Hi.. Friends Please help me to select MT (HPI , TT or Traxx Brand) Delhi

Started by agent47, February 23, 2011, 11:23:35 AM

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Quote from: iamahuman on February 24, 2011, 08:13:18 PM
Oh,didn't know that it was the other way round.Thanks for correcting me Ajo :)
@agent47:So,I guess you will have made a choice then?
You are also correct, AE designed it, TT makes it since they own AE
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


Yeah more or less with sledge hammer s50 , as mail4ajo said parts availability is good and heavy with metal parts this is all what i need!! and as I am petrol/nitro head and dont mind having my hands dirty i think i can go with it BTw 8.5 cc is huge torque to handle!!


If you have decided on getting a TT look at the S28 instead of the S50. It is a better choice since the engine is a lot more responsive, better effeciency, easier to tune and longer lasting.

If you still want to consider other brands look at the HPI Savage, Traxxas Tmaxx and Revo as they way more superior to the TT mosters in almost every aspect. Im Ajo will also agree. Savage is the best basher with complete spares, hop up support in india, tmaxx great for price, revo is a good racer.

All the above cars in my opinion are superior to the TT monster trucks.
*Garage is Empty*

Madness begins in March 2012!!!!!!


Sid, I second that. S28 is a better choice. But starting the engine is a pain with that damn pullstart which you will break soon. Get a Drill start. I have one lying around. ;D

There is nothing like the Traxxas RTR packages in the market, simply superb. Savage, toughest MT in town...period.

TTs, I would suggest if you are on a tight budget or need the local LHS support. I know of so many people who buy TTS only because their LHS gives good support for the brand.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


I have been reading this thread and second Ajo's words about reliability. Also I am not sure if many people know that Thunder Tiger (TT) actually owns Team Associated... TT's Phoenix ST II is actually Team Associated RC10T3. Now TA has launched RC10T4.1 in US.

I have been using TT Phoenix ST II for nearly a year now and I see a lot of reliability in it. Lot of adjustment possibility too in suspension settings.

My two cents
TT Phoenix ST-II  - Stock
Reely Blaze 4WD Truck - Stock


TT owns AE but not really sure that they make them as well since TT's are made in Taiwan or somewhere like that.

But man, you cant compare a phoenix and a T4. T4 rtr stock hits 30mph out of the box. Phoenix hardly hits 23mph.
Plus phoenix had a lot of issues with, front shocks being the biggest disappointment.
A lot of thing depend on how you drive the car.

IMO, TT is good for money, but no where close to AE quality

BTW AE's B4 costs $190 while Phoenix bx costs $110, do i need to say more....;D

I'll be back.


Quote from: adknat on March 02, 2011, 12:41:02 PM

TT's Phoenix ST II is actually Team Associated RC10T3.

I think they just look the same. I doubt if the parts are same. I also think RC10 is made in the US compared to phoenix in taiwan.
*Mugen Seiki MBX7 with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen Seiki MBX6T M-Spec with Novarossi P5 engine*
*Mugen MBX6 Eco with Mamba Monster 2200kv*
*HPI Mini Recon with BL system*
*Team Losi 1/24 rally*
*Team Associated RC8 onroad GT Car, Team Orion power system coming soon...
*Hobbyking 1/18 Rally Extreme BL*
*Sanwa MT-4 radio*
Previously owned - Mugen Seiki MBX6 M-Spec, Thunder Tiger MTA4 S50, ST-1, Sparrowhawk XB, HPI BAJA 5Bss, TRAXXAS REVO 3.3


Ya TT factory is in Taiwan, though they seem to have a new factory now
I'll be back.


hi Agent,

i am also very new to the forum and RC in general.

as it happens, i just made my first RC purchase last week. but i had done lot of detailed research regarding the brands and spoke to many of the pro folks here in RCI. here are some of my findings.

TT - if you want an MT, stay away from TT. as it happens, they make far better buggies and truggies than MTs. (read AE).

trassas - as far as traxxas goes. they have pretty good cars but the TMax is not one of them. if its gotta be traxxas, it might as well be the Revo 3.3....

HPI - i myself bought the savage 4.6.... i also had a budget similar to yours but then extended it to 30k for this lil devil. i have really done some crazy stuff with it but it doesnt bat an eyelid. hence i can vouch for the savage.

my original plan was to go for a buggy. i had planned for the HPI pulse, traxxas slayer (truck), GS Racing CL-1, etc. but since i was a beginner, some of the folks suggested the MT. since they are more durable and will crash it several times and not be bothered.

all other info other than my savage experience is from other folks and online research. hope it helped


HPI Racing Savage X 4.6