Quick Charge and discharge LIPOS of Hyperion

Started by rcforall, July 08, 2009, 12:10:39 PM

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Used the new generation LIPO of Chan on my Katana this week end .
The Katana flew quite a bit over 2 days using the Kong Power11.1V  600 Mah , the Hyperion and  a few other batteries .
My observations are Yes they do charge fast with  some heating , but also seem to discharge fast as well , I  was not impressed with the discharge rate they  drained out much faster than  even a Kong power 11.1V 600 Mah battery or 11.1V 850 MAH DY battery  under same flying conditions , this happened both at IIT and at Kovalam if I remember right I think they were the hyperion ones were 11.1V 800 or 850 Mah could be mistaken though  .

This  was my observation  based on similar flying conditions and  keeping the aircraft constant. I guess Nano technology in Lipos needs  some more time to develop.

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


It would be better to do a proper set of tests and then post the results (instead of general statements).

1) Fully charge both batteries.

2) Do exact same type of flying using both (take off, make same radius circles until you feel battery is low, land). Use a stop-watch to time the flights.  Make sure you take off as soon as the battery is connected, and disconnect as soon as you have landed.

3) Measure how much mAH you have put back when you recharge both batteries.

Now that would be much more objective.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Anwar ,
It was  like what you have said but not formal.
The plane was the same , the flying conditions were the same and the pilot was the same .
I  was just  posting my observation/ impression . I am not saying the batteries are bad either all I am doing is stating what I saw as a user  during the weekend . I did not go there with the intention of testing the batteries  but what  I have stated  as na exclusive electric flyer  more or less covers  around 80 -90 % of what you have said
If you feel that these observations should not  be stated  delete the thread  no issues ;D
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Of course there is a problem when "my son is great and yours is not"  ;D

Unless I can sort of prove (in somewhat reproducible manner) that my son is truly great !

PS: You have a reputation to safeguard for yourself ;)
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Don't know what you mean ??? .
All I am stating is that the  technology is ok  but  maybe it requires  some time to develop , in its current state it is about as  good  or as bad as  any other battery , it charges faster but it discharges faster as well.That is all I am saying
I have not stated anything  else like life of battery etc  as I  cannot say anything on that by using it for  a few hours  .It will be wrong if I had  commented on such matters

I don't know what my reputation has to do with this simple straight forward observation  ??? :o


www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Sai - I find it strange that you cannot see any "conflict of interest" here.

A casual observer like me did, and I guess you clarified that it is just an observation. As a seller, you are better off if the observations are followed up with more factual information (including hard numbers), and hence my response.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Anwar ,
I never looked at that angle , may be my brain needs some rewiring to read between lines , I have never been good at that .I have purely stated facts as a user .
May be you are reading too  much into the post , not all will do that , may be some may , but I am sure there are those who will value  some input from me as an electric aero -modeler  .
Sorry if I have upset  some one by  posting my observation as a user .
Henceforth I  will keep my interaction on the forum only restricted to being a seller because it looks like me as a seller will always be  larger than me as an aero modeler .

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Sai - An aeromodeller turning into a seller does strange things to people.  Just look at the other forums, if you are not convinced. 

Most people who frequent here would take note of you more as "Sai the seller" than "Sai the modeler". And that does not mean anything bad in itself; but in this process, "Sai, the person" does get diluted in the eyes of others.

Everything I stated here is in your best interests (or so I earnestly believed).  And you are welcome to post anything here, but I would feel sad to see you shooting yourself on the foot.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


The long charging times was one of the the biggest complaints against Lipo technology (the second biggest after their safety attributes).  If someone has resolved it, that is cool.  And that is why clear field reports are so important, and we all look forward to detailed objective information. 

Also, if one vendor has done high rate charging, the others will soon follow.  It has always been like that.
Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Hi there..

I have actually tested it out with Mr. Sai's plane and I agree to whatever is said.. But what has left me stumped is that it flew for a good 10 mins on a foamy running a Dualsky 175W motor on a 30 Amp ESC and a 10x5 prop!!

But on a 2208 motor (if I am not mistaken), using a 10x4.7 prop (which I think is too big for the motor), it hardly lasted 5 mins!!  But on the same setup, the Kong Power gave more flying time!! Something which I have to look into!!

I think I would get my Katana airborne with the Dualsky 175W setup as mentioned above this weekend.  WOuld test both batteries and post the results again with some numbers!!  That should clear things up a bit!

But the charging times were amazing!! I did charges in about 8 mins!!

And one more thing to be considered is that the Katana had an adequate setup and required full throttle flying.. whereas the pattern foamy I flew was overpowered and flew at 1/2 and 3/4th throttle!! 

The battery should take a few more cycles before settling down for long time high discharges I think!!

- Chan


Chan ,
Please  don't make the same mistake again , don't over load the Katana with a 175 watt motor the 2212/13 as per me should be the upper limit .
Don't again go and put a 70 gms motor on the Katana it is totally out of proportion for the plane.

As for these tests  we can  do it with the 2212/13 as well , what really stumped me as well as the Kong Power was 600 mah.
www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


Hi uncle,

I was thinking of the 2212-13 only.. the weight is 47gms whereas the 175W motor weight is 63 gms is just 16 gms.. So I thought why not check it out and harness the extra power.. But I still have not decided.. One thing I know for sure is, I was getting atleast 10 mins of flying time with my 850 mAh pack on the 175W motor... But I think you have a real valid point.. Let me check out the 2212-13 first and then try the 175W motor if the power is not sufficient!

- Chan


Quote from: chanvivek on July 10, 2009, 12:37:41 PM
Hi uncle,

One thing I know for sure is, I was getting atleast 10 mins of flying time with my 850 mAh pack on the 175W motor...

- Chan

from what you say I only hope fast charging  has not damaged the pack  .
I have faced it with 2 nos LIPO's earlier  11.1V 400 mah used during the IIT tech fest practice of Venkat   , where just to get more air time I used to Zip charge the battery at  around 3 C even though it was not recommended by the manufacturer.The packs gave up within 2 months .
The Symptoms were these packs used to discharge fast  before they finally gave up.

I sincerely hope this is not what is happening with your pack , it should not but just thought I would share my earlier experience .
2212/13  will draw lower amps than the 175 W motor so it would be safer for the battery as well.

Please Chan get over this  habit of over powering set ups X 2 times .

BTW 16 gms is a Big difference for a Small Electric Chan  :o
I guess flying Glow  you have forgotten that electrics  require a lot more attention to weight  ;D

www.zuppa.io : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones