RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: peter.gomes on June 29, 2012, 09:25:32 PM

Title: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: peter.gomes on June 29, 2012, 09:25:32 PM
Dear All,

I'm a aeromodeller having Futaba TX & RX ,Just bought this car for my son (Turnigy 1/16 Brushless 4WD Short Course Truck w/ 25Amp System).

my Q is ,Can I use the Futaba TX & RX for this Car ?

Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: prabhu.rohit9 on June 29, 2012, 09:34:59 PM
yes peter sir you can use :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: iamahuman on June 29, 2012, 10:06:16 PM
Which one is it? It's not exactly convenient to use an aircraft radio on cars. You'll have to use the elevator channel for throttle and the aileron channel for steering.
Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: saikat on June 30, 2012, 07:37:16 AM
Or you can hold the radio upside down and all will be well.
Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: anwar on June 30, 2012, 10:40:42 AM
Use of aircraft radios for cars was discussed previously here :



Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: peter.gomes on June 30, 2012, 09:50:57 PM
Hi Anwar,

Thanks for the link read it & got a Good IDEA .

What I have is an old Feild Force 7 SUPER -FP-T7UAPS PCM 1024 with a Futaba Rx FP -R137GP
7 channel which is not in use.Therefore thought of handing over this TX/RX to my son(who is the next aeromoedeller after me) as I learnt aeromodelling on this TX/RX.

But I think I will use throttle stick (left side i.e up & down) for controllig the Forward & reverse motion of the car & use the Ailerion stick (right side i.e left to right) for controlling the turns of the cars .Will give expo & also reduce the throws ,Any experts on Cars,pls advise

Again what a surprise,Today I came home in the evening & seen the parcel from the post.The Car arrived (Turnigy 1/16 Brushless 4WD Short Course Truck w/ 25Amp System).Shipped on 19.6.2012 & reached me today-11 days-great.Our post office is improving.

Any Suggestion or advise is still welcomed

Regards Peter

Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: anwar on June 30, 2012, 09:53:31 PM
Quote from: peter.gomes on June 30, 2012, 09:50:57 PM
But I think I will use throttle stick (left side i.e up & down) for controllig the Forward & reverse motion of the car & use the Ailerion stick (right side i.e left to right) for controlling the turns of the cars .

The would be the natural way of using the sticks, keeping in mind future aircraft flying also.
Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: peter.gomes on June 30, 2012, 10:33:15 PM
Dear Anwar,

Yes I've that in mind because if my son is really insterested in Aeromodelling then he would be well versed with the Stick movement & the sensivity of TX with RX.   

Thanks for the solution

Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: rajathv8 on June 30, 2012, 11:00:06 PM
It may not be convenient to use a stick without spring loaded centring for throttle control of the car. You will need a single stick for forward and reverse control.
Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: peter.gomes on July 01, 2012, 09:11:25 PM
Dear Raja,

Today I sat the TX & RX but could not calibrate the Tx the way I thought as in my below mail.

I had to use Elevator channel (up & down ) for Forward & back word motion.that was taken care but there is a suddent jump you move the stick up,very fast or back also is very fast.Some what front back movement is some what managed.

Problem was with the Front sterring (Left & right) which I put the servoes lead in Alerion,since the servoes are small ,movement is also restricted,it hardly having any movement not even 5 mm,left or right.Increased the ATV to 120 both side, situation ightly improved,gave it sub trim also -problem of
Front sterring (Left & right) s not solved

How much does the servo travel ?after removig the joint bolt from the servo arm which is connected to front both wheels & then made movement of servos with Arm only -its quite free & moves at least 1 cm but when connected to connecting rod with servoes arm then the movement is slow & restricted , I then checked the connecting rod to both wheels are slightly stiff & I had to force it manaully hlding both wheels,its not so free.

Any suggestion,pls advise


Post by: peter.gomes on July 24, 2012, 03:23:20 PM
Dear All,

Finally I bought the TX (Hobby King GT-2 2.4Ghz 2Ch Tx & Rx )for the car
& Fixed the RX to the car & completed all connection ,the Stering servoes responds ok but when I press the trottle for front motion or back then  it does start a little for a second or two & then give stops & gives a beep sound after every one second  but there is still control on servo then I swtich off the car & re -start it but problem is the same.(Normal start up Tx first ON then RX & when pack up time FIRST RX is off & then TX)

Do you need to bring down any Throttle trim to zero or any thing else to keep the car moving ??? or is it a ESC fault ? As for electric planes

Twice it did work  well & the car ran for 20 minutes  but again after I charge the battery & connect to car then the same problem occurs.my son was pretty  upset as he has waited for more than 1 month for this car.

Any solution ,pls help

regards Peter   
Title: Re: Futaba TX & RX for CARS
Post by: rajathv8 on July 28, 2012, 11:52:59 PM
Is the problem seen only when a fully charged battery is used?
Did you try using a different batter?