Help me decide on a RC Car in a budget of 20k

Started by shashank, March 19, 2011, 03:59:25 AM

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If the manufacturer doesn't provide a turbo its best left as it is. I don't think its a good idea to go for an after-market turbo  :)
Ritz diesel has the "national engine" 1.3 multijet from Fiat.
Traxxas Revo 3.3


BTW back to the topic to be discussed, my manual reading has gone pretty well. 30/47 pages done. Hopefully finish the remaining by 5 :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


lol.. The question not how many pages you finished. The question is how much you remember :p

btw, aftermarket turbo installation is not a taboo these days. Red Rooster does a fabulous job! Don't ask me how I know ;)
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


How much i remember is a big question mark. Lets see how much i understand when he explains all of it.  :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


lol.. nitro is not as difficult as people make it out to be. Just ensure that you see smoke. Contrary to life, smoke means things are safe in a nitro engine. You don't really have to tune it to perfection. Run it a tad rich.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Guys lets not deviate the topic from its title....It might get a lil dizzy for others.
Why not start a new one... ;)
I'll be back.


Its been sometime since i posted. Was out of town for 2 days. The revo has done about 8 tanks. One word sums up my experience. MIND BLOWING! Tried tuning the high speed needle after the 8th tank and its almost uncontrollable. The beast unleashed! Revo 3.3 came to life !! Hope to take it to the track tomorrow :) else i'll build my own track here  :P
Traxxas Revo 3.3


@traxxrc1: Sure :) may be i should start a new thread to put down my experience with the Revo
Traxxas Revo 3.3


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.