What is the simplest foam plane design for beginners to build from scratch ?

Started by anwar, June 24, 2009, 12:35:38 PM

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Maker | Aeromodeller | Teenager


Rcnitesh, please do some research on google/youtube/forum, a simple plane to build would be mikey's rc sport trainer,search it.
Tonight Im Flyin' You.


Helis and Quads ROCK !!

v2 eagle

Hi Prashant welcome to the forum,
can we have the total weight of the model including the electronics. bcoz the motor you have chosen has max thrust of 500gms with 8x3 prop, make sure the weight stays around 600gms max . there are lot of foam or coro wing planes that you can choose from, just search with a right keyword in this forum,

All the very best, Happy flying.
FPV with head goggles



that was insane... :o
can you send me the plan??
I really want to try this thing
thank you :hatsoff:


Has anybody mentioned the "nutball"? IMO the best damn airplane for the complete beginner :D
It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic,
Of all things physical and metaphysical,
Of all things human and all things super-human,
Of all true manifestations of the head,
Of the heart, of the soul,
That the life is recognizable in its expression,
That form ever follows function. This is the law.


Hi friends,
i have made an Extra300S from RC Power.com designed by Dave. Its really good for beginners.
    Though it should make with Styrofoam or EPP. but I have made it with coroplast (locally called sunflex).
  I have used
1. dys 2822 brushless motor of 1450kV
2. Lipo battery 11.1v/1000mAh
3. 20A esc
4. two 9gm servos
5. HK T6A 6 channel Tx/Rx

length of fuselage including rudder 68cm
wing span 70cm

my flight video link is

K K Iyer

Quote from: avigyan.chatterjee on January 12, 2015, 11:34:33 PM
Hi friends,
i have made an Extra300S from RC Power.com designed by Dave. Its really good for beginners.

Saw your video. You were unbelievably lucky.

But to say that an Extra is really good for beginners
Since that statement contradicts everything in my experience, i have to conclude that i've not learnt anything in the last 50 years in this hobby!


Iyer sir
  though the Extra300S is really a good flier for beginners like me. But still i have learnt that high wing gliders are the best for the beginners. I have already tried Flite test Simple Soarer. I am giving the link http://flitetest.com/articles/ft-simple-soarer-build. but the main problem is during the flight the nose tends terribly upwards. i have added extra weight in the nose . but still the problem arises.
  will u plz help me.

v2 eagle

Add some down thrust.
search google and see why down thrust is needed and what is the effect of it.
the angle needed for DT depends on the situation.

FPV with head goggles



EXTRA 300  - FOR BEGINNERS???  ??? ARE YOU JOKING? That is a 3D model for Advanced / Expert fliers. It is easy to build and a horror to fly as a newbie.

What a rank newcomer needs is a High wing Cessna type plan. My vote is for the Blue Baby.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


frankly speaking i am a completely beginner. but this model i have referred had successfully flown each and every time. I did not used any aileron and made the wing few dihedral .


F-35 scratch build
p-51 mustang
rc trainer scratch build .


if you are looking for easy to build printable plans for training rc plane
i wolud sudgest 'ft flyer'
from flitetest.com
and 'tiny trainer'
they both are great planes
ane works best for me
and the easiest one to bulid and fly was ft-flyer 3ch beginner rc plane

manu chopra

manu chopra

Any idea, jet plane ki dimensions kaha se mil sakte hai? Tried many sites bt cant find 1 with dimensions.


My plane for beginners is Old Fogey because  though its a bit harder to make than most planes here, its super easy to fly and looks great. Even if you haven't flown a plane even in simulator, I guarantee that this is very stable. Here is my post containing the electronics, there is also link to the flitetest plans.
A Dozen Scratch Built Models , 
VT-Speedster Pro
55' UAV Wing
Model  Rocketry