One of my favourite RC shows of the year. The Southern Model Show has a bit of everything. The temporary boating pond is used by about 6 clubs who demonstrate their various watercraft to the appreciation of the visiting public.
Looked and looked, but couldn't spot Nessie. Did see Nautilus though
good to see. wish to attend. We should plan such event here in india.
Quote from: sanjayrai55 on September 30, 2017, 02:38:49 PM
Looked and looked, but couldn't spot Nessie. Did see Nautilus though
I think a radio controlled Nessie would go down very well with everyone !
Quote from: Gajjark on November 12, 2017, 09:26:52 PM
good to see. wish to attend. We should plan such event here in india.
You really should ! I bet an Indian naval battle re-enactment would be amazing.