Bought a Ferrari F430 GT scale 1:10

Started by chokxxi90210, November 23, 2010, 04:22:26 AM

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I went to a local toy store and bought a 1:10 scale RC Ferrari GT F430 yesterday just to kill some time before my J500 Heli is up and flying.... I was amazed with the detailing in this RC Car, the box says its Ferrari certified for detailing. Its so damn amazing, I had few runs on my terrace and I was damn delighted... ;D

here are some pics I got from internet, i'll post some actual pics in a day or 2.

Also, I'd like to ask experts around here if there is a way to modify the electronics of this car, as in upgrade the servos that control the front wheel assembly or the motor ..... something....I welcome suggestions....


I agree about the detailing... but isn't its just the TOY ? I have one with broken radio and some loose parts inside and already working on installing a Spektrum receiver into it with micro/nano servos. I will update when I have completed my mod.


I got it from ModelArt if this is the same..


Yh its just a toy for now....thats why I need to do some mods to make it a real mean machine....Its not from Model Art, actually havent seen the box yet for the vendor details, its a big red box, red remote with a channel switch, on-off switch, left - right control on the wheel of the remote and forward backward control on the trigger....

The shop had model-art metal co-axial helis as well costing 4500 INR....


uhmm.. while looks quiet same as I have... does it has white led headlamps too? I will post the pics of mine later tomorrow


Ya it has white LED head lights which glow only on forward motion and rear break lights which glow on reverse motion....has a 700 mah 6 cell Ni-Cd (rechargeable) battery in car and a 9V battery (non-rechargeable) battery in the pistol-remote control...

the car has 2 switches in the bottom side, one is a channel switch and second is a on-off switch - both are red colored. the battery door in car has 1 screw and 2 plastic locks...

inside of the car has a detailing of a roll-cage and 1 sports seat on the steering wheel side painted with details of seat belts etc.


lol.. :) yeah looks like we are on same page.


This is not a propotional model i guess. Says 27mhz on the pic you poster. So i guess it will not have any servos.

Here's mine. Its fast, i can manage 360's , burnouts, drifts easily.
I can understand your feelings mate - i love the detailing too. This small thing has the toe hook also :D


Rajath, Neither yours and nor mine were F430GT.. :) I checked and mine is Ferrari FXX Sports Model and is 1:18 scale

This is mine..


while your model used to be my first love... I wish I could have it for real... but wont mind even FXX for real or any ferrari for that matter


Quote from: rajathv8 on November 23, 2010, 10:49:13 AM
Here's mine. Its fast, i can manage 360's , burnouts, drifts easily.
how much did you pay for it??


Mine is an F40.My fav Ferrari. Looks absolutely beautiful. I did not buy it - was a b'day gift :)


the box says the make of the F430 is "MIX RC", it also has some Ferrari hologram and number on the box which says its Ferrari company certified for the detailing. Mine is 1:10 scale model....

Mine was a birthday gift too, rather a pre-birthday gift - from my wife  :P  - My B'day falls on Nov 28...


For an upgrade,try a brushed motor.A brushless will obviously kill the gears.Try to upgrade your batteries.Not much you can do to to a toy grade vehicle.Nonetheless,it looks good.Have fun.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I did manage to get some burnouts done on this one......Drifts - I dont know if it can....

Next in line is a H3 Hummer, again a 1:10 scale, will get it next month....


Its "MJX-RC". I personally feel upgrading this is a waste of cash. It awesom looks and is good to be used indoors and thats what it was ment to be :)


Ya anyways, i'll be using it indoors just for time-pass, my younger bro is gonna get one too, we have a huge terrace in our bungalow, so we are thinking of drawing a circuit with black paint there, where we'll be racing on weekends  >:D, he is gonna get a Ferrari Spider same make and company.....

any idea if I can replace the tires or put up a more powerful motor in this toy ??


Try a better brushed motor and if possible,stick bigger,more powerful batteries in it.If you can,try to get a lipo in it.(not sure if this is  a good idea).But honestly,the performance change will not really be worth the money spent.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.



yeahh dude, I got the above pics from this ebay post only....for actual pics of my toy you can visit my facebook profile...


how much did u pay for it...?
A good buy if less than 3000 rupees
I'll be back.