My RC experiments with electric models

Started by wingmanbunty, December 18, 2013, 02:26:57 PM

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                thanks for your advise , i was already considering orangeor flysky , but the only issue is
       sombody told me that if we buy transmitter from outside india,cusotm duy will take that in their custody and they will not allow us to use , is it right or wrong my friend i will be happy  to buy from hobby king

how much the goods transport will cost , anybody buy tx or glow engine from hobbyking how much is the tranportation cost and what is mode of payment.

thanks for your support  :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff:



That is the whole point - you do not have to buy
a transmitter - just buy the module (size of a matchbox)
and fit to your existing transmitter

v2 eagle

thanks a lot for this info Saikat, i really never heard of this thing before...
Im good at soldering even with SMD level and designed more than 100 embedded boards at least,
any guide or any website would be helpful.?

FPV with head goggles


Hey v2eagle.

here are some vids for frsky module....these are for 9x....but as you are good with soldering....i think you can figure some way out....:D:D

gud luck  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:






                       thanks for the video   

it is a hope for me but i do not have dare to open the heart of transmitter....
but very valuable information thanks...... {:)}
                    :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:



      Presently I am working on a Cessna model which is totally build from scratches, I use wedding card to draw the plane model then I use a waste peace of foam and shape it in Cessna model I use scatch pen of my daughter to paint the surface I have now few foam design which I build and waiting for the receiver to come from rc bazaar


The wing area of the airplane is 78 cm, length is 56 cm, and height is 21 cm it is entirely build by high density packing foam I draw the painting and scale it to fix the equipment which I got from rc bazaar


I want this airplane to fly , the equipment I am going to install on this bird is as follow

9 gm servo from avionic
2024 micro brushless motor avionic
1500 mah 7.4 v lipo
Receiver 7 rx avionics
20 amp esc avionic

All these equipment are from rc bazaar and I have all of these except the receiver which blow up last time and I am waiting for 1 month to get it from rc bazaar.

As I got the receiver I will take this bird in the sky it is very light weight even a slight cross wind take one side up in the air as u can see in the picture.

Now I want anybody from RC India suggest me about the battery to use and I am little bit
Not sure about the esc also about motor.
Any other place where I can buy please suggest me

Your support help me a lot

Wingman bunty


Anybody buy OrangeRx T-SIX 2.4GHz DSM2 6CH Programmable Transmitter or any other transmitter from hobby king how is the product and how to import? Is there any custom issue in India if we buy tx/rx from outside India ....


anybody Please help me to find out  :help: :help:

Any authorized or reliable  dealer of futaba in India which can provide 2.4 GHz tx rx with 3 receiver to connect with different airplanes also reliable complete set of esc and motors with good supply of battery at any time.


I am in need of futaba receiver battery ie 4.8 volt dc 600mah with futaba battery charger
Anybody have idea where I can buy it or can I use my 20 amp esc with 2200 mah 11.2volt lipo or any other lipo battery to power the futaba receiver

i also want to know is it possible to use 4 channel with i am planning to buy it .

I have 4 channel futaba transmitters with receiver.....


my post could be very funny for everyone but i am in a situation :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
now a day i read a lot and i had seen lots of youtube ...

i had spent some money second time for tx /rx and i can't take it lightly as i have only one set of receiver of futaba and

i had blown up the avionic receiver at the date of arrival or it could be faulty circuit,
now i lost all hope of getting receiver from rc bazaar.
and i was  in need of complete set for more then one month (tx/rx) from which i can continue my project ..

i know that lipo can power receiver by esc but i need experts to suggest which lipo and which esc to use  please understand my situation this is second time with  lots of investment

thats why i write this post.


v2 eagle

Good job Wingman,

You dont need a seperate receiver battery if you are going for a electric setup, the BEC in the ESC will do the job.

a few steps you could consider.
First determine your AUW(the total expected weight of the plane including the battery)
Then select your motor prop ESC setup accordingly
any receiver with a BEC can power up the receiver and you should not connect the RX directly to LIPO and this may burn it.

This video could give you an idea about ESC LIPO motor setup

in this video substitute the servo tester with a RX.
Above all DO NOT connect anything if you are unsure of it. Futaba is a good piece of reliable hardware(Costly too) and should work fine. Please take the help of a nearby club. they will be very glad to help you with setting up the power train.

FPV with head goggles


thanks v2 eagle i will be more careful this time.




just a suggestion... while making pencil sketches of airplanes, make the lines crisp and sharp... i see that at couple of places you have done overwriting of some lines... it spoils the artwork.. what i suugest is that make a rough sketch first on a rough paper and then race it onto a butterpaper.
then use that to make the final sketch with neat lines and strokes

i have learnt this by experience( grew up drawing jets) this is professional advice given to me by my sketching tutor at school when i was 12. remembered it till no and using it till date
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator



       very nice to get drawing tips from professional like you. thanks sir i will take care next time.

but sir as from child i do not use butter paper or carbon paper to improve my drawing . i used to draw using boll pen . even i draw from pencil i do not use rubber to rub and give finishing . that is my style once a line is drawing i try to improve or hide it any way , once the line is drown it is final.

              but i will take your tip and try to improve my drawing.
i would like to see any of your drawing what colours r u using.
if possible pls post it.


sir, i am not a professional artist... i made the same mistake while i was young... i got this advice from a professional artist at an art exhibition where i was presenting my sketches
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


good one Bunty.
Russ-40 Trainer, Mr.moss, Pushler, Skysurfer, Mugi , F-22, Red swan, Xtra-300, redfury, flying mantaray.



              sir i am not satisfied with answer, you can not skip by such answer , i am really happy that
this form has artist and i really want you to post any airplane drawing.

pl z    8-) 8-) 8-)


i will try to scan it or take a photograph of it but i have exams :(
tomorrow is sanskrit exam for junior intermediate in andhrapradesh
i have made a collection of jet drawings
BAE Hawk, HAL Tejas, F22, F16, F18, B2 stealth bomber, and lot more
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


foam model  with two ordinary china made electric motor uses 7.4 volt with a 2 channel china made transmitter which changes the motor speed to control the airplane.



Dear Wingmanbunty,
Well your josh seems to be great towards making and flying aeromodels.  Well I am now expert... but what I can tell you is before trying to jump into making your own designed models of aeroplanes you would do well by making models of drawings already present in various forums / weblinks of trainer model aeromodels.  This will ensure that you have the right proportions and the required shape.  Anything and everything does not fly.  Also read something about aerodynamics.... like lift & drag, weight & balance in flight..... these issues will go a long way in ensuring that you do not run out of good knowledge and correct advice on this hobby.  Many, in fact many have given up because they thought anything and everything can fly.........
Happy flying.
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...



                This bug is inside me as from child, lift, drag, weight ratio can not kill my hobby the only thing killing me now a days that I pay money and I do not get the right stuff to build airplane, I spend near about 19000 rs and still I do not have reliable equipment to build new type of airplane I still use my 10 years old equipment when I was student.

              Knowledge is everything sir u r right, lots of people leave this hobby it is also right, but the thing is how many people are there having good knowledge and share it with beginner in the positive direction or give assistance in nice way.
                        Making this hobby limited to a group of people , and if a beginner want some assistance in building a first airplane or want fly fist time , not showing the right assistance is the fact of this hobby

That's why people leave this hobby .....

Now a day lots of people get start, because a model cost near about 25000 rs investment and one mistake blow up everything. And this mistake ruined all hopes
It is killer of hobby

This is the time where expert assistance is needed and chances of failure will be very less



Dear Wingmanbunty,
Do not be disheartened.....  It appears to be the same case as it was for me many many many years ago.... I made my firsl tow like glider when I was in 5th standard in the early 1980's.... Best of luck.. if you need any assistance maybe I can be of some help....
Happy Landings
Well I been into aeromodelling since I was in School....  and then been in the air for over 30 years.  Now looking to be back into aeromodelling full time...