RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: rcimpulse on July 29, 2013, 05:42:53 AM

Title: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: rcimpulse on July 29, 2013, 05:42:53 AM
I recently re kindled my passion for RC cars and boats pulled out my nikkos and cleaned them.. Top notch quality the nikko brat. More on the restoration later. Build quality and finish on these are way better than a lot of crap available today.
Got bored cleaned them and put them away.
4 days later Through an employee of a popular lhs got a contact of someone who services RC cars and had second hand traxxas nitro 4 tec. Picked it up got fuel,  fluids etc and got running in no time. Seemed very hard to handle at first but I was able to do some crazy straight line speed and drifts. Crashed her a few times some minor scuffles on the chassis and a little alignment is all she needs.first nitro thrill what more can I say-  More later.
- I would like to get my first Nitro powered buggy or truggy or mt. Budget  Rs: 40,000 with everything rtr  lipo Niamh hump pack minus fuel.
My usage-  drive in a ground close to my house,  palace grounds and on Tarmac outside my house.. Strength and ease to start of is my priority.

I have narrowed down these  but need advice -
Hpi savage 4.6 rtr
Hpi trophy 3.5 or 4.6 pulse ?  Rtr
Traxxas revo 3.3 or any other ?
Thunder tiger ?? Equal of above brands ?
What about OFNA? Joy rising hobby ? In chennai any one drive them?
Any other in india RTR.

Also how do the 1/10 hpi bullet 3.0 nitro perform? Will they simply flip over under acceleration? Do they drive well   whats the thrill factor ? Please advice.

Any others  :banghead: I'm confused would love advice based on bangalore roads and weather conditions with spares and service in mind too

I am a newbie in Nitro engines.. Would love to drive the beast a little before I get down to Tunning and fixing it .modifications are probably much later.

Secondly I know a person selling used Baja(s) 5b with 27mhz controller 23 cc petrol. They are a little 2plus years old but maintained very well how much should I pay for one? What advise can one give on this.

Should I wait,  save up and purchase a hpi or any other ? (Himoto brand 55k :o)  baja brand new or get a 1/8 mt truggy buggy?  
Can someone who has all tell me ( and I have heard of people who own /run/ drive more than one) advice me on whether the thrill of a1/8 will be short lived when I see or drive a 1/5? I'm looking for the maximum thrill for the buck at the current point in time :)
I'm a little impatient but grasp quickly and adapt fast. Urgent advice would be awesome any will be a great blessing in disguise.

In the mean time my 4tec (if anyone was the previous owner or has or had one in bangalore) pm me:) your advise will be the best. Here's a picture.
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: iamahuman on July 29, 2013, 07:10:07 AM
I'd suggest a 1/8 buggy or truggy.

For :Rs: 40,000, you can get yourself an RTR nitro buggy easily. The ones that come to mind are the JQ RTR and the Ofna LX2. For tarmac, you should get some street tires.

Typical spares required would be arms, turnbuckles, bearings and hardware.

I'd suggest staying away from the knockoff bajas. For a first car, a 1/8 buggy or truggy would be ideal since they're easy to drive and maintain and are durable.

Where in Bangalore do you live?

PS: Welcome to RC India. I removed the bold tags since a whole wall of bold text isn't easy on the eyes.
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: Divyam on July 29, 2013, 09:38:19 AM
Since your main priority isn't racing, I'm going to say Truggy or MT. If I were in your shoes, I would have gone with the Savage or Revo. But I don't know how the spare support is these days, since I don't really keep track.
I say MT or Truggy because you want to bash more than race. And as far as I remember, the latest Revo 3.3 (#5309) comes with waterproof electronics. Don't run it in water, because not everything may be waterproof!

And yeah. Welcome to RCI :)
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: rcimpulse on July 29, 2013, 02:22:14 PM
Guys is 60k for a 1hour used 2010 hpi baja 5B running 27mhz controller fully stock in immaculate condition too much?
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: iamahuman on July 29, 2013, 02:32:37 PM
Not really but it's not very usable in the city. If you're paying 60k, you might as well get a race bred truggy. That way, you can bash and race.
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: rcimpulse on July 29, 2013, 02:56:27 PM
Quote from: Divyam on July 29, 2013, 09:38:19 AM
Since your main priority isn't racing, I'm going to say Truggy or MT. If I were in your shoes, I would have gone with the Savage or Revo. But I don't know how the spare support is these days, since I don't really keep track.
I say MT or Truggy because you want to bash more than race. And as far as I remember, the latest Revo 3.3 (#5309) comes with waterproof electronics. Don't run it in water, because not everything may be waterproof!

And yeah. Welcome to RCI :)

Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: rcimpulse on July 29, 2013, 02:59:20 PM
Quote from: iamahuman on July 29, 2013, 02:32:37 PM
Not really but it's not very usable in the city. If you're paying 60k, you might as well get a race bred truggy. That way, you can bash and race.
So your saying its a decent deal 60k but not usable on streets can it be bashed around abused ? Can they be driven in wet conditions ?  I have heard Tunning and up keeping these 2 stroke engines are easier than nitro. I live near Mekhri circle and will be using it in palace grounds. What about yourself sir ?
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: iamahuman on July 29, 2013, 03:06:34 PM
It's a very loud car and driving experience with a 2wd is not that much fun.

I've also heard that tuning a petrol engine is easier than a nitro. They(the bajas) are fairly durable cars. I personally think that the novelty will wear off soon. In my opinion, if one goes 5th scale, the Losi 5ive is one of the best cars you can get.

I'd stick to my recommendation of buggy/truggy. For 60K, you can get a really good deal on a buggy/truggy.

I live in Mahalaskhmi Layout.
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: rcimpulse on July 29, 2013, 03:17:36 PM

Louder than a nitro ? Are the Losi 5ive available locally ? How deep a hole in the pocket a used car cost 1/1 ? Lol

60k is pushing it for me hence I asked if its worth the extra money for the sheer size ? At the moment I'm not interested in racing any of them.
Which bugging/truggy would you recommend ? Are pull starts a hassle ? My 4tec starts like a real car one start :) ez starts are great ! Please advice
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: iamahuman on July 29, 2013, 04:30:35 PM
From what I've seen, pull starts are a pain. Ideally, you want a starter box.

The 5ives are available with Dogbone Racing in Delhi. I'm not sure of the price but it's certainly more than 60k.

If you're not into racing, take a look at truggies. MTs aren't the greatest vehicles to work on and don't perform very well either. A truggy gives you the performance of a race spec vehicle and the terrain handling of a basher.

Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: dst161 on July 29, 2013, 04:39:26 PM
Hello rcimpulse, as iamahuman mentioned for 40K u will get a good 1/8 scale buggy with a few spares too.

The best available options he also has recommended are JQ RTR (by Veels on 5er) and the Ofna LX2 (by Joy Rising Hobby).

Pull start is not really an hassle but to make life easy, a starter box would be a good to have and does not need you to take-off/remove the pullstart.

Buggies can be used for bashing and just in-case you think you like to give a shot on racing, you can do that as well.

In fact with just a very few upgrades, the JQ RTR (already a semi-pro build out of the box) and the LX2 can become a proper pro racing car.

The best part is that the price of both JQ RTR and LX2 are below 30K which gives you other 10K to spend on the spares.

If you like to build the car the you can go for the Hongnor X3 Sabre or JQ Yellow Edition and again the price of both is about 33-34K but kit needs more items to complete like Engine, Servos, Tires, Body Paint, Transmitter/receiver, etc.
Title: Re: First RC nitro buggy or truggy or MT or1/5baja? Which brand
Post by: rcimpulse on July 31, 2013, 02:49:35 AM
Ok thanks for the advice Everyone. I have finally purchased a used Hpi baja5b  old version sparingly used with minimum scuffles or damage as far as the naked eye can see- that was stored by someone in bangalore.
A passionate man himself- provided everything in the box all sealed unused lubricants tools charger scratch less orange body air filter  and most importantly a new user manual:)

Initial response - the size 750 mm! Woah it's long , way longer than I expected nothing compared to the 1/8.
Looks great sounds a little too loud and is sluggish compared to what I had in mind with horrible feedback from the remote. 27mhz are horrible or what? Anyway quickly swapped to my traxxas nitro 4tec rx tx.. Reversed the servos on the control ( yes all controls were inverted/ opposite ).
Fun was short lived and my throttle servo ( stock ) burned out or stopped functioning. Promptly replaced by the seller who had spares fortunately.
Slight leak from the fuel tank near the pipes. Old rubber maybe? Corroded / become sticky.

I have not taken her out for a proper run in a decent space as yet. I would love to make sure things are fine before doing so. Any advice would help.

Best part is its petrol. A litre would last at least an hour I heard. Haven't got a chance to run that long.
I have attached a picture :)
Once again thank everyone especially Hpi India sole distributer Rahul taking time of for all his advice on the subject and help.