I know blitz is 2WD and minitrophy is 4Wd, flux is fast and a little difficult for beginners to control..........
but still a little confused..............how is mini trophy truck?????getting a good deal on all cars in Indonesia might get one from there.......
want to go for HPI bcoz spare parts are easily available .(would be my first ever rc car)
plz help me out guys :help:
What do you want to do with it? I would suggest either the blitz or the firestorm flux.
just want to have fun firstly.....jst starting with the hobby
i want to do offroading.........just drive it around in parks and stuff
Quote from: iamahuman on February 08, 2012, 04:28:17 PM
I would suggest either the blitz or the firestorm flux.
as I said i am a beginner, just want ur advice that
would'nt flux be any problem for me........... I mean i have heard these are fast and difficult to control..........
I personally do want to buy flux as it will save me some money in future(would'nt have to spend on upgrading to flux) wat say??
No racing in sight right? As of now, there are are no suitable classes for the blitz and the firestorm flux. For normal bashing, both should hold up pretty well. The blitz is said to be really durable. Only downside is that it comes with a brushed system. If you get a blitz, do upgrade to brushless.
Brushless shouldn't be a problem. I don't know about HPI (Castle) ESC's, but in Traxxas ESC's you can set the throttle to half by setting the ESC to the "Training mode"
But with HPI ESC's, you can buy a cable and cut down the throttle.
The Castle Link is for more advanced options. You can turn your throttle end points down to a lower number. If you want a smoother throttle, you can change the punch control or use some negative expo on the radio. The best punch control or expo is your throttle finger. ;)
Quote from: iamahuman on February 08, 2012, 08:07:16 PM
The best punch control or expo is your throttle finger. ;)
ya thts true but i dont think i would be having any command over my throttle finger from the very beginning....but ya thts the most practical option to use ......but some experience or a big open area is required
Quote from: Divyam on February 08, 2012, 07:39:14 PM
But with HPI ESC's, you can buy a cable and cut down the throttle.
can u elaborate how to cut down throttle ..........
.....good to hear tht flux (cars/trucks)could be controlled by amateurs.........was tld by one of the dealers to not buy flux as it would be very fast and I would be banging it around and at the same time gave me a high upgrading cost (to brushless)
so in future it would be very difficult to upgrade it to brushless thts why I wanted to buy a brushless straightaway ....but was scared with controlling it ;)
Throttle limiting: Use end points on your radio.
Smoothing the throttle response: Punch control or Expo on the Tx. You can use the set up button and tune the punch but it's going to be a pain. If you want to go into more advanced options, get the Castle field programmer. It's a programming card and Castle Link in one unit. I'm not too sure you can upgrade the firmware on the HPI systems as they are said to be locked from the factory. Leave that aside for now. I'll keep my stand on the fact that the best punch control is your throttle finger. I'm speaking from experience... ;)
Guys,before you try things like expo and throttle, try using a lower battery voltage. Playing with throttle can damage your esc. Confirmed by castle. Mamba guys can tune.
which flux ?? trophy truggy flux or buggy flux or apache sc flux or etc etc flux ... never seen a mini trophy flux..
I think this is what he's talking about :-
And a lower voltage is also a really good option. I think a 2s LiPo is more than enough. Or NiMH. But with NiMH, the runtime is VERY less. 15-20 minutes of usable runtime.
Quote from: pravesh736 on February 09, 2012, 08:53:40 PM
which flux ?? trophy truggy flux or buggy flux or apache sc flux or etc etc flux ... never seen a mini trophy flux..
flux in general , bcoz I have read and heard thr these are pretty fast and difficult to handle if one does not have good orientation
Mini trophy flux is there in the market though not available in India right now so Google it u will surely be able to find one
Quote from: Divyam on February 09, 2012, 09:56:35 PM
I think this is what he's talking about :-
And a lower voltage is also a really good option. I think a 2s LiPo is more than enough. Or NiMH. But with NiMH, the runtime is VERY less. 15-20 minutes of usable runtime.
Yes Divyam you are absolutely right with the car...coming to battery 15-20 mins is gud enough to start with ...slowly as I get feel of it ....I would jump to lipo
How do you find the car ,,,I mean frm ur personal point of view and knowledge
Are there any other better options available ???what's with scale system...how do they work??
If it were me, I'd go with a 1/10 car for bashing...
Keep in mind that 15-20 mins. of runtime, with CONSTANTLY reducing power.
A LiPo can hold its charge for longer. So think about all that before you invest.
As for the car, I haven't really read much about it, but I would suggest going with a car that has spares support in India. That way, you get a full support system in India itself, right from warranty, to spares and everything else the car needs.
ohokie.. got it . the TSA truck .. good for bashing not for racing .. yes its hard to handle becuz its 12th scale
flux is only what hpi calls their electric line of brushless vehicles .. so every car hpi has in electric brushless is called flux ,.. too much variety to be genralised ..
check out hpi Apache sc flux, if u have the budget go for it(its a lil expensive initially but u wont be spending money upgrading this and that part later as its already a good platform ) .. looks and handles good and its raceable(as its based on the d8) in the short course class which is filled with lots of new drivers compared to other categories .. being 8th scale ul have advantage over 10th scale sc trucks ..
as precautionary measure u can run in 7.4 nimh and shift to 2s lipo or more later ..
dont worry about power .. once u get the gist of it power is never enuff .. ;)
ps - all cars are hard to handle in the first days :) and inida will have part support for this car most probably
Quote from: iamahuman on February 09, 2012, 10:28:36 PM
If it were me, I'd go with a 1/10 car for bashing...
Bro Wats the diff btw 1/12,1/10&1/8 ??
its the scale of the car .. 1/12 means 12 times smaller than the real full scale , and similar for the others 8 is 8 times smaller ... the bigger the better they handle
Bro to start with I am on limited budget, apache is a bit expensive for me...
Don't earn so u know ...........jst want to buy best possible car within my budget
Quote from: pravesh736 on February 09, 2012, 10:34:42 PM
its the scale of the car .. 1/12 means 12 times smaller than the real full scale , and similar for the others 8 is 8 times smaller ... the bigger the better they handle
Okay got it now ....thx buddy
i dont know much about the mini trophy but it had lots of problem with drive train and stuff blowing .. dont know if they solved those problems .. scale wise the bigger the better ..
there are lots of car hpi has u can choose according to yer budget
if yer a scale looks fan then u can get the mini trophy brushless(from all your options)
Quote from: iamahuman on February 09, 2012, 10:28:36 PM
If it were me, I'd go with a 1/10 car for bashing...
A 1/8 will always be better for bashing. Better build to take the abuse.
Quote from: Divyam on February 09, 2012, 10:29:16 PM
right from warranty, to spares and everything else the car needs.
Warranty for RC India is still not clear. No one seems to be ready to explain in detail about it. In US its very clear. Spares, yes improved a lot. Expect the fast moving ones. Still not fully dependable.
Reply to #0
There are settings to make an RC car beginner friendly. The easiest being EPA - End point adjustment. I use this on my RC while handing controls to my friends.
Its not too difficult to learn to control the power. I would suggest that you get the MOST powerful setup you can afford. Please buy a brushless RC. Spending a lot of money and having a slow car may not feel satisfying.
If you buy a brushed RC and later upgrade to brushless there are a few problems:
1. You will have to spend a significant amount on the new brushless system.
2. Brushed system will be lying around.
3. You can sell it but there are very fey takers for a slow brushed power system
The cost of a brushless RC now will be less than a (brushed RC car + Brushless setup + lying around brushed motor and ESC )
Reply to #2
You can have fun with whichever RC car you buy dont worry :) But please think about how long the FUN will last.
That depends on:
1. Power - brushless will keep you happy for longer.
2. Maintenance - the lesser replacement / cleaning / damage the better. Please buy a durable truck.
3. Spares availability - this is VERY important. Please make sure spares are EASILY available. It is also important to know how much spare parts cost. Costly yet easily available spares may make you want to drive slower and = less fun.
One thing is for sure - the more fun you have the more parts you may/will break.
Reply to #3
Please buy brushless.
Reply to #7
Where there is a will there is a way :)
Reply to #14
I am not a speed freak so i find NiMH power sufficient for my use. It may be a good idea to get a feel of NiMH and then decide. Spend as much on the car first and use NiMH. Later buy Lipo if you need it :)
Reply to #18:
It may be a good idea to not go by scale. Check the dimensions instead , use a measuring tape to get an idea how long, wide etc the product is going to be.
Reply to #20:
Please post your budget , we can help you better :)
If you want a cheap car with no racing involved i would suggest a TT. Spares are cheap. I love my TT XXT. I done have to worry about breaking it as spares are available. It is pretty tough.
I suggest a 4wd over a 2wd for the extra grip and ease of cornering.
For indoors smaller cars are better.
For outdoor use 1/10 or 1/8 will suit better. For a given type of car the larger the scale the more ground clearance the car will have. You can drive a 1/8 monster truck over rougher terrain as compared to a 1/10 monster truck.
Other things to consider:
1. Ability to carry the car around.
Ex. I travel by bike and my 1/10 scale car fits well in my backpack. However i will not be able to carry a 1/8th scale truck on my bike.
Please look at the dimensions and decide (not scale).
2. Go for a 2.4 Ghz radio.
3. ESC programing: Some RC come with lipo compatible ESC but to use a Lipo one has to change settings on the ESC. On some RC's this can be done only with a programing card. If so check availability and cost of the card. In my case i am not able to find a source for the card. I may have to buy an external Lipo cutoff - irritating.
Remember its YOUR RC so please buy what YOU want. What works for others may not work for you. Hope you make the right choice. :)
Thx a ton for ur feedback , it's appreciated :bow:....it has surely added to my knowledge
Okay 1st thing 1st I will buy a brushless motor as adviced by you :salute:
Secondly I have a budget of around 20k ....including all battery +charger etc..
Not much for buying a rc in India but I will be getting one from Singapore and it's pretty cheap out there if u get a gud deal, ..I hope I do
3)hpi Is my 1st preference ,traxxas comes second any suggestions for any other brands or models
Truly speaking I haven't even considered traxxas
Not sure which brand,car ,battery to call for
In terms of battery I will start with nimh only but not sure how much mah
truly love the response of people in this forum ....it's an honour to be part of this forum ....
No offense but please be careful while buying what u want .. as we don't make the right choices all the time specially in the begining .. buy a proven platform .. which has support and thunder tiger is good for one month and then its boring forever .. ul be repairing the car half the time .. this is from my personal experience tt fans do not take offense ..
Scale also gives u an aproximate of the vehicle dimensions btw .. lol
@ Pravesh None taken rather I am more than happy to hear from u guys and learn frm ur mistakes and suggestions
Rather I have to be extra careful with wat I buy bcoz I won't have my second ride anytime soon. Not until I strt earning ...
U can give me any piece of advice u wish I am here to learn
Cheers !!!!
Another personal opinion - my TT is doing fine after all the bashing and it has never been boring :)
1/10 , 1/8 etc = approx dimensions.
424mm x 324mm x 150mm = EXACT dimensions.
Scale is relative. Dimensions are absolute. :)
See the thing is tt is exciting .. very very exciting .. I have no words to say.. I too had a s50
but if u have driven other cars in the market... then ul know why tt is boring .. it was the same for me too .. tt was very exciting because I drove only tt .. after I started going to the track and seeing others make me eat their dust and after driving many .. I know what is what .. after trying many vehicles out there and after going thru many vehicles I finally have seen where what stands .. tt is really exciting if your a newbie or non racer .. but once u start racing ul start repairing a lot and get fed up and buy a new car which means more money gone ..
i just want to help the guy make a good buy and not some junk. best is to invest once and for all and then slowly learn .
ps- exact dimesions only matter in big big races. i carried my s50 in my bike along with a jammin truggy, so transport shudnt be a problem .. u just need to use the head on how to. if we can buy expensive cars ..we can surely stitch a nice bag of 800 rupees to carry them .. but some cases are surely exceptional .. :)
Good to know that you had experience with many cars/races, and that you can stitch a nice bag for Rs.800, however i stand by what i said :)
That's wat everyone says
according to your choice/options, i would suggest e firestorm, as u r going to use nimh, u ll not get full fun,but bigger maH the better run time., rest your call