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Plane not flying

Started by Suyash, August 25, 2015, 08:26:02 AM

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I have made made f22 but not flying than  i choose a beginners plane and i made a delta wing but this is also not flying.plzzz sir suggest me what i am doing wrong....

I used a 6x4 prop but they said to choose 8x4 and battery m using 1500mah instead of 1000mah.i am using 1800kv dys  motor.
Should i choose another prop or there is any diffrent mistake


That is not a beginners plane - contrary to whatever you may have been led to believe.

check out the above link and build something like that


i think the servo placement is wrong its not giving u enough control on surface... place them in middle ..if we can the see video then it must be easy to say where u have problem   ;)
learning is a constant process of discovery -a process with out End !


Just get someone who knows how to fly check it out

Maybe the problem is you, not the model


I think saikat is right

There is almost no problem with model but it us not a. Beginners model
Choose somthing simpler
Delta wings are little tricky and yours will surely have very sensitive controle surfaces ... I have seen these deltas fly

Please change model if possible
Start with somthing more simple a rudder and elev system
And fly with someone who know flying


When i move the throttle to top and throuh from hand this not flies not for even a meter. It fallen on floor


I dont know that is weight of plane is heavy or thrust not enough or propeller is small...??


Check these things first:-

1 hold your plane ON vertical position motor facing sky and give Full throttle see how much lift you CAN feel ON your hands .....try to loosen Up your grip while doing it see if it pulls whole model upwards or not .... if it CAN pull it Up then
Your model is carring too much weight

2 if it is not the case then your wing design is not providing any lift to model ....controle surfaces look GOOD you don't need to change them

3 it may be you prop size or ESC YOU are using you should use 30A esc or above for that motor

See if any of these conditions are applicable


I m using 1800kv motor and 30A esc i think thats enough for that plane but firstly i should choose bigger prop to create more thrust ie by 8x4 but could you tell me which design i choose for this means apc or any other..??

Thanks for giving ur valuable time...


what do you mean "NOT FLYING" can you elaborate? do you have a video or something?


Ok first check thrust of motor and prop

as I mention in previous post ....

Prop you are using should be enough for motor and esc you don't need any bigger prop ....

What is is output current of lipo what is c rating of lipo???


And give a curve like shape to your leading Edge
It looks like it is flat ...


Yeah thats flat wing
I will rub from sand paper


Battery wolfpack 1500mah 11.1v 3s 20c

Weight 138 gms

K K Iyer

Other than the facts that:
1. Not a suitable first model
2. Your flying experience not known

there are many other issues.
1. I notice that you have a 'pusher' prop, normally used for motor at the back. Can be used in the front, but needs the rotation to be anti clockwise when viewed from cockpit. Please check whether the motor is trying to pull the model forward or pushing it back.
2. How did you know that your motor is 1800kv? As far as i can find out, there seems to be no 1800kv 2826 from either Hobby King or DYS. Is there any indication of the max watts or max amps?
3. Are you using a 2s or 3s battery? This affects the prop size required.
4. Did you build from a published plan? If so, where does the plan show the centre of gravity? Is your CG at the specified location?
5. How much is the wing area?
6. What is the weight (ready to fly)?
7. Is there some 'UP' in both the elevons when the elevator stick is centered? How much? How did you know how much is required? Indicated on the plan?

Lastly, if it is an own design, please postpone for some time and build a trainer from a published plan or kit.
Best of luck.


Lipo is not issue 20c is GOOD enough..but you should improve c rating if you CAN...


You should check all the points K K mentioned


I have take the tiled plan from but they were using 24gms motor and m using 50gms motor


Quote from: K K Iyer on August 25, 2015, 01:05:11 PM
Other than the facts that:
1. Not a suitable first model
2. Your flying experience not known

there are many other issues.
1. I notice that you have a 'pusher' prop, normally used for motor at the back. Can be used in the front, but needs the rotation to be anti clockwise when viewed from cockpit. Please check whether the motor is trying to pull the model forward or pushing it back.
2. How did you know that your motor is 1800kv? As far as i can find out, there seems to be no 1800kv 2826 from either Hobby King or DYS. Is there any indication of the max watts or max amps?
3. Are you using a 2s or 3s battery? This affects the prop size required.
4. Did you build from a published plan? If so, where does the plan show the centre of gravity? Is your CG at the specified location?
5. How much is the wing area?
6. What is the weight (ready to fly)?
7. Is there some 'UP' in both the elevons when the elevator stick is centered? How much? How did you know how much is required? Indicated on the plan?

Lastly, if it is an own design, please postpone for some time and build a trainer from a published plan or kit.
Best of luck.
just try this.....................



It is a elevon setup. when you pull hte elevator stick towards you the controls should go up. not down. basic mistake people make in a elevon control
Gusty's Hangar and Introduction.

A Good pilot will practice until he gets it right,
A Great pilot will practice until he can't get it wrong.


When i move the stick upward both elevons goes down and vice versa
When i move the stick right right elevon goes up and left goes down

K K Iyer

Since it is from a successful plan, the design issues are taken care of.

I think it will fly.
Just make sure CG is at the correct place and that controls are not reversed.
If the motor is 1800kv (or 2200), a 6x4 should be enough.
If it is 1000kv, you'll probably need an 8x4.
Please turn your prop around so that the convex side faced ahead, and check direction of rotation.
Go ahead and try a short test flight. If any difficulty, just cut throttle.



We just could not make out what happened to plane after release. All we saw was after it dashed to ground.  Take one good video and post. Mostly it's nose heavy.


I would agree with Sandy sir. Also, it seems overly heavy, and possibly underpowered. Instead of giving information in installments, why don't you try and give he whole picture? eg AUW UW by designer (FT), Power actual vs. Power by designer. Have you checked the CG position? Check, compare with what the designer says and report it

Help will always be given on this forum, but do try and provide adequate information for thisetc.