Tx and Rx battery Type

Started by souvik4321, May 28, 2015, 12:38:22 AM

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Hi Expert,

this is my first post in this portal and not familiar with rules and regulation, so here is apology for creating new thread for basic Question, any input from your side is highly appreciated.

could you please suggest what king of battery you are using for your TX and Rx, my plane is glow power trainer scratch build and transmitter is 6ch 2.4Hz HobbyKing transmitter which require 9-12volt. here i am looking for safe and easily available(in India) battery for my transmitter and receiver.

i am not that much comfortable with LiPo because of safety issue and Eneloop because it is little bit expensive. Later on may be i have to change my mind but before making any decision i need your expert view on this.

couple of place i hard that they are using Li-On battery for tx and RX, if any one already used that or have any practical knowledge then i will be glade if you share your experience with us. as per my knowledge here is the list of type we can use for Tx and RX. could anyone please suggest which type is best and what the specification(Mah, pack/AA) i have to use to get optimal performance. also keep in mind that safety and budget both is my concern.

  • LiPo
  • LiFe
  • NiMH
  • Eneloop
  • Li-On

Thanks In advance  :hatsoff: :hatsoff:


Hello Souvik!

Well...... There are batteries specifically for TX, such as LiFe, but u will be needing a charger that can charge LiFe batteries.

However, let's make things easier- If your TX uses 'AA' size batteries (pencil cell), then would suggest to go for NiMH 'AA' size batteries. These batteries will be rechargeable and can be used *almost* everywhere.

But I must say LiPo and LiFe are the next best options in your case.


Milind Raj

India, I pledge to serve you, to protect you and make you shine above all.....
....and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.


Hi Milind,

i appreciate your help, many thanks for your suggestion and time.

yes- you are right, couple of expert also suggested that.  i am also planing to go with NiMh.

one more favor please - do you have any idea of using Li-ion with transmitter. if you already tried this then could you please share your experience.



Glad it helped Souvik!

I have used Lithium-ion batteries for TX, they aren't bad. You need to connect 2 standard 3.7V Li-ion batteries in series.
A bit of modification and you will have a great Li-Ion battery pack!


Milind Raj

India, I pledge to serve you, to protect you and make you shine above all.....
....and when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful.


Hi Milind,

Thanks for followup.

one latest update - today i purchased couple of Li-ion from market and tested once(because need to charge at first time) with my Tx and it's working fine.

need your expert comment on this and correct me if i am wrong.

my Tx requires 9-12 volt as an input, if i connect three Li-Ion battery in series which will give me ~11.1volt which is perfectly fine for my Tx. i hope this is what i have to do just connect three cell in series and enjoy the flight. appreciate any input you could provide on this.

Thanks again


yeah that's all you need , 3 Li ions in series.
If you have more space left in your battery compartment, you can also have 6 Li-ions and use them in parallel series combination.
RC Hobbyist and an Aerial Cinematographer..