What is the best way to get into RC in India, on a budget ?

Started by anwar, March 18, 2009, 05:57:29 PM

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smriti g

Hi all,
Thanks for bringing up this topis I have great information .in Bangalore one training company will guide through the Quadcopter project from the basic mechanical design.board design.software implementation
i had very wonderful experiance and very happily completed this project with full satisfaction.
contact them )9886094611


Hi anwar, just registered into rcindia. looks like a great forum for all aspects of rc. i am really keen to get started with rc planes (only). any suggetsions from your side are most appreciated.
tarun cariappa


Hi Cari - Welcome to RC India :)

Just go through the "RC India Gems" threads that are relevant to your quest as a starting point. Please do read quite a bit before making any purchase, especially the threads on which models make best beginner planes, best shops to buy from etc.

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


+1 with aerovishva for balsa model.
agree with kalyanprodhan as well for the glider as first plane..
I more thing i would personally refer to make the first plane as a perkflyer, wingspan not exceeding 30".
One basic reason for choosing parkflyers is that you wont gain much weight, so momentum during flight is also less, so the tendency of breakage of your model becomes less on crashes.

I can take off and fly well. Its landing which sucks :banghead::banghead:


hi anwar, thanx a lot for the suggestion. will go through the threads. i hope you will be able to assist me in case i have any doubts. thanx a lot


hi anwar, just wanted your opinion, whats it like to get a spk dx 6i (with trainer option). wont this be a radio for the future too
Tarun Cariappa


My two bits...
Dx61 i am using and it is good.
To keep initial cost down choose an EPP or EPO pusher. Learn the basic controls.

Spektrum DX6i | EP Pusher Trainer | EP CUB |


Quote from: Cari on October 16, 2012, 10:23:38 PM
hi anwar, just wanted your opinion, whats it like to get a spk dx 6i (with trainer option). wont this be a radio for the future too

I know many people who are quite happy with the DX6i for a long time.  A 7 channel would really be a better choice, if you are into big heli / big plane flying. 

At the 6ch level, the Spektrum is better than the Futaba in terms of display and programming which matters everyday on the field. 

Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.

kittu kumari

is china material good to use... because in chine rc stores batteries are too cheap


not only batteries every thing is very cheap......
and gud quality.... atleast batteries are best..... specially turnigy...

get used to .. .. hobbyking.....its a rc heaven


can order every thing........ just dont go for transmitter radio....... has custom issues...... except tat every thing is fine....

worried of high shipping...... ?? order more stuff and sale it on forum ....... in sale portion........ have profits {:)} {:)}



hello every one there.as iam new to the rc world can anyone out there sujjest me do i have to look for a prop balancer too....is it required to have a proper balanced prop for a smooth flight Huh?!!!


its a advanced stuff..... if u r limited to electrics... u might not bother for small planes... for glow /gas, and big planes..... go for it


Hello, BEGINNERS I wanted to state SOME ways that will help you to start off in RC  -

As a beginner you will have to face a LOT OF CRASHES if you think that you can just go in some field crank up the throttle, get wind under your plane/helicopter and fly like the PRO you saw on that YouTube video, or any other video. Those guys in the video have had their fair share of crashes, and if you think you can fly like them the very first time you fly,you are completely WRONG and i am sorry to tell you this  :-\. But there are many ways to start learning RC vehicles and different crafts have different learning curves. Here i have stated some ways to get into this hobby. Even after doing all this i wont say that you will never crash. Crashing is a part of this hobby.

A] The RC Flight Simulator
B] Learning on Cheap Chinese planes
C] Courses offered by  professional individuals and Professional RC clubs
D] Go to the nearest RC club and ask an instructor to teach you the basics
E] Attend any event occurring near you

A] The RC Flight Simulator:
An RC flight simulator is a computer program that allows pilots of radio-controlled aircraft/helicopter to practice on a computer, without the risk and expense of a damaging a real model. Besides the obvious use of training beginners, they are also used for practicing new aerobatics, evaluating a model before buying it, and to allow flight practice when conditions are otherwise unsuitable
There are many flight simulators available on the market today of which most are commercially sold and some free simulators.
According to me some one NEW to RC should start out with a free simulator and then invest in a commercial one to hone their skills even more.
Although i dont know of all the commercially available simulators i have given  some of them with the FREE simulators listed below:
Free Flight Simulators {:)} :hatsoff: ;D -
1) R/C Desk Pilot: It is one of the few good free simulators and has a lot of aircraft options available which have been created by users.
Download link - http://rcdeskpilot.com/download
Another link for a diffrent setup and models offred by a european RC company BMI - http://www.bmi-models.com/fs/
Links to all the diffrent planes that are available for FREE(RCDP)-
a)http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/thumbgallery.php?t=1102829&do=threadgallery&type=files&group=none&starter=no - Different models created by frankfly,Metman,Eves and GeneralFailure(Creator of RCDP). As these are zip files you just need to open them copy the file inside and paste them in the RCDP aircrafts file, and the new craft should come in the simulator.
b) Parkzone Radian link - http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16432620&postcount=985
2) Flying Model Simulator(FMS) - Is another great free simulator
3) FlightGear - http://www.flightgear.org/
4) Slope Soaring Simulator - http://www.rowlhouse.co.uk/sss/
5) AlphaMacSoftware's RC Helicopter Simulator - http://www.alphamacsoftware.com/index.php (for MAC)
Commercial RC Flight Simulators
1)Aerofly Professional Deluxe - http://www.aerofly.com/afpd/index.html
2)AeroSim RC - http://www.aerosimrc.com/
3)ClearView - http://www.rcflightsim.com/
4)Dave Brown RCFS - http://www.dbproducts.com/store/rcfs2001.htm
5)Digital Aircraft Modeller - http://www.digitalaircraftmodeler.com/
6)FSOne - http://www.fsone.com
7)Phoenix R/C - http://www.phoenix-sim.com
8)PicaSim - http://www.rowlhouse.co.uk/PicaSim
9)PRE-Flight - http://www.preflightsim.com/
10)Great Planes RealFlight - http://www.realflight.com/
11)HELI-X - http://www.heli-x.net/
12)X-Plane - http://www.x-plane.com
You will need a controller to practice on these sims so i suggest these:
If you are really serious about taking up this hobby then you should go for the Avionic RCB7X(7CH) offered by RCBAZAAR(included simulator but a bit costly, this transmitter receiver combo is a great initial investment and will last you for a longer time) -
And this is another great 6 Ch tranmitter receiver combo that can also fly real models,offered by them is(Cheap can be used with most simulators on PC with the included USB cable):
Another GREAT CHEAP option is to buy these, which come with simulators (Dummy controller,they only work on PC cannot control real Craft)
a) http://dx.com/p/x-power-8-ch-usb-rc-flight-simulator-kit-left-throttle-transmitter-65739
b) http://dx.com/p/dynam-rc-tech-6-channel-usb-r-c-airplane-helicopter-flight-simulator-with-fms-software-mode-2-961015580

B] Learning on Cheap Chinese RC crafts:
There are a lot of cheap Chinese models out there which are quite good for training on and are offered cheap.
These planes basically have smaller motors mounted on them and use differential thrust for maneuvering, this just means they speed up one motor and slow down the other to turn etc. While for helis the Chinese versions are usually Co-Axial(two counter rotating propellers that generate thrust, speeding one of the propellers adds torque on the body of the heli in the direction it is rotating) they have two propellers one on top of the other. Both of these types and other cheap Chinese planes and helicopters can be bought at your nearest mall and Toy store, usually medium sized toy/gift shops have them. They are very great to learn absolute basics of RC flying and will give you a feel of the controller and the hobby.They are usually very cheap(Micro Indoor flyers that is(Which achieve stable flight in 0 kmph winds)), these will range anywhere between 700 - 3000 Rs, you can get them cheaper for like 300 - 400 in second hand on OLX - OLX.com, and you can also get the second hand ones in your area. RC cars and boats are available too, i will guarantee you that a medium sized gift-shop/Toy shop will have RC cars at least ;), if you want to get into them.

C]  Courses offered by Professional individuals and Professional RC clubs:
Search the forums you will find some courses that are offered by individuals as well as clubs, though it might not be around your vicinity courses are a great way to learn from the PRO's of the hobby, many courses will be long, 3 - 6 months or even a year but some are just 1 - 2 week crash courses that will teach you the basics and the intermediate levels of the craft type you are interested in. Ask the person offering the course if you have to bring anything, like your plane/heli/car/boat + the accessories and they will teach you to use it or if they are offering everything the plane/heli/car/boat + accessories or if you have to bring the accessories like the transmitter with buddy cord connection. This topic is one such great course offered by Harveer Singh Sodha(for Planes) - http://www.rcindia.org/rc-events/learn-to-fly-in-5-days-flat/msg135041/#msg135041. These courses will help you a lot as the exact mistakes and correction will be pointed out to you by the instructor and every individual learns differently so going through courses help a lot. ;D.

D]Go to the nearest RC club and ask an instructor to teach you the basics:
If you have a RC club  near by just go there every chance you get(That is the days they fly and you are free) and just watch how they fly the planes and keep on asking them questions, every RC hobbyist wants to tell how they acquired their skills and give some information on how you can increase yours. By doing this  you will not only get to know more about the hobby you will also get inspire a bit and if you stick to a particular instructor/flyer then you probably may befriend him and he may let you try flying on a buddy chord or one of his machines(usually the cheaper one) or the one he thinks is suitable for you. Dont hesitate and take all the advice the instructor/flyer has to  give you.

E]Attend any RC EVENT occurring near you:
Attending events occurring near you or a place you can visit will help you understand the complications and necessities in the hobby, it will also let you decide which type of crafts you like and what each one has to offer, as a beginner you should usually start off with slow stable crafts and transition into the faster ones, but which ones you want to master are your choice, Sailplanes, 3D, aerobatic planes, war birds etc.
An event will usually showcase all the types (medium and bigger events that is). And events also let you see the different masters involved in maneuvering the craft and will let you know different skill sets required to maneuver different class of Planes/Helis/Cars/Boats.  

There are many sites that will sell you different RC products, go visit them to see the wide variety of model options that are available. Dont ask yourself what if i crash my Plane/Heli? Learn how not to crash your respective craft and GOD FORBID your craft crashes just tell yourself at least i learnt a new way to crash and i wont repeat it.You ask any experienced pilot and each one will remember their crashes more than their victorious flights.RC is all about having FUN.So have FUN learning,flying,driving.

[mod edit] Nice write up by neil, went to where it deserves to be, this thread
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.

K K Iyer

Remarkable effort for only the second post.
Should have included your (equally interesting) first post.
Hard to believe you are so young.
You can consider revealing your nationality.


THis is how i started..

get a cheap 4ch heli. It would cost around 2.8 - 3 k. (v911 best option)
As this tiny helis are sensitive you will be learning alot..
This helis are like crash - reset - fly - crash - reset @
After getting comfortable with the heli , but a glider. eg. hawk sky, skysurfer ---
and believe me it wont crash.. :)
Planes are like feel-good buddy movies and helis are like horror films... you just have to like being scared!


Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


can all these be used with the 9 in 1 usb dongle which already has pheonix, realflight , reflex xtr and aerofly professional deluxe
Bixler2, FLYSKY, THX 9, 9XR, DX6i, Techone Satrun, Multiplex FunCub, FunJet, FRSKY DJT


Quote from: Ahamed on May 22, 2013, 10:20:44 PM
can all these be used with the 9 in 1 usb dongle which already has pheonix, realflight , reflex xtr and aerofly professional deluxe

Please elaborate your question ahmad."can all these "? "all these" is what exactly?
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


Can all the above softwares work with USB 9 in 1 dongle
Bixler2, FLYSKY, THX 9, 9XR, DX6i, Techone Satrun, Multiplex FunCub, FunJet, FRSKY DJT


Quote from: Ahamed on May 23, 2013, 05:27:55 PM
Can all the above softwares work with USB 9 in 1 dongle

No, go to the site of each software and see the specifications, some will work some may not.
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


Hi Guyz,

I am new to the RC world,and am reading different post and videos and articles and what not on RC.. Really fascinating stuff, i want to get in this hobby, and after reading a lot of stuffs, i think the best way for me to start is a SIM.. so i plan to buy either of the 2 radios
1. Avionic rcb7x
2. FS-TH9X 9ch 2.4GHz
Both are from RB bazaar, the FS-TH9X does not come with a Sim i believe , now what i need is which radio i should go for, and the FS-TH9X is not available either with Rc bazaar for now..

Also wondering if the radio can draw power from the USB when using the sim, so as to save the battery ?

Kindly advice, I am ok with spending about 5K or so on the Radio..



I have not used the avionic 7 one but i do have turnigy9x(same as FS).
Its a good radio and you can add your own firmawares inside it.I am myself a begineer,if you are looking into begineer videos then do watch my blog.




hey rocky.... welcome to rc india!
a good way to start is get the fsth9x, and a sim dongle (both of which you can find on rcbazaar)
the fsth9x is better than the avionic, because it has 2 more channels, and also, it is a very popular tx, with lots of user support...
i guess a sim dongle will cost around 1000 bucks, but i dont know for sure....

hope it helps :)


Hi Aniket,

I have read about some signal issues with the FS.. is that true ? and also the FS does not come with a Sim.. what Brand is the Avionic, is this a copy of some brand ?



hi rocky! i have the fsth9x, and it works Fine.... i was considering avionic, but i finally settled on the fsth9x, because i feel its better....