Please Tell me how is this glider

Started by saurabhvyas, August 04, 2013, 06:39:41 PM

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I decided to go for this as my first rc plane/glider, The Hobbyking guy said i wont require simulator to fly this and its very good for beginners

Do you agree?

Can i fly this in small local parks in india?


Saurabh, i suggest to wait for EasyStart 2 to get in stock at rcdhamaka instead of buying this model.

the multiplex models are much more durable in flying characteristics and quality, and good to learn (at least i trust them 100%). I have seen many emerging rc flyers including me who learned very quickly with easy star 2.   You may search more on forum too and expect the feedback from the experts too before  placing orders, instead of just calculating the cost difference of few k.


I have already placed the order , So you can advice me what i can do next and some tips


1. do simulator practice, but keep the proper stick movement not move the stick to the extreme as real flying it never happens
2. don't hurry to fly, practice first
3. i hope you must be going to field where other flyers fly. if not just give a visit to see the real flying
4. suggested to fly first time with someone supervision only, as minor mistake can get a patch on the beautiful bird :)

best luck and happy flying !


I agree with anandparanjape
The plane should be fine.
However, I suggest flying it in a big field with little or no wind for the first time and then once you're slightly used to it, then you can shift to local parks.
Also, the first time you fly it, I would suggest you get an experienced flyer to try it out before you start. If the model is not trimmed properly, you may end up with a crash on the very first flight.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.


Yes i live in delhi , i am afraid i cannot go to any big fields but i can definitely go to a very big park and i have no trainer

What should i do ? Read the manual and take the chance?



I doubt the manual would have any instructions on how to fly. If you can't find a trainer, and can't go to a field (though people do fly in Gurgaon and Noida) then I would suggest practicing on a simulator first, and if even that is not possible, then go on YouTube and search how to fly RC planes and learn the basics before trying your plane.
Maahin Beri - Introduction and Hangar
Seagull Arising Star, Seagull Low Wing 40, AviSport (SPAD), Phoenix Scanner, VortexRC Speedster, Martian 220 Racing Quadcopter.