Scratch Build: Atlas van Lines Boat

Started by Rooster, July 19, 2010, 11:43:25 AM

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hi mate.
looks good........ how's it coming along with the machining?
this should add some serious power........


This probably is the longest build on this forum.Have been completing this with baby steps.
Have finally managed to change the drive to a flexible drive. changed the coupler to a brass coupler. Got the same machined from a local workshop. Have managed to minimise the inefficiencies to a large extent such as the Teflon washer behind the drive dog.
Will be running this on a 3s 5000mah lipo.
Here are the pics.


Some more Pics



The maiden went smooth .. could not record it.
The second run was a eye opener to me .. Missed out on two important aspects
1) checking the range of the Tx. Mine was running with old alkaline batteries and the did not take care of the range. Big mistake.
2) Did not tape down the cannopy. assumed that the magnets will take care of it.
result the boat went out of range and braked suddenly with a nose dive and the cannopy thrown off. water entered the boat.. Luckily all electronic safe.since had everything in balloons. Will sail it again this week end. The speed with just 10% throttle was awesome. Sprays water at the back as every boat lover would like to see.



Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7


Monster! You will need a MUCH bigger pool for this baby. {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


Thanks VC!
It surely needs a larger pool... Infact I was not allowed to run in this in our society pool the first time for its size. the attendant was scared if this thing does some damage to the pool.

Waiting for the weekend to take this to a lake.



Quote from: Rooster on February 17, 2012, 11:40:33 AM
Infact I was not allowed to run in this in our society pool the first time for its size. the attendant was scared if this thing does some damage to the pool.


:giggle: :rofl:
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!


well done Sreekant,
Flexy shaft seems very suitable and generating goo speed also. would love to see on a bigger surface.


Excellent job Sree..actually was waiting to watch your video..because of slow connection it was in list..congrats for your great mentioned, waiting to see her on a big water source.. :hatsoff:


A  couple of Requests
1. To Some of the experienced boat modellers: How about an "INTRODUCTION to MODEL BOATING" section. along with' HOW TO DO IT TIPS' with input and tips as well as links.

2.  to Roooster: A detailed description of the FIBREGLASSING technique with links.

P.S the advertising board is called foam board at Chennai. about the weight and strengh of plywood of same thickness. Cuts with a hobby knife and sticks very well with cyano. available in thicknesses from2 to 5mm.(this is what I have used other thicknesses may be available.) Good stuff to mount a motor on a small foam.


Next boat to be a Fibreglass moulded hull. Will be including detailed fiberglass build pics for the same.



Please start the work on it, as early as possible..great.. :thumbsup: :hatsoff:



hats of to you sir for this patient build,
it indeed is a very long build but he result has paid off every pains int he making process,,
the boat is really awesome will contact you soon as i want to build 1 for my self.
sent pm

Crabs are just pets you carry around on your groin....


Got some time to experiment on the stability of my Atlas Van lines. Here is the video of the boat without the turn fin. Almost line boat on Steroids.... Many of the turns that you see are not intentional but just due to the lack of stability in absence of the turn fin.And this is only at less than 50% throttle.


Added a turn fin to the right sponson... Although brought in stability to some extent... But now I realise that I have installed the rudder on the same side as the turn fin...This does not give the boat the stability on both the sides of the boat Hence the turns.
will be changing the rudder to the other side.

thanks to RCNeil21 for the video taken last weekend. Thanks Neil.
Here is the video with the Turn Fin


Here is the rudder placement Will be shifting it to the other side.


1st video- you are taking a lot of sharp turns(not required) its only slowing/breaking the speed.

In the 2nd video boat is very stable and fast.
excellent job {:)} {:)} {:)}


Wow the difference between the first video and the second one is quite a bit like Sb sir pointed out.
Changing the rudder position will stabilise it a lot more right sir?
Build planes like feathers rather than tanks, both handle bullets equally well.


Quote from: Sb_Maharana on September 20, 2013, 10:01:22 PM
1st video- you are taking a lot of sharp turns(not required) its only slowing/breaking the speed.

@maharana: many of the turns in the first video are without any rudder movement. . The boat just turned when throttle was increased. This was taken care with the turn fin to some extent... but again since the rudder and turn fin are on same side of the boat. . The problem remains. . Hence now moving the rudder to the left of the boat.


Got it, both the rudder and fin will act like guide to the boat.


hey Rooster....good to see it flying ...long time man!!!!! ye to dubki bhi lagati hai!!!! :-)
Hanger: Mini Yak-54| 210 Phantom | SU-47| F-15| EuroFighter|Scrappy|SU 27|Eurofighter|Sukhoi PAK FA
Blade MCX| Blade CP PRO
JR XP7202| DX7