RC India

RC Models => Boats => Topic started by: Adiboy on October 04, 2012, 06:52:52 PM

Title: Current Draw...??
Post by: Adiboy on October 04, 2012, 06:52:52 PM
Hey friends need urgent help…

A Turnigy Bell 1650kv, 250W motor is connected to the following propellers with 30 Amp Blueseries ESC:
1.   5 x 5
2.   7 x 4
The above setup has to be run on a 2S 2200 mAh battery & 3S 2200 mAh battery….

Can anyone please tell me what will be the approximate current draw in all four combinations…..? Will my 30 Amp ESC stand unharmed at each configuration without burning…?

Please tell me if any of the combination has a threat to my ESC.

Any other suggestions are heartily welcomed…!

P.S.: The above is used in a Hovercraft….

Title: Re: Current Draw...??
Post by: hangingtough on October 04, 2012, 10:24:11 PM

no one can tell you for sure

buy you should look for Suppo data sheet for 1650KV or simmilar on the net.

it give a lot of info