rc plane not taking off

Started by harshit batra, October 08, 2014, 09:25:59 AM

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harshit batra

hy, guys i am beginner to this rc plane making i have made a rc powers f22 v2 raptor everything they told me about electronics and other things i followed it but beside usind depron i used high density thermocoal but i just prooved to be junk with no flight. now i am trying to build a rc wild hawk plane which is also popularised by rc powers with same electronics and thermocoal .i have a dreadly fear that if this plane is also going to crash or exceed to the hight of sky. please help to take a sucessfull operation any hints and points that should be taken care pls tell me


Please post some images of your build?

P.S: Welcome to RCIndia :thumbsup:
Indian Hobby Shop
PH# 9473456377


Basically there is not enought lift which means either its too heavy or the airfoil angle of attack are not correct or the shape of the airfoil is not correct. Can you rule out all these three items ?


can you show some pics for your plane..?? maybe i can help you.

Futaba T7c.2.4, boomrang trainer 46., 60size Extra 300s, Raptor 30v2, raptor 50 Titan, electric biplane, Thunder Tiger raptor 50 titan Se, J3 piper cub, Tarot 450 sports, Align 500,

harshit batra

these are the photos of my f22 see this guys if you find any mistake tell me i am using a 7×3 prop 2300 kv motor told by shopkeeper as nothing is mentioned on motor 3s li po mg servo and what type of air foil is good for glider planes