HELLO! From America! - Any drifters here ?

Started by gokemidoro, December 16, 2010, 11:54:37 PM

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Quote from: iamahuman on December 19, 2010, 11:04:09 AM
Drifting represents coolness and the modern culture(pink hair,spikes,blah blah) :)

I'll be back.


I didn't post this thread for drift to be ridiculed.

Off road is fine for some. I don't particularly like the idea of spending money replacing parts. Maybe that's just me, but I  won't waste my time making fun of anyone who thinks nothing of it.

I like drift, because it represents a higher skill level. In modeling and driving.

Newcomers are always welcome, to my way of thinking, because they want to be a part of something that is not all about destruction, which the "modern" RC enthiusiast seems to embrace with an arrogant attitude akin to elitism.

Rally, as well, is a representation of refined off-road skill. It is why nearly all drifters are rally enthusiasts. Those Ken Bolock vids? It's where we drifters would like to see RC drift advance to.  That's skill, people.

So, all you drifters, and prospective drifters, SPEAK UP, let's talk. Don't just be another number on the view count.

I'll be waiting...........


Hey,really sorry if I hurt you man.I was not poking fun at drifting there nor was I making fun of drifters.Sure,it is a skill not many people have.If I have offended drifters or you in any way,I am really sorry man.No harm intended.(I did think that my post would go a little overboard).

Your enthusiasm,knowledge,skill and knowledge is totally appreciated by me and everyone here.I hope that there is no bad blood between us here.I just used my right to free speech a little too much and was a little too open in my views.And once again,I really respect drifters and rallyists and I meant no harm to you or any other people.

Anwar sir,if you think whatever I have written is inappropriate,please inform me and I will remove my comments immediately.As far as I think,I have not made any derogatory comments again anyone or any group of people.

I just hope we get over this 'misunderstanding' as I would like to think of it and have friendly discussions this thread and forum are meant for.I also hope none of my comments have shown elitism.When I said that offroad is preferred in India,I was not being mean to on-road racers.I have total respect for all hobbyists and one of the videos I posted totally shows that I am not biased towards any particular type of racing.(replies numbered 95 and 96 here)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


No, No offense taken.

I want to see if there are any serious about the drift bug, for my friend who lives in Bangalore. He and I have had many conversations (still ongoing), and I would like him to have an opportunity to get to know, and drift with, fellow RCer's who are like minded.
There are many arrogant commenters at American drift forums (and a few European ones, as well), so I can be a little sensitive to comments that "seem" like those at those forums in question. Don't think I am perturbed in any way. I just think a little curiosity goes farther than humor sometimes. Ridicule is a big thing here, in America, and some here think they are being clever, when all they are being is insulting. You are far from that, my friend, so don't think you have been derogatory at all!

My friend is a little reserved, as I am coming to the conclusion many in the RC community in India are. The ratio of comments to number of views bears this out. I would like all who are curious about drift to please comment, and feel free to ask questions of me, or any other commenter, because I feel we all have something to contribute!  ;)

My last comment was not aimed at you in particular. I hope you can forgive any misunderstanding we may have had, and continue to bring more into the hobby, as I know there are far more interested in RC than are currently posting comments. I can see from the myriad threads here, at RCIndia, that there is a wealth of information that is not being tapped.

So let us continue on, and I welcome your input, as I may not be able to answer questions at lightning speed, and welcome any with info and/or answers to questions to do so in my stead!


Sure.Just felt a little bad that I thought that I had hurt you.

What is your friend's name in Bangalore?I am guessing that his username is 'Rocky-Balboa'.He is a member here too.

Coming to the ratio of views to comments,many of the views come form google and other spiders.(Anwar sir can give you a better explanation).Many of the rc car owners do not become members of this forum due to their independence.(I am not saying that aircraft and heli guys are dependent)but the car guys do not share a lot of information on open forums.They are more in number on facebook.airplane and heli guys like to share more information and get together probably because there are fewer of them compared to car guys.

I am quite serious about drifting too.would love to own a drifter some day.

And after reading this.our misunderstanding is OVER.We are friends again(I hope so)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: iamahuman on December 19, 2010, 06:10:18 PM
Many of the rc car owners do not become members of this forum due to their independence.(I am not saying that aircraft and heli guys are dependent)but the car guys do not share a lot of information on open forums.They are more in number on facebook.airplane and heli guys like to share more information and get together probably because there are fewer of them compared to car guys.

Quite true Gandhar, BTW there are a lot more plane guyz than car guyz up here in India as far as i know.

And yes, many of them do not come to forum either because they are too busy, or they are too lazy to come up here and share their information, or they are too satisfied driving alone that they do not need company.
I'll be back.


Quote from: iamahuman on December 19, 2010, 06:10:18 PM
Many of the rc car owners do not become members of this forum due to their independence.

Heheh! Drifters are all about being independent, in their own way. Shows in their rides, of which I have yet to see two look exactly the same!  :)
Here is another example of how people get together, to improve the drift experience!

My personal favorite is the green "dub" truck!


Here are pics of my last endeavor, that was mentioned in my fifth post.


A touring car chassis (Losi JRXS Type "R") modded for drift with just drift-specific wheels and tires! Nothing more! :D


A proper and probably appropriate nomenclature would be the word 'sideways' in japanese.If I heard it right on google translate,it is 'yokuni'.Since drifting started out in Japan,a Japanese word to express drift would make for a great name.

There is.........Doriftu, or Dori, for short! :)


Yeah.IF anyone makes a drifter with these names,we can claim a right to having them.

BTW,what do you think is harder?RC drifting or 1:1 drifting?
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


1:1 drift, DEFINITELY!!

When you crash an RC drifter, it's just a few scrapes on a polycarbonate body. Crash a 1:1, it hits you HARD in the wallet!!

Learning curve-wise, same. RC is just left and right hands. 1:1, it's your whole body. There's a lot more going on, inside a 1:1 drifter!

I spent enough on street racing as a kid, so I realize the expense. the time I spent becoming proficient at racing was 20 times the monetary expenditure, though!  ;D


I think rc drift is about the magic of fingers but real scale drift will require the whole body to be very coordinated. Moreover steering at that high pace is an uphill task.
I'll be back.


Well then,my brother beat me again.We compared Ken Block's ultimate gymkhana videos and I showed him the first video you posted.But RC drifting would probably be quite as hard as 1:1 drifting(what the Korean guys did) since you are not in the car.

Which car did you use and mod as a street racer?
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


I'll be back.


I was asking about his 1:1 car.

He uses a Losi JRXS Type "R" right now from what he has said.BTW,it is a touring car chassis.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Thanks gokemidoro for the wonderful posts. And Your Ofna chassis looks wonderful and purpose-built looking at the mid-ship motor.

Thanks Iamahuman, it takes a man to apologise, You actually dont need to. And Yes it is me that gokemidoro has been mentioning in his posts.

I havent started drifting yet, have ordered and yet-to-collect the HPI Sprint 2. I will be starting a thread on my Sprint2 and welcome everyone on the forum to contribute on drifting/ rallying setups and tips. I have to mention that, gokemidoro has been my inspiration and guru, never shying-away from answering all novice question I have posted him. It will be great fun to learn and drift, with such experience on the forum.


Hangar : Please see my introduction.
RC India forum and me : About this forum.


Drift lovers in Bangalore, Good news. You will have an onroad track soon. I am helping a friend get an onroad car. Once thats done, things should happen fast.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


That's great news!
Do you have any idea where it is coming?

Finally, we can see some on-road action in India! (Unless there is already som on-road track in India)

Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


I am happy to see things beginning to roll!!

Welcome, Rocky, my friend!! :)


I used a 72' Mercury Capri (also known as Ford in some countries), with a German V-6 mated to a five-speed Japanese transmission. All custommade parts were machined by me and a friend who happened to make the first monster truck in California (long before anyone ever heard the name "Bigfoot")! There are laws in California in place today, dealing with tire size, vehicle height, etc., because of him! :D
Naw, RC drift is easier than 1:1, because you can see how far away from things you are, in 1:1, you must have exceptional depth perception to be able to come as close to things as Ken Block does, without damaging the car, and if you notice in the L'Autodrome vid, he does actually hit something a couple of times.


Rocky is my friend, and now everyone knows why.  :)


That's great news!!! :)  Will anyone start a club or alliance?! It would be great to see drifters and prospective drifters get together, share building and customizing tips and tricks, compare drift styles, and build cameraderie!  :D  Really great news!!


Great News!, mail4ajo.

Is Your friend already on this forum? Would love to see him start posting about his RC. And no matter where the track is coming up in Bangalore, it would be a boost for on-track RCs. Thanks for the news.


Ajo you have any further info on the track?


Official Distributor for LRP Products.
Official Dealer for Traxxas.


Where is the track coming up?I heard about North Bangalore beinga possible location.If it is,it should be quite close to where I live.

And guys,my name is Gandhar  ;).Thanks for your words Rocky_Balboa and Anwar sir. :)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: iamahuman on December 21, 2010, 05:58:27 PM
Where is the track coming up?I heard about North Bangalore beinga possible location.If it is,it should be quite close to where I live.

Is it the same track u told me of on the phone..?
I'll be back.



I believe the first one to produce an on-road vid will be the first in India!! I have seen myriad off-road vids, even at Youtube, but nothing on-road (I do not count the guy spinning donuts with his nitro in a park). The first drift vid will be the first ever!    :thumbsup: