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My New RC Air Boat

Started by desachristopher, July 30, 2013, 09:19:23 AM

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West system resin is different to epoxy glue it can be pained on with a paint brush like paint but sets hard and clear you can use it
with glass fiber cloth like ordinary fiber glass resin but west system resin will go off even with very thin coats you can paint inside a wood boat to fill
any gaps you might have so when you do a coat on the outside your boat will be completely water proof plus very strong


Here is the first run of my RC Air Boat.

Sorry for the video is a bit out of focus.
the hatch cover gave some problem, got open twice while moving, have to work on proper lock system for the hatch cover


This is good  :thumbsup:

Very good in fact. Great balance & turning stability. Well done  {:)} {:)}



looks very stable in water, nice job  {:)} {:)} {:)}