m new to cars nd i need to buy a 1/8th scale nitro buggy for a college race.
confused between these four buggies (all are used)
-Hpi trophy 3.5 (RTR)
-Thunder tiger eb4 g2 (RTR)
-Kyosho inferno neo (neo1) (RTR)
-ofna ultra Lx2 with kyosho .28 engine (ARR)
Which will be best for off road college racing?
all are under 15k
Thanks :hatsoff:
Hi Gagan. If you are new to Nitros then it ll be really difficult for you to manage these beasts. Nitros require some basic knowledge and a load of patience. But if you already had your hands on Nitros then I would suggest you to go with HPI. HPI is a well known brand (others too are), you may get the parts for HPI in India easily comparing to the other models. Since you ll not just be running the car, you ll also Bash, hence you might be needing the parts sooner or later.