is cessna good for begineers

Started by rcrcnitesh, July 18, 2013, 04:37:27 PM

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iam planning to build a plane with foam with my friends so i need help
is cessna a good plane for begineers if not which other is good enough
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


you should build a high winger for a first plane... any design will do, but make sure it's with is above the aircraft with a dihedral or polyhedral... that's a good slow design...

Sent from a potato using a lamp


you should build a high winger for a first plane... any design will do, but make sure it's wing is above the aircraft with a dihedral or polyhedral... that's a good slow design...,

Sent from a potato using a lamp


aniket a cessna is a high winger with lil dihidral ...yup ur good t go  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


is cessna easy to make if not which is easy to make and have good looks
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


nitesh when building from scratch it takes effort to build and make it look really good,u can make a cessna and give it a scale paint job
Wings are for wimps  :)-Mikado Logo/"OXY3  "/Scorpion Motors/Savox/JR PROPO/Spinblades/EDGE BLADES/KDE Direct/YEP/YGE/RJX/ GENS ACE Bavarian Demon-


Cessna is not a good trainer plane

Learner plane wing should be camphered to give slow
And steady flight


Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


How about J3 Piper. Its a slow flyer.
Agile 7.2                 (Kde 12s | Yge | Kds Hv | Sk540)
Goblin 700 Carbon  (Kde 12s | Yge | Rjx | Sk540)
Goblin 500 Sports   (Quantum 6s | HW | KST | Sk540)
Gaui X3                   (Scorpion 6s | Castle Bec | Yep | Tgy306hv | SK540)
Multiplex Funjet | Dynam Su26M | Arising Star

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does anyone have plans for j3 piper cub foam version
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Better to clone something like a sky surfer in terms of being very easy to fly. But for scratchbuilding purposes, blue baby is recommended.
Be Inquisitive


two winged plane would also be good
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


try to keep the prop as a pusher, so it doenst get damaged in a crash....


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


now found the plans
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


more plans
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


have a 35" plan also but can't post it because of the size
tried raring it but the samething
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Nitesh: a scale Cessna is NOT a beginners model, unless you do extensive modification, which will ruin the fun of the Cessna. Keep it for later, when you have more flying hours under your belt.

The best thing to do is get in the air as soon as possible. Go for a simple, standard trainer (electric) If you want a readymade, Sky Surfer and Easystar 2 are great: thousands have learnt on them, and these models remain fun even after you gain experience.

If you must build (not a good idea till you have some experience....mistakes tend to be very, very expensive!) go for something like a Blu Baby, or even Tatil's Tiranga...but Corro building does need some skills.

First, get in touch with a flying group in your city, and go regularly to the field, observe and learn. Asking questions on the forum can take you only so far, and no further. Make friends, ask people on the field if you can hold their transmitter for a few seconds etc.

Main thing is get up and go!!


thank you sanjay sir i have finally dwcided iam going to build the j3 piper cub I have got the plans
there is no flying field near my house what to do I even dont know any flying group I know only one person v2 eagle sir and that to I have not met him personally
and I asked him where he flies he replied somewhere near shollinganallur which is very far from my house
now what to do
Edit: forgot to add sir
Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


There are many, many fliers from Chennai on this forum. Do a search, find members and PM them. I'm sure you will find someone who lives near you, and you can go to the field with him.

On the topic of Cubs, there are Cubs, and then there are Cubs :D. All cubs are not good as trainers (though many are). I had a cub which could fly inverted, do rolls and loops


Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


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