Simulator interface cables useage with Tx

Started by rcforall, March 28, 2009, 10:07:15 PM

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Hi ,
We have this product  which has adapters for most of the popular tx's like futaba new , futaba old , hitec , JR , E sky etc  as you can see

It works very well with regular transmitters but we advice users to remove the Tx Crystal when using on the SIM  to prevent load/heating of the RF output  by preventing transmission.

How can it be used in the case of a 2.4 G Tx ?

Can a 2.4 G tx  out put be isolated in any way  OR will it not affect a 2.4 G Tx the same way as the conventional one .
I know Chan uses this product with his 2.4G Spektrum but need to check how ?

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


On most modern transmitters there is the "Trainer" option which is typically meant for putting on a buddy cord to pair with another transmitter.  Obvisouly, when used in such a configuration, both transmitters should not be transmitting at the same time ! 

So the way to ensure that the transmitters do not send our RF signals when you are using the sim, is to make sure you are in a STUDENT MODE confirguration with the TRAINER system ENABLED.  It is guaranteed that the RF signals are not being transmitted in such a config.  The menus/settings to achieve this "trainer with student mode" varies from one manufacturer to another. 

If anyone needs specific instructions on model+brand of TX, we can hunt that information down.
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Anwar ,
I might be wrong but  when in trainer mode the trainees inputs are transmitted to the receiver thru the trainers Tx right hence  the trainers Tx is transmitting  even when on trainer mode as per me , so  even if you were on sim with trainer switch on the tx would still be transmitting.Please correct me if I am wrong .
Yes but if the Tx can be put into student mode  you can stop transmission.
How can this be done in the case of a Futaba 2.4g 6 ex

sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


The key is STUDENT MODE.  In a buddy/trainer situation, there are two transmitters; one in STUDENT mode, and the other in INSTRUCTOR/MASTER mode.  Only the one in MASTER mode is the one that is transmitting at all times.  In face, most trainer systems advice you to keep the student's antenna fully collapsed.
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Quote from: anwar on March 28, 2009, 10:41:19 PM
The key is STUDENT MODE.  In a buddy/trainer situation, there are two transmitters, one in STUDENT mode, and the other in INSTRUCTOR/MASTER mode.  Only the one in MASTER mode is the one that is transmitting at all times.  In face, most trainer systems advice you to keep the student's antenna fully collapsed.

Agreed that is why in the case of a regular good old crystal Tx  we advice removal of the Tx crystal when using with a USB cable as a SIM.
But How is this achieved in the case of a Futaba 6 ex 2.4 g I have no Idea ? : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


You don't need to remove the crystal for non 2.4 radios ! Neither do you have to do anything special for 2.4 radios.  All you have to do is to set them (FM/PPM, FM/PCM or 2.4) to "Trainer with Student mode", and they are guaranteed to not transmit ! 

You may need to do the "crystal removal" technique with older radios, which do not support a "student trainer mode".

Here is a picture of my Futaba 12FGH 2.4 radio while I am using the Phoenix simulator (the best sim for helis, IMHO  ;D  )
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I've been trying to use my DX7 with a sim. when a cable is connected to the Tx it comes on in DSC mode (with the power switch still OFF) using an audio cable I got it to work with FMS. but not sure if DSC is student mode.
I have one more question. how do i make the DX7 work with other sims?
Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


If you plug in a trainer/sim cord into the DX7 with the power off, it automatically turns on and goes into a no-RF  DSC (direct servo connection) mode (which is the student/slave mode we have been talking about).

I am not sure any significant changes will be required to make the DX7 work with any other sims.  Some sims do come with a menu from which you can select the TX that is currently connected, there by activating more TX specific functions (or figuring out which switch/knob is assigned to what function).

If you are using a TX/sim for heli flying, choose a heli model in the TX with a normal (1 servo) swash type (instead of the 3 servo 120degrees CCPM swash type).
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with the DX7 connected via a mono cable to the mic input of my Comp. I can run FMS but i have only 4 channels and not 6 like what i hoped.
I have an ACE RC (TT) usb dongle (1.5mm - USB) but I'm not able to hook it up to my comp.
DX7 users pls help!
Anwar, pls move this post if necessary.

Can we have manufacturer related threads like 'All futabas here' ' Full Spectrum on Spektrum'  :) then birds of the same feathers can flock together  ;)
Its better to Crash while Learning on a sim rather than Learn from Crashing on the field


Checked on the 6EXA there is no student mode only a trainer switch hence not much use .
Taking out the crystal is the only way to stop trainsmission,
So my question still remains ?
How can it done on a futaba 6 EX 2.4G  ???

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


The Futaba 6ex (both normal and 2.4) both support student/instructor mode (even though it does not show that in a menu, unlike the more sophisticated models).  For example, Tower Hobbies clearly states that the it can be "master or student", on their product page.

It works similar to the Spektrum DX7 in terms on how the student mode is chosen/enabled.  If the power switch is kept turned off, and the TX was powered on automatically when the trainer/sim cord was plugged in, then it will not transmit an RF signal (2.4 or regular 29-72).

See page 33 in the manual for the 2.4 6EX here

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The 6EXA does have a student mode. Futaba uses a 6 pin connector. This page describes the connector pin functions.

When the transmitter is switched off and power is supplied through the cable, 6EXA comes up in student mode with RF section disabled. If you don't mind opening up the tx, you can run a wire from battery to one of the unused pins. Then add a connection in the sim cable connector to bridge this pin to Vin.


If anyone has a Esky Tx , it would be provided with a training cable , u can also use the Tx for Realflight ..... but with modificaations to the software.
i am quite happy with the Esky Tx range , it seems to transmit signals upto 100mtrs , but Futaba is the best!!