First Scratch build in Corro

Started by SI74, June 29, 2016, 11:46:17 PM

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Thank you Iyer sir. What you told is true sir, but still it flies pretty good, may be because I am more confident on its size and not that worried whether the wing might touch any tree /electric line🙄 . Yes, it's a bit tail heavy ,and I had plans of using 1000mah Lipo instead. It was a quick video,before it rains, so didn't care to replace the Lipo.


Now that I am confident with corro, started to build a smaller scaled  ;D version . This time , plan is to correct mistakes on previous build. Thanks Sanjay sir, Girish & Iyer sir for encouragement 👍 .


More pics...


And more...


And finally... All snaps just to show how I make them and it's simple!


And a wing with Thermocol ribs...


sweet! must must find a ground! with coro builds one must diligently follow the square-cube rule, the bigger the model, the better the wing loading and stability (of course to a certain size).
Great build, and nice slow flying characteristics. feels a little tail heavy though. All the best.


Thanks Girish for your advice; followed your& Iyer sir's advice and made another wing that suits this plane- now 92.5*23 cm. Easy take off, flies superb too :thumbsup: ( the 25*76 cm was aesthetically bad choice)


To finish,  ;D some crazy painting ....


If it didn't have a name before, you can name it now - Rangeela!  ;D


Exactly sir! You read my mind, actually yesterday when I posted this pic, I thought of adding this name! , but eventually forgot.🙂 Now I have plans to tie few colourful ribbons to the jutting out portion of CF road  :giggle:


Plan as requested by a member ( ONLY FOR BEGINNERS AND THOSE WITH LACK OF TIME FOR BUILD ) . May use 500-1000 mah 2S lipo, or 450 mah 3S instead.But move wing forward so as to adjust CG.
Few points to be noted while building:
1. When you mount motor, make sure it points slightly down- may be 2degree. may use 1-2 mm Corro to build fuselage/wing ;BUT, use 3-4 mm Corro for stab. Make sure there is  NO warping of stab, especially the elev/rudder.

3.If you use 1-2 mm Corro to build fuselage, fill interior with usual thermocole so that it won't bent even on crash landing.

4.cut enough space for esc, so that there is enough heat dispersion.

5. Use CA to glue a ] shaped piece of Corro inside the front portion and then HotGlue motor mount to this, so that there is no vibration of motor.

6.Glue a small square piece of hard plastic to Corro at the sites where you pass wing mounts.

7 .Using zip tie, attach landing gear to a (credit/plastic ) card; bent it to tightly fit the outside of fuselage, then HotGlue it. ( idea is that even it tears off on landing, should not damage fuselage)

8.Cut a linear hole in horizontal stab to pass vertical stab, so that it doesn't flutter sideways.This method also helps to adjust the vertical stab after full construction before glueing / fixing permanently.

9. When you build wing, try to use a fresh piece of Corro (no bend /twist) , mark the bottom area, hotglue cf rod/ thermocole ribs , then mark/cut a bigger piece to make it into an aerofoil. This would make the wing (even 1mm corro) strong. Avoid glueing rib at the centre of wing , so that when you put rubber bands to hold it,  it will give a slight upward bend at the centre.

10. Finally use either paint/ acrylic colours to make the model attractive ;D

It is easy to cut this Corro using sharp scissors.


Forgot to add -use sufficiently tight rubber bands to hold wing, slightly bigger ground than a backyard! :)
When you insert wheels , use small pieces of heat shrink tube (on both sides of the wheel) to keep them straight.


Slight correction in the wing dimension. Error regretted.


Actually , I am into another build... Smaller version... 'll update on its progress... This time trying to follow Sanjai sir's (some) build techniques..


Still learning .... 1. As I was suggested to do (by Rai Saheb) , now know  ,how to attach LG to ply (placed inside fuse) 2. How to conceal servos inside . Both works fine. Maidened today..


And this's how it looks like.Looks good, flies well too..


Super progress! Very professional  {:)} {:)}


A million thanks sir! As one member was interested on this build, I am again attaching another simple wing with Corro - this reduces weight of the wing, very effective aerofoil , and is super easy to build.

