A scratch built trainer for beginners

Started by rcfoamcrafters, October 11, 2010, 10:10:20 AM

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Hi Anwar,

I wanted to introduce my trainer to the newbies, because you can run it into the ground, straighten the wing back up and throw it back in the air. I'm real bad at putting my planes together and not having any plans. This would be a good building block for anyone to experiment with. I used the design calculator http://www.rcfoamcrafters.com/design.htm for my dimensions.

I decided on a 7 inch (177.8 mm) wing chord so looking at the calculator you can come up with rough dimensions. As soon as I have more time I will try to come up with some plans, but by looking at the picture and using the calculator, you should be able to let your imagination run wild until I get something written up. Foam, a stick, and hot glue, is all it is. Oh, and packing tape. I wrapped the fuselage in tape also, not yet done in this picture.

With a 30 - 36 inch  (762 - 914 mm) wing span, the AUW shouldn't be over 24 oz (680 grams) so any motor around 100 watts (1500 1800 kv will work. Being a pusher, your prop has to clear the boom so a 8x4 prop is about the max.  A 7x4 will be faster, but that isn't the reason for this plane.

My funny looking trainer:

I'll see what I can do for plans.
Thank you for your interest,



Thanks !

Kindly post a few more pictures, from various angles, if possible.  That will give everyone a good idea about the materials and construction techniques used.
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