First Radio for a Beginner

Started by karandex, April 30, 2012, 09:08:05 PM

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How Many Channels Radio does a beginner need for fixed wing ( FIRST RADIO )flying

four plain
four or five with mixing
Computerized 6
Computerized 7 or 8
computerized 9++++


Would like to see a discussion about beginner radios.


Thought I will start a discussion after long as I have some time today after ages  ;D.

This is one question that has been quite intriguing for me as I see more and more beginners talking about 7 , 8 , 9 channel computerized radios  because they are available cheap .
I have also come across a good many of them getting them over to us  confused about the various features and functions .
We have had cases of some using the functions without proper understanding to the detriment of their project and model.

So I have been thinking on this for some time now  and came to a conclusion that a poll might guide a beginner better on what to buy which would be a good balance between technology and utility .

Frankly with all these years of flying for a regular fixed wing with landing gear and flaps I have not used anything beyond 6 channels.

So all the pilots on this forum can pitch in with their suggestions and ideas on this .

My guiding  principle has been a balance between technology and utility for a beginner.

saai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


6 channel radio with mixing, because most ailerons unlike yesteryears comes in a two servo config today, 1-6 mix and individual trim and a possibility of Elev-Aile mix and crow for a glider makes 6 ch computerised radio my bare min first choice
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


among respected Seniors me, and my experiences are nothing.. but still sharing my experience here.. most of the beginner planes are basic, many of them are in to 3 channels, and a 4 channel plane can gives us ample of fun and excitement.. and most of them are not equipped with retracting landing gears, or even lights.. so, in my experience, in flying, or while boating, or while expirimenting, a basic 4 channel is the best bet, with manual trim, and servo reversing switch on front panel.. and i just notices that 99% of while RCying, i never used more than 6 channels even on my Futaba,Hitec, or JR.. one of my ever favourite radio is the Flysky 4, and HK 4, as both are same, it provides me a good service without fail even in gruesome disturbing conditions.. but preffer a 6 channel manual for good results..  :salute:


using Spektrum DX6i and loving it - specially since HK started cloning the receivers at less than $10

Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


^^Been looking for this or a Futaba 6ch. Seem to be out of stock everywhere that I see. Any suggestions?

flying doc

IMO, A beginner, hopefully never stays a beginner. One should decide for oneself as to how long he would be staying in the hobby. For a college project a, 4 - 6 channel manual radio is good enough but if one plans to stay for a long time then I would say that one should go in for the best radio one can buy. Most of the times a 6 channel computerized radio is good enough but when one needs more channels then the investment is doubled.

1 Aileron
2 Elevator
3 Throttle
4 Rudder
5 Flaps (Later on)
6 Aileron
7 Flaps

(pls correct me if I am wrong)

Then the other aspect is that one needs to do mixing so very often.
Rudder and elevator +/- ailerons for Knife edge
2 halves of the Elevators - if misaligned

Then come the Elevon and Flaperon functions that a lot of planes need.

So I feel, because a good radio is a one time buy for the average joe flyer who plans to stay in the hobby for a long time, one should go in for the best radio one can afford.

Tiger Sports 40, SPA3D, SPAD Extra all with ASP 52 engines.
SPAD Debonair with OS 46
Turbo Raven 60 with an ASP 91
Next build - Accipiter 91 with DLE 20
Futaba 6EXAP, Futaba 10 CAP