Help me decide on a RC Car in a budget of 20k

Started by shashank, March 19, 2011, 03:59:25 AM

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Hope to finalize it tomorrow ! :) Its been going on for long now
Traxxas Revo 3.3


On your earlier query about converting a 2wd slash to a 4x4,its highly unlikely.The reason is that the chassis on the slash 4x4 is very different compared to the 2wd one.You can get the brushed 2wd for now and go bl+lipo later or you can push your budget a little and get a slash 4x4.You will have trouble maxxing a mt on your terrace.

On all that has been going on about cheating and blah blah,I'm sure you won't be cheated if you go with the right guys and the right guys always have good reviews. ;)
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Yup. didi some research online. Its very expensive and easier to buy 4x4 only. Its almost impossible to believe that they share nothing in common ! WOW
Traxxas Revo 3.3


I hope you'll bite the bullet today!

About the 4x4 - I doubt you'll miss it. I may be horribly wrong, but I feel two wheel drives will give you better control cause you can brake and turn into a corner by flicking the back out. But 4x4 certainly helps if you're driving on lose dirt or climbing an incline etc.

If ever you feel the need for an upgrade get a BL and then a decent LiPo. Get a freshly painted Shell with some nice wheels and tyres and you effectively have a new car! That's the fun of having a high end RC!

But IF you can stretch the budget, get the 4x4.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Ok. So one demo is all it took to decide i want a nitro for sure ! No electrics for me. As good as electrics are, nothing matches the sound of a nitro when it changes gears !! It gives a more realistic feel to using the car.

It starts all over again  >:D I'm back to square one. Right from choice available to budget everything changes  :banghead:

Current options:
T-maxx 3.3
Revo 3.3 (it'll ask for doubling my budget  :o)
HPI Savage...not sure of options available here or the prices
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Quote from: iamahuman on March 21, 2011, 08:17:30 AM
Still,get the slash 4x4.Electrics are faster and are the future. :P ;D

Also,nitro+beginner doesn't make for a great combination. ;D

i would tend to disagree with this. i was a complete novice when i purchased the Savage 4.6 nitro. i definitely needed support from Rahul who i bought it from. once i got an idea, its smooth operating all the way.

so do not shy away from nitro. electrics are fast and great but the noise and feel of nitros are way better!

HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


Quote from: shashank on March 23, 2011, 12:51:37 PM
Current options:
T-maxx 3.3
Revo 3.3 (it'll ask for doubling my budget  :o)
HPI Savage...not sure of options available here or the prices

as you know, i bought the savage... its great and is tons of fun, but it costs more. i bought it for 30k.
you could go for the t-maxx. its pretty fast and has a nice chassis. but.... its not as robust as a savage. and its much cheaper..

hope this helps


HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


but, my advice would be to make your first rc vehicle is a monster truck...

HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


Quote from: shashank on March 23, 2011, 12:51:37 PM
nothing matches the sound of a nitro when it changes gears !!

Finally you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel!! All the three trucks you've listed are really good. I would say Savage is the most Bashworthy. But the Revo is ultimate for the tracks and can take quite a bashing itself! The T-Maxx is right in between. All three look kinda alike, sound kinda alike but drive differently. The Savage in stock form is not great for racing but its more forgiving if you crash. Which you most certainly will.

If you have the money, get the Revo. Else go for the Savage. One important thing to keep in mind when choosing this is the complete cost to get it running. With the Revo, you just need the fuel, batteries for the tx and you're ready to go. With the Savage you need to get a Glow Kit, Battery and Fuel. But the overall cost will not be that different between the two models.

If you need more info on the Savage, give a call to Manoj. He's the distributor for HPI in Bangalore. And Jayanth is the guy for anything Traxxas.

As always whichever you get, you will not be disappointed.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


@shutterX: Thanks for your suggestion. You are right about the t-maxx being cheaper but. the difference is around 4-5k not very significant in my opinion.

@tassem:Yes! You are right i just heard the sound at the end of the tunnel  :P

From all your suggestions i understand this:

Ultimate for racing and decent amount of bashing: Revo 3.3
Ultimate for Bashing and not good on track: Savage 4.6
Jack of both: T-maxx

My thoughts are, when i am spending as much as 30k on a RC it makes sense to get something which is the best in one category and decent in others. so i am not very keen on buying the T-maxx. With either the Revo or the savage i will have to wait for a few months to be able to get them as it is 30k plus. Based on what i like i will decide and buy  :) also the difference between a Revo and the Savage is hardly anything  :)

Please feel free to correct me if my understanding of what each truck is good for, is wrong.
Traxxas Revo 3.3


I'm glad you're choosing between the Revo and Savage.

You can't really say that the Savage is not good on track. What you can say is that its not 'as' good as the Revo. And that too only at times. What the Savage loses in terms of track stability, it makes up for in brute strength. Then again to truly compare the track ability of these trucks, you need to be an expert driver who can push them to their limits. Else they'll both be the same for you.

Look at it this way. Both of these trucks are excellent platforms for upgrades. And both of these trucks will deliver big time! Whichever you get, you can upgrade it to be the best of both worlds. And always remember that in any R/C car, the weakest link is usually the driver ;)
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


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agreed. but revo has a lower cg plus is lighter.. it should be better on the track.. but who wants to race these? these are monster trucks.. if you want a racer.. get a buggy or truggy...

HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


Just had a word with the HPI dealer. he says the Savage is not gonna be available until May, all sold out :banghead:

I really want to see it once as i've already seen a revo and then decide on which truck i'm getting. Offcourse, in any case i've to wait for a month or two to make the purchase  :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Did you speak with Manoj? When I picked up my Savage, he still had one left with him. If you just want to see it, I'm sure we can meet up one of the weekends so that you can check it out.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Quote from: shashank on March 23, 2011, 09:11:03 PM
Just had a word with the HPI dealer. he says the Savage is not gonna be available until May, all sold out :banghead:

savage 2011 is gonna be nothing less than 40,000.


Quote from: himank on March 23, 2011, 09:24:15 PM
savage 2011 is gonna be nothing less than 40,000.

I doubt that it'll be that high. You mean the XL? The X has no significant upgrades to warrant that steep an increase in price. Except for the big bore shocks and the BP differential, there aren't any significant upgrades. They've played around with the colors of the aluminum parts and the wheels. But that's pretty much it I guess..

Are there any more upgrades?
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


@Himank: The dealer said nothing like that. he infact said it'll be priced similar may be a bit less too.

@Tassem: Yes i spoke to him only. he sold the last one this monday!!! My bad luck  :( we can sure meet up . Where do you stay ?
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Oh ok.. I didn't know that he sold it. I stay at K Narayanpura near Hennur Gate. Its about 7 km from Kammanahalli.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Wow! that about ~25km from my house. When can we meet up?
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


cool... btw. i might be visiting blore soon.. when and where do rc folks meet and play? ill make it a point to meet up with you folks...

HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


Hmmm.. I haven't really met anyone yet :D I just came to know a week ago that R/C is big in India! But I'm sure there will be events comin up soon.
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Traxxas Revo 3.3

above the limt

Bro- Mr. Biju is selling his Savage and MP777 buggy.. Let me know if you are interested.. Will get a deal done for you :)
*Jammin X2CR Pro
*Jammin X2CRT
*Nexx8 - Electric Buggy


@abovethelimit: I want a nitro for sure but I haven't decided between the savage or the revo.since I am new to nitro I would like to buy new only. Thanks for the offer :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3