RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: rishi on April 02, 2013, 11:15:00 AM

Title: Dissapointed- lack of lusture for rc cars
Post by: rishi on April 02, 2013, 11:15:00 AM
hey all,
I am new to the hobby. Due to lack of space and more importantly money i cant afford to buy the equipment required to buy a rc plane or a heli that is a hobby grade.
i had a thing for toy cars since i was a kid. i have been active on this forum for about 2 months and i still have trouble getting parts cheap. all the websites in india are dedicated to the flying.
i know i cant be the only one with this trouble. even getting a two channel radio is being a trouble. ppl suggest not to import radios due to customs. :banghead:
its just a request to kindly pay heed to the rc car hobby development too.. v few ppl can afford a traxxas entry level truck.
lets go indigenous. i would love to see more Indians into manufacturing of kits for cars too.
i know its a long way to go.
i would like to see more of modelart sandstroms like cars in the market.
Title: Re: Dissapointed- lack of lusture for rc cars
Post by: Tassem on April 02, 2013, 03:29:20 PM
I'm sure the manufacturers would like to see more people interested in cars too. Most people think ten times before spending a couple of thousand on a "TOY". Once that attitude dies, we'll see more manufacturers willing to get their feet wet.

Till then, EBAY :)
Title: Re: Dissapointed- lack of lusture for rc cars
Post by: theleabres on April 02, 2013, 04:24:30 PM
Get a 3 channel ground TX/RX from hobbyking, a lipo, a charger, a hobby grade entry level car, all for about Rs 5,000 shipped to your door.