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Assocoated TC4 :)

Started by rajathv8, December 25, 2011, 10:57:45 AM

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I bought my first on road car two Sundays ago. Its an associated TC4 second hand car with a Nissan GTR body.
It came with stock setup and electronics , chrome light buckets for headlights and tail lights.
The chassis is LOWWWW. It has only "one shirt button thickness" of ground clearance at the read with the stock setup!
The springs are stiff and damper oil is thick.
The stock tyres are grippy on road but are not suited for drifting (although it does readily slides around on a smooth floor).
Brushed motor lets me drive slowly when i want to - i like this a lot. The XXT splutters around during a slow start.

Things i did so far:
1. Increase ride height - moved the shocks around.
The car can be drivn over small stones - the kind one can find on road. The bumps and depressions scratch the chassis though.
2. Removed the brownish paint from the rims - well 3/4th of it :D Cotton ear buds are very useful! Pic: TC4_TYRES.

Thing i plan to do:
0. Change connectors to deans.
1. New set of rims.
2. Light system.
3. Repaint/New body (lancer EVO X).. I will consider painting it if i can source paints.

I like all the differences between this and the XXT. Its a different animal -  composed , quiet, agile, responsive and a lot of fun on the terrace , hall, parts of the street. The XXT is a maniac :D

I do not like the way the antenna wire has to be routed into the antenna tube post. Please see pic: TC4_4.

And finally some pics:

PS: I tried taking videos but kept crashing on my terrace while trying to control it with one hand.








Good buy. When you're ready for bl, message me ;)

The spluttering you mentioned with your XXT is cogging due to the sensorless design. The brushed motor is mechanically commutated whereas the bl one is electronically commutated. Either way, it seems like you're enjoying this one. I'd love to see a video of this in action.

So, rally conversion in the future?
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


XXT and TC4


Last few :


Rally conversion in the future :)

One issue i faced is that all my HEX tools dont work well with this chassis. All of them seem slightly smaller and slip in the hex socket/grove. The same tools work fine on the XXT.

I need to loosen the rear ball diff.


Chances are the hardware is standard and not metric...

Maintaining the ball diff will be a pain... You might want to get the optional gear diff if possible. It will mean more rotational mass but it'll have lesser maintenance.

EDIT: Seems like nobody makes a gear diff for the TC4. The ball diff will give superb adjustability though.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Good buy.

Any plans for bl?

I'm waiting for an on road track and I'll buy an on roader too. Chances of breakage are lower too :D
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Congrts for your new car bro
I'll be back.


@Gandhar: May be. I will check soon :)

@Divyam: No plans for BL as of now, I like the Brushed system. Breakage is lower with proper driving. :D Its not as rugged as an off-road RC.

Thanks Arpit :)


The road in from of my house has been covered with a fresh layer of asphalt. It is F-L-A-T!! Unlike the conventional gentle semi-circle like surface. Perfect for the TC4.

The TC4 is a lot of fun on a proper flat surface -better than the XXT on same surface. Its agile and pretty fast for a brushed setup. The scale looks and weeeeeeeeeeee sound it makes as it buzzes by is fantastic!
Using talc on the tyres for drifting indoors works well - as suggested by the previous owner.

I would like to add 1cm to the ride height though. Any ideas?


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


 No videos as of now. The thing is too agile to control with one hand and capture a video with the other.

PS: It is worth mentioning that this car is quite complex. Working on it is not as easy as it is with the XXT. It has a lot of tiny complex parts.


The motor has become loose. Need a different tool set to work. Car is not going to run till then.


I would put this up for sale soon :)


Lost interest in onroads..? or upgrading to bigger model?
I'll be back.


Upgrading to a smaller model :D I want a brushed mini. :)
I love the TC4 however i prefer a mini.