Mr. Maharana from Raigada, Orissa is a scratch builder par excellance! I wish I had half his talent. I had a long chat with him and have invited him to join the forum. His humility adds to his persona.
:bow: :bow: :bow: Awesome
Would love to build one
Excellent Build Bravoo.... {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} :salute:
Those working lights were the icing on the cake :bow:
Nice build pics and a convincing demo after a long time. {:)}
a very neat and scale build :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
hey guys i think mr maharana has joined the forum check out the latest forum member on the index page's foot
I :bow: to the modeller
Awesome! Now that is talent! :bow:
Absolutely awesome build. Fabulous details. Great going sir. :bow: :bow: :bow: