problem with emax ec-0857

Started by krunalmarakna, February 07, 2014, 11:04:58 PM

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i recently bought emax ec-0857 charger from rcdhamaka website. used for the first time today to charge my zippy compact 2200mah 3s lipo. though the output current is 1000ma*3 but still it should be able to charge my lipo. but the difficulty i faced was after every 3-4min charger  automatically switches off. can anyone suggest me y this problem is happening?

p.s. - called Rcdhamaka representative, he said that this  charger cannot be used for 2200mah lipo.
is it true?


The charger can be used for 2200 ma 3s lipo.
When you say automatically switches off - do you mean all the
led lights go out ?? - If yes then check your input supply .

If error led starts blinking then check the following

Use a multimeter to check voltage of each individual cell - should not be less than about 3 volts
per cell.

Also confirm to see that the battery is not already fully charged - voltage will be 12.60 for full

Cross check charger by using another 3s lipo battery

if the above check out then probably you have a faulty charger


after every 4-5min, all leds switches off. i checked at my house and my frnd's house but same problem persists.

each cell voltage is approx 3.8v

total battery voltage is around 11.45v

used another lipo but same problem.

so after trying for several times, i took it to the electronics repairing shop and they said the problem is with the charger.


There must be some faulty or blown up IC or any other component inside. That person would repair it easily. Show it to him. Also, was this problem from beginning or started recently. Contact rcdhamaka and tell them about it.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


electronics repairing shop owner said that he will not be able to anything. i went to almost all major repairing shops in my viccinity.

this problem is from beginning.


repairing shop owner said that the transformer gets hot and hence charger switches off.



You need to contact rcdhamaka and ask for replacement. I hope they will listen to you.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


@utkarshg13- they said they will only replace those items that are unopened and unused and if items are faulty then i have to send to their manufacturer.


do u have a seperate power supply or is it in built. if u are using an external one then check for its voltage and amp rating at the time of cutoff of the charger .if the power is in built then open the unit and check the DC voltage out of the smps section. i think the problem is there only and moreover if it is getting shut off due to overheat then check that actually it is heating or the sensor may be faulty. if the sensor has malfunctioned u could bypass it.

just use some jugaad and i m sure it will work.


power supply is in built. i mean i have to plug this charger to ac supply only.

it shuts off due to heating. so i ll check by opening it.


You should open it once and check yourself where the problem is. Use a multi meter to check... There could be a short circuit or any faulty component inside causing heating.
"If you were born with wings, do every thing you could, for flying."


Do you use 12.v adapter and please check for the amp.don't use more than 1amp adapter.This error happens when input volt in higher side.

These type of chargers manual instruct to use 11-13 v adapter and not more than 1.5amp.But 12v 1 amp is best.

You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!


@ utkarshg13 - i ll try . :) thanks

@ moorthy - this charger has inbuilt adapter, i only have to plug it to a.c. supply.


ho thought of HK type LiPo charger better follow what utkarshg13 has replied.
You want to go up---pull the stick back--You want to go down---pull the stick waay back!