Help me decide on a RC Car in a budget of 20k

Started by shashank, March 19, 2011, 03:59:25 AM

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@himank: please refrain from making claims unless you have personally gone through it.
               Even you if you have personally gone through it, do not forget it could be your mistake.
               T-maxx is a great truck and the new traxxas 3.3 engine is by far the most easiest engine to
               work on in any aspect.
               If you do not know to run properly and do not follow precautions and advice and damn
               car will break.
               DO NOT MISLEAD the RC community by YOUR  biased claims and unwarranted suggestions.
               if you want to do that, please find some other forum!!!


Official Distributor for LRP Products.
Official Dealer for Traxxas.


Still,get the slash 4x4.Electrics are faster and are the future. :P ;D

Also,nitro+beginner doesn't make for a great combination. ;D
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


electrics might be a little faster, no doubt.
But it also depends on the interest.
The burning smell of nitro, the sound of the revving engine, listening to the music of the engine in its entire  RPM range... unmatchable...

Nitro + beginner + support = great combination!!!  :) {:)}

Official Distributor for LRP Products.
Official Dealer for Traxxas.


Hey man.Let him get a slash.All of us can race together.With you,Divyam and already having one,one more slash is gonna help.Too many nitros out there(aggressive conversion tactics) ;) :P

Also,the slash is more of an all rounder compared to the T-Maxx.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Lol. Didn't log in for a few hours and i see so much activity :)

Quote from: jayanth on March 21, 2011, 08:36:59 AM
The burning smell of nitro, the sound of the revving engine, listening to the music of the engine in its entire  RPM range... unmatchable...

PRECISELY!!! there's nothing like the sound of a nitro! Electrics just don compare no matter what. I love the grunt of the diesel engines in REAL cars, so once i watched a few videos on the nitro i simply loved it for the sound. But then again, i have to consider neighbors tolerance levels too. They really wont like it if every night they're woken up by the sound of a nitro charging down the road at midnight!! :P :giggle:

Anyway, final decision after i get a hands-on experience :) cant wait till evening, getting restless already!
Traxxas Revo 3.3


FYI i have owned both Tmaxx 2.5 and 3.3 much before you even took a trx dealership, and i have been a big trx fan but would be open enough to tell u that the trx 3.3 's needles stop reacting after a while, and not only its me saying this but a lot many others have same problem.
Secondaly, T-maxx is only good for racing, and is not strong, if u still think its strong, open a poll on this forum, let see what others feel.
IMAO i dont mislead anyone since there is no profit for me in it, but a dealer can surely do that (NOM).
N i am no beginner in rc, to crash cars and claim them bad.


Quote from: mail4ajo on February 15, 2011, 12:46:55 AM

The engine has good power, but is not very tune friendly. Has a mind of it own, needles dont react after some time.... Used Traxxas engines can be replaced for a new one for peanuts. Will only suggest a better engine for serious use.

What do u have tosay now, is ajo a beginner...? lol


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.



Do not forget that the sole intention of us being an LHS is to support / guide RC hobbyists and not make a living out of it !!!!
If our intention was to make money, then i sure would not be running and RC LHS !! LOl

Opinions are not to be taken by one or two people.
This doesn't mean that i'm saying Ajo's words are not true.
Do check on some international forums as well before blindly concluding.

BTW, it doesn't take a beginner to break an RC car!!

I do not have to open a poll, as i know what that car is capable of.
If you need it for your clarification, you can do so.

Just for your reference, from the same post you quoted, from Ajo itself, a few lines down below:

Traxxas is very focused on bashers and newbies. They have the best RTR package you can ask for, all included except fuel, radio battery


Official Distributor for LRP Products.
Official Dealer for Traxxas.


Quote from: jayanth on March 21, 2011, 02:28:16 PM
BTW, it doesn't take a beginner to break an RC car!!

Everyone makes mistakes!

Just drive both and pick the one which you like better! There's spares and support for both of them anyway! :)
Thunder Tiger Phoenix BX
Associated RC18T2/B2 Kit
Walkera 5G4Q3
TechOne Angel
Hiller 450 v2
Futaba 7c 2.4Ghz
Slash 4x4 (sold)


Best rtr r trx in terms of the free goodies they provide, but only for beginners.


hi folks,

as far as the t-max goes, i drove one last weekend and after so many savages, it seemed pretty cool for the price. but as many people said, its definitely not the most robust.

also, id suggest taking a look at the hpi bullet MT/ST. they are old but have the good f series motors.

@vorza owners - i wanted to know how this buggy is... please share if possible.

HPI Racing Savage X 4.6


@Shutter X - I can tell you that the vorza is one of the best RTR buggies out of the box. It has more than enough grunt to compete with the Pro level electric buggies. It comes with a tried and tested MMM esc/motor system. It is the same as the HB D8 so u can imagine the tuning options. You dont even need 1 modification to make it race ready (other than diff tuning to suit your driving style).

@Himank - Not all TRX products are only for beginers. The revo 3.3, e-revo BL are one of the best in the class with extensive tuning options available to make them pro level. I personally have a revo 3.3 and can tell you that no other monster truck will keep up on track due to the handling. Also you comment about the Tmaxx being for racing is wrong, it is for bashing only, the revo is for racing.

Also remember that 90% of the people involved in the commercial aspect of the hobby including jayanth,kapil,manoj,murli etc are doing it because of passion and nothing else. It is a 4th and 5th business. if it was the our bread and butter we would have been homeless by now. So not everything done in India is for profit, it is to support and see the hobby grow in India.
*Garage is Empty*

Madness begins in March 2012!!!!!!


Quote from: Siddharth on March 21, 2011, 06:12:34 PM

Also remember that 90% of the people involved in the commercial aspect of the hobby including jayanth,kapil,manoj,murli etc are doing it because of passion and nothing else. It is a 4th and 5th business. if it was the our bread and butter we would have been homeless by now. So not everything done in India is for profit, it is to support and see the hobby grow in India.

{:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} :salute: :salute:

VERY well said.
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


Quote from: iamahuman on March 21, 2011, 08:00:01 PM
VERY well said.

Unfortunately some people do not seem to understand that think otherwise!

Official Distributor for LRP Products.
Official Dealer for Traxxas.


Since I am being quoted here, a few thoughts from me:

I think looking at the needs, Slash 2WD is a good option. It should fit in your budget. You can seriously upgrade it also later. Jammin SCRT is a great handler from what I saw in the 702 indoor track, Vegas. But I think you should not bash it. But I seriously suggest, DO NOT drive on your terrace however big it is. Its a safety hazard for both you and your car. A car I sold was run off the terrrace and almost broke everything when it landed.

On the TRX 3.3 engine, YES its not the best one around, but certainly a good RTR one. Lots of power, on demand wheelies on high traction surface etc. But tuning will get you irritated, tuning keeps changing, takes time to respond etc. As I always say, Revo best for racing, Savage best for bashing. This is my own experience.

Its a use and throw engine, rather use and replace with new engine. If TRX india can get the engine replacement gaurantee (which they have in US) to India, will be great. But its a distant dream.

On LHS, I will reserve my comments except that they have to be more competitive by bringing in more volumes. LHS can respond by saying buy only from us and we will be competitive. So its like a chicken and egg story. But unless higher volumes come, price and sales will remain what it is. I believe only lower prices can attract more people to the hobby.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


But the prices are quite close to international prices, aren't they?
"Chuck Norris once overcharged a lipo. Thank him for the Sun."

SSC LCG Slash 4x4.
JQ THE eCar.


@mail4ajo: Sir, thanks for your suggestion. Will consider the 2WD option too. Saves me on upfront investment and its always nice to modify it after sometime, and will keep me interested for long. However is it possible to make a 2WD a 4WD later when i feel the need for it ?

I do not feel good about bringing up the comparision b/w slash and t-maxx. It has led to a lot of personal attacks on members which was uncalled for, and totally unnecessary.

The main objective of ANY business is a profit motive. It will be called charity and not business if it is done without any profit. It is but reasonable to assume that they will make profits but the margin is very less. I can vouch for hobbyists helping out fellow hobbyists who are new or are trying to enter the hobby by opening dealerships/importing stuff at competitive prices etc.My personal experience. I imported a fish from Singapore through a friend i met online last year. He got me the fish for the same price as i would've got it from spore after bribing the customs authorities. Not a rupee extra! I say this because i checked with the shops in singapore and my relative's friend works in customs bangalore airport, he asked for a bribe to clear it quickly, else the fish would die in the packet itself. :banghead:

I am STILL waiting for someone to give me the contacts of HPI in blore. Lol. Hope i get it before i buy my truck :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Buddy being very frank to everyone, i should not say this, but in this hobby, there are a lot many people who are trying there best to fool you up and thugs off all your money, i faced this and so am telling u without being particular to anyone above since i havent dealt with any of them.


Quote from: Siddharth on March 21, 2011, 06:12:34 PM

@Himank - . Also you comment about the Tmaxx being for racing is wrong, it is for bashing only, the revo is for racing.

Kapil jolly told me that savage is pure bashers type while t-maxx is not for a basher, its for more racing compared to a savage.
Are you trying to point him wrong. NOM to anyone>>>>


@ himank: You are right. There are always people who try to cheat you and take you for a ride. I am thankful to you for sharing your experience as it helps me be more careful. But it is also wrong to genralise right? For all you know there may be some true sellers without any ulterior motives out there. It is sad to hear that you had such bad experiences. Hope such people are eliminated from the hobby.

Anyway, in general nitro's are too loud to be run around near your home unless your neighbors are OK with it. In most cases they wont :(

@shutterx: hey u bought the savage right? I'm sure it must be awesome :) can you give me the contact of the person whom u got it from in blore.Thanks
Traxxas Revo 3.3



The T-Maxx has no reliability issues. All nitros come with a certain amount of maintenance. It's just the price you pay for the immense fun they have on tap. Electrics may be faster, but Nitro will always be Nitro.

Having said that, I would advise against getting a very fast model like the rustler vxl because the area you mentioned is simply too small. One runaway and you will have several broken parts. Running a monster truck on a terrace is not much fun as you will not be able to get the most out of it.

Given the current scenario, the Slash 4x4 would be your best best. I don't like the way it looks but that doesn't change the fact that its a great car. If your budget stops you, get the brushed version. You will still be happy with it. And you always have the option of going brushless + LiPo in future since the Slash is ready for upgrades.

Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!


Quote from: Tassem on March 21, 2011, 11:34:40 PM
If your budget stops you, get the brushed version. You will still be happy with it. And you always have the option of going brushless + LiPo in future since the Slash is ready for upgrades.

Seems like you posted straight out of my mind ! Its exactly what i have in mind :) i'll tell you how i feel about the looks when i look at it in flesh. Hopefully tomorrow :)
Traxxas Revo 3.3


Good luck! I hope you find your dream car soon. Both Jayanth and Manoj are extremely helpful and will make it easy for you to decide. If you need Jayanth's number lemme know and I'll pm you. He has a Slash 4x4 of his own so you can see it run as well.

The best part is that, whatever car you decide, you will be happy. What people tend to forget is that R/C has advanced so much these days that we're really comparing the best among the best. Pretty much all vehicles from the stables of the major manufacturers are superbly engineered. But we as users have advanced a lot and are now in a position to judge and that just makes it difficult!

I have never driven a bad R/C in my life. They're all fun! Some more than others, but all fun! That includes the 1500 bucks cars that you can get in landmark, sapphire etc! We're boys and toys will always leave us grinning from ear to ear!! ;)
Terrain? If I cant Slash it, I'll Savage it!!