Neptune (scaled up) from Available Plans in Sunboard

Started by sanjayrai55, May 30, 2013, 06:53:22 PM

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Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

Dodgy Geezer

Quote from: VC on June 02, 2013, 12:16:40 AM

...Welcome aboard...

Thanks for the welcome! We're all in the same hobby, and people who put up build logs like yourself are doing just as much to spread the word - if not more. Take a salute, VC!   :salute:

I do what I can, but I'm not a skilled technical draftsman, and so any feedback on the plans is most useful. As a tip, the later plans are going to be better drawn, because I will have had more practice...



Really wonderful to see you here Geezer, and welcome aboard; the fount from which the build has sprung!

I, and many others here are grateful to you for putting in the effort to transfer these kits into buildable designs. There are a few glitches, but so far in my only build they have really been nothing too significant.
My own building skills, or lack of them, create more problems  ;D I cut the skins a little larger and trimmed to size after gluing, which was necessary.

Wonderful to have you here, and looking forward to plenty of participation from you  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Very nice build, :salute:
and many thanks for referring the original plan site.  :hatsoff:


Thank you very much sir! These words coming from a master are high praise indeed!


rai sir
great going,wonderfulllllllllllll to see a nice build. but wish to see comments from VC Sir and roopesh sir to comments on this EXPERT build.wish one day i would make such a babe


Thank you Joe, for your very kind words.

People like SB Maharana, VC, Roopesh and so many others: they have built fantastic stuff, we are but infants in front of them

Dodgy Geezer

Quote from: sanjayrai55 on June 02, 2013, 05:56:45 AM
I cut the skins a little larger and trimmed to size after gluing, which was necessary.

I think that all the original kits had the skins a bit oversize - because if you get the hull slightly incorrect, a skin which is just the correct size would leave a gap - so trimming is expected...

What I am most interested in is occasions where slots or tabs are in the wrong places. It is easy to misread a scan of a piece of balsa, and I would like to correct any mistakes that people find.. 

Quote from: sanjayrai55 on June 02, 2013, 05:56:45 AM
Wonderful to have you here, and looking forward to plenty of participation from you

I have quite a lot to do!

At the moment, I am trying to set up a forum for collecting old Vintage plans for model boats and distributing them, on the Model Forum RC GROUPS. I don't know if any of you belong to RC GROUPS? If you do, we could really do with some 'Yes' votes on this page:

I hope to put up a web page covering ALL old model boat plans rather than just the KK EEZeBilt models - but that will take a long time to complete...



There were no issues with slots and tabs, except on the keel, where I 'played it by ear'

I have voted 'Yes' on the RC Groups poll. This is a noble effort on your part.

I can understand your being busy, no doubt you have a lot on your plate right now; nonetheless, do drop by sometimes :D


You are a lucky man Rai Sir! Your build has resurrected a Maestro boat builder (who has been in hibernation) from Eastern India and another who is the Creator of this build from a foreign land.

Modded (sic!) to gain the acceptability of the OP! ;)
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Do you mean Dodgy Geezer is from Eastern India?


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


From Eastern India and Creator.....I'm lost. I'm a morning man and it's already 30 minutes past my bedtime :D


Modified reply # 34. Hope it self explanatory. Good night Sir!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!

Dodgy Geezer

Quote from: sanjayrai55 on June 02, 2013, 10:30:09 PM
Do you mean Dodgy Geezer is from Eastern India?

When I was younger I spent a few years in Durgapur.. but I normally live around London..

Thanks for the voting - I am trying to revive the idea of building model boats from plans rather than buying ready-made hulls from China, and so making old plans more available is part of this endeavour...


Holy Smoke! The Dodgy Geezer IS from Eastern India!!! What a coincidence. Dodgy, welcome back home!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Dodgy, care to comment on my scaled up build logs of the Mermaid and the RAF Rescue 'FIRE' Boat?
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


awesome!!! I'm from east too! what a coincidence!

Sent from a potato using a lamp


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!




Darn mysterious inscrutable Orientals, these Wise men of the East :D


Dodgy: nice to know your India connection. Were you associated with the Steel/Mining Industry? Durgapur has a lot of that

Dodgy Geezer

Quote from: sanjayrai55 on June 03, 2013, 07:47:54 AM
Dodgy: nice to know your India connection. Were you associated with the Steel/Mining Industry? Durgapur has a lot of that

I was a little young to be working on the steelworks at that time!  My father was a troubleshooter working for Shell Oil, and took me out there for a few years. I see on Google that Benchity is now part of the town - it was a small outlying village as I remember it...

I have been looking at the Sunboard models - very impressive! I had not thought of using that material, and of course the earlier model kits were never designed with this in mind. One point I might make - the 50+ range are boats intended for modern radio control - the original range were never intended for this, and so often need to be bigger. But just increasing the size can lead to problems - you may need more internal support, for instance, if you are building in balsa. Sunboard actually looks better for 'expanded' EeZeBilts - and it's probably better for waterproofing as well...


The Neptune is pretty alright structurally.

What is meant by "50+" here?

BTW: Sunboard is technically Compressed PVC Foam  :)


Sorry, I found the 50+ on the EzeeBuilt website :D