G3 Sinister Saint - Sweepstakes 2014 [Build Log]

Started by AnjanBabu, April 29, 2014, 11:53:50 AM

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Trishit, it's got enough torque to direct drive a 1/8th wheel, but would look out of proportion on this car.  I'm planning to build a 1/8th direct drive or 1/5th with CVT.

HPV, thanks!

Iyer sir, everyone finds the front end very Lambo-ish. :D
Yes, can go much faster, I didn't go over 20-30% throttle in the video.
I will try the steering exponenital.
I tried gluing 5mm strips of bicycle tube horizontal to the tyre surface like a sand buggy wheel, only much flat; the oversteering disappeared until the strips started ripping off one by one.
The fix was not really practical, of course. Just proved that the rear wheel needed more grip than I had anticipated, even with the CG as rearward as possible.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Heat a piece of wire and melt grooves onto the tyre you already have on the car. See if that helps..
It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic,
Of all things physical and metaphysical,
Of all things human and all things super-human,
Of all true manifestations of the head,
Of the heart, of the soul,
That the life is recognizable in its expression,
That form ever follows function. This is the law.


Its rubber tyre, i tried a 100W solder iron, couldn't put a scratch on it.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Now, what's Watt to do with temperature? ;D Heat a piece of wire. Best bet is to bend the wire in the shape of the tyre and then heat it and apply (almost red hot).
It is the pervading law of all things organic and inorganic,
Of all things physical and metaphysical,
Of all things human and all things super-human,
Of all true manifestations of the head,
Of the heart, of the soul,
That the life is recognizable in its expression,
That form ever follows function. This is the law.


More watts = more consistent heat.

I heated a cycle spoke and tried branding the tyre, still no effect.
I'm about ready to give up on this and make my own tyres with some bicycle tube for now.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Did you try WD40? Let the tyres soak in it for a while. The solvents do wonders to soften the rubber up.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I dont have WD40, ATM. I used brake cleaning fluid, it does help but loses traction after just 10m or so. I can feel the grip when it takes off and then no more.

I think its all the dirt and dust that sticks on the wheel is the problem. Planning to switch to some wider treaded wheels.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



You must be using quite a dusty road. :D

Did you get any info on 1:10 buggy premounts? I couldn't find any suited to on-road use.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.



I saw a few buggy rear wheels, with dotted surface, no tread pattern. Didn't look like it would last even an hour on tarmac.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist





Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Old body shell was made of 2mm sunboard, it was a bit flimsy and fragile, so decided to build another one with some stiffer 3mm sunboard.

The basic design is same as previous, just giving it a sinister look on the face with a few lights, some other flashy bits here and there and probably a multi-tone paint job.  ;D
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Take it to a CNC shop n tell them U need turnings onto these tyres. it can be done in a fine way, but be careful n dont the get the whole tyre damaged.


miginstruments, I made a tyre myself with some 2mm foam and rubber stripped from a bicycle tube, worked pretty good on rough concrete.

New body painted and glowing with a evil grin on the face! >:D
I can't seem to stop working on this car! Upgrading the motor to a 900kv from 750kv and new wheels too.
Also, working on an Arduino based traction control system while I wait on that HK parcel.

Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist


Rc Mumbai.com

great build some videos of it running would be great




Chintal, I've posted a couple of videos here, check replies #55 and #71.

Miginstruments, I guess. ;D
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist




from the start your project looks very creative.



Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Can you please elaborate the technique you used for making the tyres with pics?
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


Topalle, I don't have any pictures right now, I can redo it and post it up in a couple of days, if you want.  :thumbsup:

Basically, I cut strips of rubber from an obsolete bicycle tube/bladder matching the width of my wheel rim, then layer the strips over the wheel circumference until you achieve the desired diameter. I used FeviBond glue. Wrap it all up tightly in masking tape for a couple of hours and its good to go.
I used a layer of dense 1mm foam in between to give some cushioning on the tyre surface. Lots of grip compared to my last pro soft slick.

It usually doesn't last long since the top layer starts giving away on the joining seem, but mine is surprisingly going well after 13 packs adding up to more than 3 hours of runtime.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist



Did you try skateboard/ roller skates wheels?
They are heavy though..
Amateur photographer ... DIY enthusiast ... Scratch Builder... Student-Innovator


Yes, too heavy for this car.

However, I had used a stripped roller blade wheel in a rc drag bike long ago.
Mechatronics engineer . Hopeless realist


K K Iyer

If only there had been a single bolt securing the swing arm, the chain could have doubled as the suspension...