Good after noon all respected Modelers..
this one is my simple and humble attempt to realize a simple aero prop driven car.. recently i got lots of stuffs like motors,radios, servos and a lots from my Colleagues and officials.. ample of stuffs.. so lots of inspiration.. so, lots of inspiration + stuffs around.. recipe for newer crafts..
this one is not a toy..!! means, any craft driven with a high power ECM, attached with a propeller on it is so dangerous and extreme care should be taken all the while.. i request to all one attempting to make a craft, may be an rc plane, or any craft driven by a brushless or powerful brushed motor may be a car, or hovercraft, extra care, all the while.. and children are not allowed to operate these crafts unless they are so familiar with these types of crafts..
the configuration is simple.. i fixed a simple 7 inch prop on a brushless motor, in pusher configuration.. and simple.. :thumbsup:
we must take extreme care while adding a prop in pusher config, as the stud and caps are designed to cope with anti clock wise config..
here i took a motor, is 2600 RPM/Volts, 250 watts.. and fixed a 7 inch pro in pusher config..
the care is taken by all steps, locking every things with industrial cyano glue.. is a must.. and careful tightening is needed..
using propellers.. means must extra care.. so, must need high visibility tips.. sprayed fluorescent orange.. careful masking and spraying is needed..
wheels are the main ingredient of land based vehicles.. so, we have lots of scrapyards for plastic, gives us ample supply of toy wheels.. by wandering to scrapyards we will get various type toy wheels.. some are so good in quality.. and plastic scrap costs about 3 Rs/- for a kilogram..
it is easy to say.. we can get any kind and size of wheels.. :thumbsup:
here to avoid suspension, i am taking some extra rubbery tires..
every thing at hand.. time to go.. at first drilling a hole through the wheel hub center..
and adding bicycle spoke, in to 4 mm... with nipples as lock at tips..
i chose a long rear track for more stability.. and for greater control and to avoid complications, i took a toy steering mechanism, from a scraped toy, with wheels.. these also can get from scrapyards.. and no matter we can also make it all, but takes time..
the rear axle is nothing but some stiff foam board.. and the cycle spokes directly glued to the foam board, in cross cut manner.. to retain the extra stiffness..
the steering mechanism is attached.. and adding a servo is easier..
time to fix motor... we must use undulated washers to final fittings as this can prevent any slippage in working, as it vibrates.. this time.. for checking only..
the wires are taken in in a safe manner through the hole.. its a must as the motor is so powerful..
and time to test run..
everything on board.. she is so powerful.. and dismantlement for painting..
the chosen body work is so simple.. some angular box sections.. for reduction of the weight.. added spoiler and fins..
additinal reinforcements are must for each side of motor mountings.. because the motor is so powerful..
the entire chassis assy is painted in Matt black.. for easy cleaning..
final paintings.. used flamboyant painting schemes for a stunning view.. based on NC..
everything is back on mounting.. say again.. use undulated washers to retain the tightness of motor screws.. and lock it all with cyano..
time to add decals..
this time very little decals are added.. to retain simplicity.. decals from my V2 aircrafts..
and ready for maiden.. :thumbsup:
look how simple from all angles.. but she is a practical one..
she can go anywhere.. on beach.. on tarmac.. on sand.. but i afraid to pump her on gravel, as prop sucks the gravels in.. and can be a dangerous situation..
anyone can make this one.. while taking some care about propulsion.. total time of construction is about 2 hours.. and cost of the platform is about 100 Rs/-.. but she will fly if we add a wing structure over it.. its such powerful... :thumbsup: and here i gave a big zero importance about scale.. scale..? no scale.. but chosen alll dimensions for excellent performance.. thats the scale.. as thers no gearboxes, differentials, it is easy to go.. :thumbsup:
its so hard to control her with one hand, as one hand on camera.. so, i shifted the steering to 4th channel, in to same stick of throttle control.. still so fast to be disoriented.. still managed to shot short video alone.. see action.. :thumbsup:
Great build... And Awesome result... {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)} {:)}
I didnt expect this much smooth turns... while watching your buil log.. 8-)
which servos?
Lovely.....great car...
Awesome !!!!!
Really awesome piece of work. Roopesh ji always inspires me .
Hope i could also dedicate my entire life to Rc and my Hobby , Rather than working with different profession.
My hobby should have been be my Profession. >:(
Hatts off :hatsoff:
Without the build log, i would've easily mistaken it for an rtr buggy. Great work sir!
thank you all for the great inspiration.. again.. :salute:
Arun, the servos is an ordinary 9 gram micro.. from Hextronix.. is my ever trusted brand, after Futaba..and HK digital servo..
Swiz.. i am the one happiest.. as you mentioned..
Veloci.. thanks again.. be inspired.. and make crafts.. but request again.. take extra precautions while RCying prop driven crafts.. :thumbsup:
Great idea and as you said -practical..simply love it {:)}
after a sabbatical you have come out with one master piece :hatsoff:
Quote from: veloci on February 01, 2013, 08:18:48 PM
Without the build log, i would've easily mistaken it for an rtr buggy. Great work sir!
me too
Excellent stuff.
Mr Roopesh
Congrats Great Creativity and Finishing
Thank you for giving this idea for us
:salute: {:)}
once again, a million thanks to you all respected Modelers..
Augustine Sir, there's no more time for sabbatical leave.. because my time is running out.. must be with my crude crafts.. thank you Sir..:salute: