 2 no of  4200 mah 3s lipo for quad. using  B3 charger, two cells are good about 4.18 v each the third one doesn't exceed after about 3.80v. Same problem  in both of my the problem with the charger or battery, I didn't get it. Some suggestions would be appreciated
Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)


My lipo shows almost same voltages (4.22;4.24;3.89)and I also use same charger
I am not having any issues regarding power output during flight

Is your lipo not giving enough power for flight???

Darshan for multirotors

shyam sir and kartik sir please do not use this charger as it may cause fire if even one cell exceeds its maximum charging capabilities. this charger doesnt balance charge. Even i had this charger and it charged it the same way as you guys are saying. Kartik sir I can bet your battery is puffed and please dont use it or your house might catch fire
Shyam sir please buy a new battery and a charger and only a charger if the battery is used.. if it is showing puffing then please discontinue the use of that battery
Happy flying
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart

K K Iyer

@shyam hembram,
Using a lipo with more than 0.05v difference between cells (as suggested in reply #1 above), will soon kill your battery.
Lipos need to be monitored by individual cell voltage, not total voltage.

It is however unlikely that both batteries have a weak 3rd cell. The problem could be that the indicated voltage is incorrect. If you have a battery checker, try these steps:
1. Connect it to the balance plug. It will show 3 cells, total voltage, and then voltage of each cell.
2. Remove checker. Then plug it in skipping the first slot. Now it will show 2 cells (2nd & 3rd)
3. Remove and plug in skipping first two slots. Now it will show only one cell (3rd)

This will tell you whether the third cell is really low, or you got a false reading from whatever you were using, that gave you 4.22, 4.24, 3.89.

Try this first and post findings.
If the problem persists, try to access a B6 charger, and charge on balancing mode at low rate.


No my battery is not puffed ....
I had about 30 charge cycles till ...battery is GOOD

Which chearger should I use then???

Shyam Hembram

Thanks @Iyer sir.i will try.I get total of about 3-4 minutes only. Battery is totally fine not puffed.
Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)

K K Iyer

@shyam hembram,
Since we normally use not more than 70-75% of capacity, let us assume that your 4200mah can give (at 70%) say 3amps for an hour. If it lasts for 3-4minutes, it means the current draw must be 45-60amps.
If you are running 4 motors, it means 11-15 amps each.
Maybe this what you ARE using.
Maybe your all up weight is 3-4kg.
If so, your battery is doing what it can.

To get meaningful answers, you must post ALL the data that you can.
For eg,
1. Which motors? What are the motor specs? Correct props or larger?
2. How many motors?
3. What measuring equipment do you have? Battery checker with individual cell voltage display?
4. Or Ammeter or wattmeter?
5. C rating of battery
6. All up weight
Remember that the indicated C rating is usually too optimistic. For the typical 20-30C lipo, expect say 10-15amps max continuous per 1000mah capacity (unless you have a high quality lipo).
Your battery may be OK for 40amps, but may be uncomfortable at 60amps.
But before all that, you have to verify that your 3rd cell is OK.


Is over charged cell of a lipo a problem? ???

Here is my readings of two lipo I have

1 4200 Mah 35c 3 cell lipo (it is old one atleast 30 charge cycles. No puffing till now)
Readings are (4.18;4.48;3.86)

2 5500 Mah lipo 35c 3cell lipo (this is new charged for first time)
Both lipo are from banggood company zop power
I use b3 charger
What should I do???

what I think is all cheap lipos do come with a cell which is low ON voltage and that cell charge rate is also slower then the rest and eventually after 40-50 flights that cell dies ....

Shyam Hembram

1- I am using emax 2216 810kv with 12*4.5 props since am out of 10 inch prop
2- its a quadcopter reptile frame
3-i have a simple 2-6s battery cell checker.i also sometimes use multimeter
5-battery is 20 c
6-AUW about 1.3kg
Flight time is about 5:30 minutes before the third cell beeps
Not I get it...the problem is with the batteries not being balanced.
Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)

Shyam Hembram

@Mkartikgandhi we should balance the battery. Or buy a b6 charger.
Hiller450 chopper,Sky surfer v2,Wilga2000,450quad(building)


Which b6 charger should I buy ...their are different version available of it????

CAN I Balance the lipo without b6 charger? ? How??

Darshan for multirotors

Yes Kartik sir you can balance your lipo without a b6 but I suggest you to buy one
Just follow this video
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


@k k iyer Sir & @darshan

I tried to charge the one cell which is showing least voltage of all (3.80)  using the method shown in this video with b3 Balance charger .but after more then 3hours of charging ..voltage is (3.82) Not much change is there ...
Its not chamging I guess

I will take a flight with it and redo the charge you results if I see any changes

Darshan for multirotors

Kartik  sir , did you plug the connector in the place of 3rd cell ? If yes then you can try plugging the 3rd cell in the 1st cell position or the 2nd
This is one of the reasons why I don't recommend this charger
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart


How much temperature of lipo during charging is normal???
My one cell which was showing 3.88 v
I am charging that one cell it and it us slightly warm then Room temparature .....not more then 5 degree I guess

Darshan for multirotors

the lipo shouldnt get heated up during normal charging but its okay...
balancing the cell will takes time but then you will get the fruit
I still recommend a b6
put your heart in flying and flying will never leave your heart